- Patrick James Dunn Go make your cheesecake and forget about dreams! We dream about dreams here in Simi Valley while we are slaving away cooking two turkeys, rolling meatballs and baking pecan tarts! We don't need No Stinkin' Dreamers Round Here!
It sounds as though you're enjoying
family gatherings immensely. Such a bonus that the riding is good as
well. It has been a very quiet holiday for us. We drove Jenny to the
airport last night and were very sad to see her
go. I think she had a wonderful time with brothers and friends and she
exercised with me on several occasions. The 3 of them gave us a large
screen TV for Christmas. My reaction, of course, was - 'What do we do
with the old one?' Certainly good for watching
Haven't heard from George for a
while. I think he must be skiing. The weather hasn't been suitable for
cycling and the last time we were out was on Christmas Eve - good ride
to UBC/Iona. Frosty this morning and I'm hoping
we have a few dry days so I can dig the garden over.
A friend from Perth contacted me
recently. He and Jim Brownlee have been the best of friends since school
days. Dave and Judith are visiting here in May and it will be nice to
have them stay with us. Unfortunately, Sylvia
will be in England most of the time they are in Vancouver. Not sure if
Dave rides now as he has had at least 2 hip surgeries. He was a very
good squash and rugby player.
With some time on my hands, I've
done lots of reading. Corinne might enjoy 'Defending Jacob' by William
Landay. Now reading 'A Wanted Man' by Lee Child (a Jack Reacher novel)
which is not that great.
Finally succumbed to the purchase
of a new helmet - Giro (Savant). At least Sylvia didn't worry about the
colour. Bought it from the shop on Broadway to the west of Arbutus. It's
quite a refreshing approach in there - not
the high pressure sales tactics you get in some other stores.
Hope your journeys continue to be as interesting.
Happy New Year, Ray
Thanks to everyone who came out Saturday night for our soft opening with Droog! Tonight we present our grand opening with Sander Kleinenberg
Raymond and Sylvia!![]() |
Trust you are both well and that preparations for bringing in the New Year are in place. For our part we will spend it here at 269 Fawn Valley Court, Simi Valley. Cora Lee and Rosita went shopping at Albertson's yesterday afternoon for steaks and lobster tails! When Ayn and Pierre heard about our dinner fare they invited themselves to partake of meal before returning to LA. Pierre will be working at Sound, the nightclub where he has been on security detail for last little while. (Apparently he is in particularly high demand, so to speak, because with his almost 7' stature he can see above the crowded floor and spot trouble brewing! As well, his personality is such that his manner is placative rather than testosterone fuelled aggression. Bit like Sarge in this respect. Their bulk and size don't hurt either, of course) For her part, Ayn has a date with her most recent amore, Rolando. We met him on Christmas Eve and we like him, to the extent that we know him. After dinner, the four of us will probably play a bit of bridge and watch the New Year's festivities on TV. We are hosting an Open House on New Year's Day. Many of Ayn's friends we've met over the course of the years and those of Los Horridos as well. Pleased that two women we sat beside at dinner at Ralph's in Healdsburg, a week or so ago now, will be coming up from Pasadena. Beatrice lives there and Patricia is now working in Healdsburg. She is flying down for Rose Bowl Parade, etc. We chatted about a possible house exchange as both would like to visit Vancouver. It would be terrific to have a place in wine country and I'd certainly love to show any of the Peleton who might want to visit the rides around the vineyards! I'm sure you would be comfortable on the smaller country lanes, Sylvia, so something to keep in mind if exchange transpires.
At any rate, will probably do some of the set-up for tomorrow after the Tinsel Town Freeloaders leave for the fast living of LA and before midnight, if we all manage to stay awake by then! The Sisterhood will be cooking two turkeys, making meatballs, beans and pecan tarts during the day today. Ayn will be bringing a cheesecake and I plan to offer the remaining half of your wonderful, wonderful Christmas cake, Raymond! Dusty and I trimmed it off last night so that it will look respectable on the First! Had it with un-whipped whipped cream for dessert and had to hide it on Dusty as he wanted a second helping!
Happy new year everyone!!! What a great year 2012 has been!!! Looking forward to 2013 and the new addition to our family!!!
- Patrick James Dunn Healthy New Year from Clarisse, Dusty, Cora Lee and Patrizzio, to you, Beckster, and Kid Chelene!
Once I had this information I plugged it into Garmin Goil and we set off, the day bright with the afternoon sunshine, the green hills shining. Only a ten minute ride even though I missed the turn on to Moorpark Fwy, taking East Olsen Road instead. Glad that I did as this is a much less traveled thoroughfare with a wonderfully wide dedicated bike lane. Found Trader Joe's, after missing it on first pass, on Avenida De Los Arboles and managed to score a spot in the very busy parking lot. Didn't take us long to buy a quart of skimmed milk, two bottles of Whaler's Rum, ($22.45!), and a case of white wine, ($100.65, most of the bottles were $6.99. We'd had many before and they were amazingly palatable.), for our New Year's Day bash.
Knowing what I did, I set off just before noon and took Lake Park Drive South to Wood Ranch Pkwy then north to Country Club Drive, west on it until it feeds into Madera, past road leading to Ronald Regan Library and Museum, which we visited this past Friday. It opens daily at 10:00am so we wanted to try to be there as close to then as possible. We bundled ourselves into the car and made for the Library complex, but seven minutes away, situated on a mountaintop with simply stunning, sweeping views of the surrounding hills, valleys and even the Pacific. Though just after 10:00am when we arrived, parking lot was completely full. I had dropped the Goils off earlier so that Clarisse wouldn't have to walk any further than need be when I learned that I could park on the road-side leading to the site and catch a Shuttle back to the entrance. Did just that, finding a spot right before Shuttle Stop #2. Once I'd parked I decided to hoof it back as didn't want ot wait for the bus and it really wasn't all that far anyway.
Excited about what 2013 will bring to all my family and friends!! Happy New Year...now go make your dreams come true!!
- Ayn P Carol Riera how can Patrick James Dunn be able to facebook paragraphs if he is so busy cooking I wonder
- Patrick James Dunn I simply follow Ms Tinsel Town's example and "bark out orders", (Her First Born's very words so they must be true!), to one and all while I digitate, multi-tasking to the nth degree, n'est-ce pas, Choocheranian? For He's a Jolly Good Fellow!!!!!!!!!
Of particular interest, to me at least, was the full-sized replica of the Oval Office as furnished and decorated by Regan during his presidency, including a collection of Paul Rossi bronze saddles and a jar of jelly beans, and the Air Force One Pavilion, a most impressive steel and glass structure which houses "The Flying White House", Tail Number 27000, which flew six other US presidents: Nixon, Ford, Carter, H.W. Bush, Clinton and W. Bush.
After finishing the tour of the Museum itself we next visited Treasures of the Walt Disney Archives, apparently the largest exhibition ever curated by the Walt Disney Archives and the largest temporary exhibit ever housed at the Reagan Library. Again, a wonderful surprise and truly a delight. I was most taken with some of the very early animation as well as the original designs/sketches for Disneyland itself. I was not aware of this but a long personal friendship and professional collaboration existed between Walt Disney and Ronald Reagan. It began many years before Reagan’s political career when on July 17, 1955, Reagan was one of the co-hosts of ABC-TV’s live coverage of the opening of Disneyland. TV footage of the event is most entertaining. Quick stop at the Museum Shop for fridge magnets and then I hopped onto the Shuttle Bus to bring the car back.
Oreo cheesecakes in the oven for tomorrow...bake my pretties!!
- Patrick James Dunn "Bake my pretties!" You sound a little too, too much like the Cannibalistic Witch in Hansel and Gretel! Should we look for bone fragments in the Oreos?
ADLA ended near a parking lot for Wildwood Regional Park and here I turned north, deciding to follow Big Sky Drive. More of the same type of housing development that I have often encountered on many rides but what struck me here was the proximity of the wonderfully rugged hills, many of their slopes covered with dense growths of pear cactii, or what I took to be that type of cactus. Following BSD led me Wildwood Avenue and I could see that this street led into the hills so I thought I'd take a look. Must say that this was the steepest, longest climb I'd encountered to date. Turning right off WA I took Camino de Celeste and was quite taken with the obviously expensive homes here, beautifully landscaped and most offering spectacular views of the surrounding valleys and hills/coastal mountains. I was huffing and puffing as I made my way up CDC but not as much as when I took WA to its end, on a neighbouring hill. I must admit that I turned off a number of times to catch my breath in a convenient bay or two which offered a flat surface for a few moments. Once I had ridden to the top, the view was more than worth the effort and I hope to bring Cora Lee and her parents here, at some point, just to show them the spectacular vistas.
Had to be careful about my downhill speed as I was worried I might encounter a vehicle or dog walker. As it was I managed to reach 59 KPH and was braking for much of the time! The road surface was almost without blemish so if I ever do the climb again, I'll try to break the 60KPH barrier, now that I know a bit more about the descent path. Once down I continued following Wildwood until it crossed W Olsen Road. Then I knew exactly where I was so retraced the loop and then turned on to Lynn Road, following it as far west as W Hillcrest Drive, part of the way on dedicated bike lane, part on the sidewalk with posted signs saying it was for cyclists as well as pedestrians.

Made my way back along the sidewalk on the west side of Lynn knowing I was going to have to do a second loop of the west end of ADLA and Big Sky although I spared myself the steep ascent of Wildwood Avenue this time around. This done I had logged about 51K so when I crossed Lynn Rd I knew I was in reasonable shape to make my goal of 100K by the time I was home. Long, gradual climb west on ADLA but with a dedicated bike path I really didn't mind. Trader Joe's is on the corner of ADLA and Moopark Road and I turned north here, knowing from yesterday's reconnaissance that this thoroughfare had a dedicated bike lane as well. Wind was behind me as I followed this road as far as Gainsborough Road where I turned west again to follow this pleasant street, through a delightful sun shower, to the top of the small hill just before the lights at Lynn Road.
Time to turn around as by now I had a pretty good idea that I had come far enough so that by the time I was back at the intersection of ADLA and Moorpark I would know how much further I'd have to cycle to register around 71K before making for home. Few dipsy doodles into shopping centre parking lots on Moorpark to catch lights but nothing even remotely challenging for a seasoned vet. Once back at ADLA I thought I might as well follow it east as the dedicated bike path was calling out to me and I did wish to see where it would lead me. As I suspected, it would have taken me under the Moorpark Freeway and then to Lang Ranch Park, a destination I had arbitrarily punched in to Google Maps when first trying to get an overview of the area. However, shortly before the freeway, the bike route came to an end so I turned around and made for Lynn Road.
Enjoyed the return along Avenida De Los Arboles as it slightly downhill all the way and even though the head wind had picked up I cruised along feeling pretty good about the ride. Once back at Lynn Road I had close to 70K on the clock and was pleased that this was so. Now it was just a matter of gritting my teeth and making the best of the last 30K. First part of return, Lynn Rd/W. Olsen Rd, past CLU and Spring Meadow Park, is relatively flat but right after Moorpark Rd the long haul begins and one climbs steadily, for at least 2K until Erbes Road and then much relief as one glides all the way under the Mpoorpark Fwy. Slight climb again until one is past the Ventura County Police Dept, on the left, and Calleguas Municipal Water District on the right. Then, more or less, it is smooth sailing right onto Country Club Drive, downhill, literally, all the way to the bottom of Wood Ranch Pkwy.
Just past Lake Park Drive North I had 79.7K on my odometre and I wanted to calibrate the ride more closely than I had ever done before since I'd not ridden uphill from this spot in the past. This ascent, while shorter than the climb up Long Canyon Road, is steeper so requires a bit more exertion, obviously. At any rate, I determined that the hill is 2.7K from LPDN to the highest point, near Vineyard Drive off Long Canyon Road. Felt pretty good as I sailed downhill, even though it was a tad chilly without the sun.
On the descent I mapped out exactly where I was planning to go once I turned off First. I knew which streets sported dedicated bike lanes from my ride in this area earlier in the week. This being the case, almost at the bottom of the hill I turned off on to Arcane and followed it, then Royal then Fitzgerald to Sequoia. Turned around here as I knew I had the distance I needed. Retracing my wheels, so to speak, I had logged 96K by the time I was back on First, (only one dipsy doodle to catch the light here!), and starting to climb. Sky was a glorious pink again but not as many clouds so not as much colour showing. Hit 100.3K near Vineyard so assigned 4.3K as the official length of Long Canyon Hill!
Rest of ride was a piece of cake. Had switched on my lights about half-way up this last hill but it was still reasonably light, light enough for me to see that I had 104.5K on the clock by the time I was close to Fawn Valley so decided I'd go for 105K and then that turned into 107K when I misread odometre at 106K. Final count: 107.5K over 5:30:55, AVG 19.4KPH, MAX 59.0KPH, on aforementioned hill off Big Sky Drive!
Earlier this morning all my family, (Cora Lee, Rosie-the-Riveter and Coat-Hanger), were currently performing The Inordinately Loud Cacophony of Snores, except Joey The Destructo-AcroCat! Actually, a wonderful kitten who is just so full of energy that we had to take down the Christmas tree a few days ago as he knocked off the angel at the top! Fortunately, Dusty was able to glue it back together so you can't even tell it was smashed! This in addition to repairing a chair that Alejandro managed to cause to come apart at the loose joints during a rousing game of Ten Pennies on Boxing Day! Other than that, the house isn't coming apart at the seams, not yet anyway!
Last night Cora Lee was watching TV in bed when I started to get a tad drowsy at the keyboard so I decided it was time to leave the Diaries for an early night. I went downstairs to say goodnight to Rosita and Coat Hanger and then, once I'd brushed and flossed climbed into bed to read more of The Black Box. Joey joined us and promptly fell asleep, curled up against Cora Lee's legs. When I couldn't keep my eyes open any longer I got up and removed Joey's new body harness. (We are afraid to leave it on him when we are not around, worried that he might strangle himself somehow, with all his flying squirrel aerodynamics!) We want to take him out into the garden on a leash to try to use up some of his energy, (Owners have not yet let him outisde.), so Coriandre had picked up the necessary kit at Petco the other day. He hardly woke up when I pulled the collar over his head so I think he is already getting used to his straight-jacket! In this same vein, Chloë cut his claws on Friday and he didn't fuss at all. Now all we need to do is to train him from wandering all over the kitchen counters, table and leaping onto the top of the fridge. Earlier in the week, before dinner, Ayn opened the fridge to take something out and set it on the counter. Before she had time to close the door, Joey was already perched on one of the shelves investigating, quite happily! I was the only one who didn't want to close the door on him! As a result, we are male bonding quite nicely!
At any rate, he re-nestled against Cora Lee and I turned out the lights. He slept with us all night so he is obviously settling in to Waffle's former "cell"! The older cat that took an extreme dislike to the new kitten and Rae and Rick were convinced that she would kill Joey, so viscious were the attacks. This necessitated keeping them separated. It was such a stressful situation that they decided Waffle had to go and they arranged for the cat to be picked up by a friend who had agreed to take her, this past Friday. On Saturday we had a visit from Kelli Hipple, a very pleasant young woman from the County of Ventura Animal Regulation Department following up on the bite Rick received, (mandatorily reported by the doctor who treated him), when trying to stop Waffle from shredding poor Joey! When we arrived on Christmas Day Rick showed me the nasty infection on his right index finger. He still could not bend and when I saw it was still quite swollen and angry looking! Funnily enough, now that I have removed the temporary bars from our bedroom doorway Joey still stops in front of where they used to stand, tail twitching, neck craning, peering this way and that as if expecting Waffle to leap out from somewhere and attack him! Going to be hard to say goodbye to him when it comes time to leave as he really is most adorable and ever so affectionate in spite of his impish ways!
Well, time to have a bit of breakfast and then start to help out in the kitchen. Will probably have to make a quick run to the grocery store for a few odds and ends but other than that we are in pretty good shape. Might even have time for a quick up-and-over if I manage to finish my chores to the complete satisfaction of The Sisterhood! Best wishes from Clarisse, Dusty, Cora Lee, Joey and Patrizzio for a Healthy New Year to you both, Sylvia and Ray! Cheers, from Il Palazzo di Simi, Cat Emporium Extraordinaire, The Islay Inn, Southern Franchise!
Pics: Clarisse at Regan Library; Joey, The Destructo AcroCat, our raison d'être for being here in the first place! We decided we'd better get him used to living in a shopping bag in case we decide to throw him out on the street if his behaviour doesn't improve! Cora Lee by pool, very pleasant when sun is out but can be coolish otherwise; My new Spider Man cycling garb! (For display purposes only! Note Christmas Cake in background!!) Dusty's handiwork. No clamps available! Samantha, Alexander's girlfriend, asleep near fireplace in den. Joey loves to stretch out here as well and warm his tummy! Typical pose for both Dusty and Clarisse! Los Horridos with midget!
Hi Again, Raymondo!
Just after I sent along previous message I found yours in my Inbox! Thanks for the the "local" news! I know how you feel about Jenny but glad that her visit went so well. Ayn took Chloë back to LA on Saturday as she left for Vancouver yesterday evening. Ringing in the New year with her friends, Krissy and Mark, owners of Pig on the Street food truck as well as, very recently, Pig and Mortar, on 6th between Granville and Fir. Party will be at the latter so should be quite a blast and even better, Chloë won't have to drive.
Sorry that you haven't been able to ride, especially with your new Idiot Savant! I brought mine along but won't use it until my old one falls apart. I should have put it on when I was modelling my new Lycra-like wear! Congratulations on your new Home Entertainment Centre! I suppose this is your Bodum-like cross to bear, although I'm sure you'll begin to enjoy it. I say this from experience of living here just this short while. There are flat screens in almost every room, even one in our bathroom. Largest in the family room with fireplace. Dusty is in Sports Heaven as he can sit near the bay window in the kitchen, painting, and watch football at the same time! Snap of him reclining with Clarisse clutching a glass of Shiraz was taken there, screen behind Chloë, the photographer.
Hope we'll have a chance to meet Dave and Judith. He can ride with Ragin' since he isn't a rider either! I'm really enjoying The Black Box. Vintage Bosch so very compelling. Really like the way Connelly approaches/deals with the LA Rodney King Riots. Just by chance I came across the following Wikipedia entry when I was looking for some other information on the history of Simi Valley:
On November 27, 1991, Judge Stanley Weisberg of the California Court of Appeals selected Simi Valley as the venue for the case against four officers of the Los Angeles Police Department. The officers (Stacey Koon, Laurence Powell, Timothy Wind, and Theodore Brisenio) were accused of using unnecessary force in a March 3, 1991 beating of an African-American motorist "Rodney" Glen King. The case known as the Rodney King Trial was based on footage recorded on home video by a bystander (George Holliday). The now-famous video was broadcast nationally and caused tremendous response because the beating was believed to be racially motivated. Selecting Simi Valley as a venue for the trial is believed to be motivated by the predominantly white ethnic make-up of the city at the time.
On April 29, 1992, a Ventura County jury acquitted three of the four officers (Koon, Wind, and Brisenio) and did not reach a verdict on one (Powell). Many believed that the unexpected outcome was a result of the racial and social make-up of the jury, which, reflecting the area's population demographic, included ten whites, one Filipino, and one Hispanic. None were Simi Valley residents. Among the jury were three who had been security guards or in military service. The acquittal led to the 1992 Los Angeles riots and mass protest around the country.
Not sure if I even knew about this aspect of the case. I think I thought it all took place in LA. Don't even have to go as far as New Orleans in the Deep South to find racism, it seems. Obviously I understand that it is everywhere, still, unfortunately, but another rather quirky confluence of the personal and the historical. I'll pass along Defending Jacob to Cora Lee and Rosita as they are devouring books by the bagful. Coriandre is just polishing off Harlan Coben's Stay Close, (I'm not really a fan.), while Clarisse is almost finished Liza Marklund's Red Wolf. I am next in line as she is another Scandinavian, ((Swedish), writer I don't know. Her crime novels feature Annika Bengtson, a reporter. Have you read any of the latter?
Good luck with your garden. Enjoy watching crowds in Trafalgar and Times Square on your new flat screen tonight!!! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Los Horridos, Christmas morning, wearing toques Chloë and I received as volunteers selling Christmas trees for Aunt Leah's; lump of coal in my stocking for being such a bad boy all year; Alejandro with Lori, Rick's sister. She lives in Vancouver. Ayn and Rick. One can see the "Vogt" gene in both cousins. The Gentle Giant with Mother and Aunt!
Hi Whirlygig!
Trust you are all well and that preparations for bringing in the New Year are in place. I gather, from Robo Man, that you might well be skiing. Best wishes from Clarisse, Dusty, Cora Lee, Joey and Patrizzio for a Healthy New Year to Tia Maria and Kerry and you, Giggster, as well as any others known to us at the chalet! Cheers, from Il Palazzo di Simi, Cat Emporium Extraordinaire and Rum Wharehouse, The Islay Inn, Southern Franchise!
Hello i Pelotonii!
Trust you are all well and that preparations for bringing in the New Year are in place. (I gather, from Robo Man, that ice and snow have provided excuses aplenty for non-cycling of late!) Best wishes from Clarisse, Dusty, Cora Lee, Joey and Patrizzio for a Healthy New Year to one and all!!!
Hello Dearest NRBC'ers
Trust you are all well and that preparations for bringing in the New Year are in place. (I gather, from Whirlygig, that ice and snow have provided excuses aplenty for staying indoors and passing the time with much non-reading of late!) Best wishes from Clarisse, Dusty, Cora Lee, Joey and Patrizzio for a Healthy New Year to one and all!!! Cheers, from Il Palazzo di Simi, Cat Emporium Extraordinaire and Rum Wharehouse, The Islay Inn, Southern Franchise!
Hi Patrick and Corinne
Where ever this day finds you I hope you are having a good time and that the sun is following you! Wishing you all the best in health for the coming New Year. Simone
Hello Dearest Simone!
Thanks for the New Year's wishes. Trust you are well and that preparations for bringing in the New Year are in place. Best wishes from Clarisse, Dusty, Cora Lee, Joey and Patrizzio for a Healthy New Year to you Simone!!!
Hello Dearest Famiglia Anderson!
Thanks for the lovely Christmas card and wishes. Trust you are well and that preparations for bringing in the New Year and Open House are in place. (We will think of you tomorrow, in particular, as we will be hosting our own Open House!) Best wishes from Clarisse, Dusty, Cora Lee, Joey and Patrizzio for a Healthy New Year to you both, Jean and John, and Benson and Tess!
Hello Clan Sutherland!
Trust everyone is well and that preparations for bringing in the New Year are in place. We will think of you this evening. Are you going to Monk McQueens? Best wishes from Clarisse, Dusty, Cora Lee, Joey and Patrizzio for a Healthy New Year to you both, Flamin' and Sarge, the far-flung off-spring and their significant others, and Molly Mop, of course! Much Love, Fondestos and Cheers from Il Palazzo di Simi, Cat Emporium Extraordinaire and Rum Wharehouse, The Islay Inn, Southern Franchise!
Dear friends,
We’re doing a brief stopover in Vancouver or our
way to and from Big White for skiing but would love to catch up with you
all. Our good friends Peter and Helen in Burnaby have very kindly
offered to host a drinks and nibbles get together
at her place for adults and kids for the evening we fly out of
Vancouver for home on Friday 1 February 2013 (we have to be at the
airport around midnight!). Please drop by by and say hello if you are
free and if you could RSVP to Helen that would be greatly
Regards, Yien, Mike, Jessica, Olivia and Joshu
Invite to a drop-in drinks and nibbles party for Yien Peng Chin and Michael Pether
Trust everyone is well and that preparations for bringing in the New Year are in place. We will think of you this evening. Unfortunately, we will miss you in Vancouver as we will be in St Maarten until February 7th, not back in Vancouver until February 17th. Will forward message/invitation to Chloë and perhaps she will be able to attend and act as our surrogate! Best wishes from Clarisse, Dusty, Cora Lee, Joey and Patrizzio for a Healthy New Year to you all!
Hello Madroña Manor People!
Not sure where in the world you happen to be but trust everyone is well and that preparations for bringing in the New Year are in place. We will think of you this evening. Best wishes from Clarisse, Dusty, Cora Lee, Joey and Patrizzio for a Healthy New Year to you both!
Hello Dallas Cowpunchers!
Not sure where in the world you happen to be but trust everyone is well and that preparations for bringing in the New Year are in place. (We did receive the door keys but not the ones to the wine cellar!) We will think of you this evening. Best wishes from Clarisse, Dusty, Cora Lee, Joey and Patrizzio for a Healthy New Year to you four, The Texas Tornadoes!! Much Love, Fondestos and Cheers from Il Palazzo di Simi, Cat Emporium Extraordinaire and Rum Wharehouse, The Islay Inn, Southern Franchise!
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