Well, the world did not end, according to the Mayan calendar!
So we are wishing all our
Informed Traveller readers a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and
all the best in the New Year. Let 2013 be the year you have wonderful
travel memories wherever you may go!
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Terry Thomas, Sir Percy Ware-Armitage! |
Hi Luncheonmeister!
Just a quick note to thank you for press website. Pierre The Giant slept here last night as he had to be back at work by 7:00am this morning. Home from his night shift as security guard at new club, Sound, at just after 1:00am, so poor lad had not much shut-eye on the couch in th eliving room! Ayn drove him to work at 6:30am and when she returns we will map out our busy day. She will collect Alejandro and Samantha, from LAX, later this morn, as they have been with Melvinator, in Everett and at his cabin near Mount Baker, for last week or so. The Sisterhood have been compiling recipes, over last few days, for the coming meals and we need to shop at some of the local Mexican markets/shops for ingredients as well as do more last-minute looking for stocking stuffers, etc. Chloë arrives tomorrow so the clan is starting to gather!

Unfortunately, no "overleft" chicken for breakfast this morning so will have to make do with remaining pasta from last night, fried with red onion and diced garlic and then topped with a couple of cackleberries, Dustyspeak for eggs! Time to go as Warden Ayn is just back and Big House Rules are now in effect or Lockdown will ensue! Fondestos and Cheers, from the Yard, Rizzzzzzzzzzzzzooooooo!
PS: Have a batch of raisin hootch fermenting away and Randall Grahm, (According to Cora Lee, he needs to rearrange his hair as a mustache!), from Boony Doon thinks it's a stellar vintage. Wants to distribute it along with Le Cigare Volant!
noun: A formal gathering for conversation, especially on arts, literature, etc.
Hi Whirlygig!
You will not believe it, of course, but I was right in the midst of sending you the following message when your latest missive announced its arrival! Far be it from to me to say that I have been well ahead of Anu Garg, (Is that a new mouthwash or a synonym for Porch Climber?), lo these many years in my mission to Italianize the world! It is quite obvious that we need to have a serious conversazzzzzzzzzzzione, (emphasis mine!), about lattes with the Peletonii and about unread books with the NRBC. As my Consigliare I expect you to have preliminary conversazzzzzzzzzzzzziones with the foot soldiers in my absence!
Just a quick note to send along the following website, delivered by Vinnie The Baker from The Berkeley Famiglia:
As for the press room (that picture of me a monstrous lie as I would no more know how to run that press than how to make 15.7% Block 6 Zin) I can simply let Jacob Two Two see the Bancroft website http://bancroft.berkeley.edu/collections/rarebooks.html#press for first step in information retrieval.
In this vein, the Library School had a wonderful letterpress and I used it back in the late '70's, with a number of other colleagues, helped by Ronald Hagler, (What doesn't he know?), when we printed a number of poems, selected from a campus wide call for submissions, as broadsheets. I presume it is still in SLAIS so you might wish to make a few enquiries there. I forgot to mention that I was mightily impressed with the Moustache Performance Enhancer but I still need to have a conversazzzzzzzzzzzzione with the artist about royalties for the Campy, refurbished or not! A print of same might go a long way to staving off an expensive law suit!
In spite of the fact that I have been
advised by my Consigliare, (member of the local Armenian gang that runs
this neighbourhood), not to comment on the case, the wonderful "stache"
reminds me of
the one sported by Terry Thomas, (Bounder and Rotter Sir Percy
Ware-Armitage), in Those magnificent Men in Their Flying Machines or How
I Cycled from North Hollywood to Chatsworth in 2 hours 33 minutes!
["The winter solstice, the shortest day of the year that grew to significance throughout the world because of the uncertainty of living through the bleak winter, the desire to have days lengthen again, and the need for brightness against the encroaching gloom. Such famous archeological sites as Stonehenge and Newgrange were aligned to the winter solstice, and it there are many holidays that originated from or gravitated to this solstice day, including We Tripantu in Chile, the Zoroastrian Maidyarem in Iran, Dongzhi in Asia, Hanukkah in Judaism, Yule in ancient northern Europe, and Christmas in fourth century Rome. Another such famous celebration was Saturnalia in ancient Rome, which was ultimately subsumed by Christmas.
It was a public holiday celebrated around December 25th in the family home. A time for feasting, goodwill, generosity to the poor, the exchange of gifts and the decoration of trees. But it wasn't Christmas. This was Saturnalia, the pagan Roman winter solstice festival."]
Pierre The Giant slept here last night as he had to be back at work by 7:00am this morning. Home from his night shift as security guard at new club, Sound, at just after 1:00am, so poor lad had not much shut-eye on the couch in the living room! Ayn drove him to work at 6:30am and when she returns we will map out our busy day. She will collect Alejandro and Samantha, from LAX, later this morn, as they have been with Melvinator, in Everett and at his cabin near Mount Baker, for last week or so. The Sisterhood have been compiling recipes, over last few days, for the coming meals and we need to shop at some of the local Mexican markets/shops for ingredients as well as do more last-minute looking for stocking stuffers, etc. Chloë arrives tomorrow so the clan is starting to gather!
Just to remind you that I am also keeping up a pretty rigorous cycling regimen, (unlike some ersatz cyclistii I know!), lastermorn, after some yogurt and gluten-free granola, I donned my high fashion cycling garb and set off, at 10:22am, to explore Brown's Creek Bike Path, the route which continues further north from Chatsworth. Day was glorious, in the extreme, wind much lighter than yesterday's hurricadoes, and I yanked off my cycling gloves almost as soon as I was on the dedicated bike path. [If I'd been able to strip down to my underwear and one long-sleeved cycling shirt, without stopping, I'd have done so, Dear Reader!] Before setting off, I had decided I'd try to see if I could ride the Busway Gauntlet without having to dismount and I'm more than pleased to report that I Fought the System and the System Lost, Dear Reader!
Having ridden most of the route the day before, my Remembering Self reminded my Experiencing Self about all the possible dipsy-doodle opportunities along the considerable way and I am happy to report that, other than causing a few traffic accidents, running more than few Yellow, tending to Red lights, knocking over some toddlers on tricycles and getting into a beef or two with some nasty looking gangbangers when I spit on their graffiti along the Browns Creek Bike Path, I sailed along, nay breezed along, paying not the slightest heed to traffic lights and road conventions to find myself on Sierra Canyon Road, the vista of the New Mexico-like rock faces surrounding me, starkly breathtaking in the extreme.
Quick loop there before heading back down BCBP, having nodded to a horse and rider who would be taking the so-called "Bridle Path" on the other side of the waterway, to Nordoff where I had to abandon the dedicated route as a maintenance vehicle was taking up the entire path looking for spots to stop and nap before having thermos lattes, I presume! Rejoined the route at Devonshire and it was nothing but smooth sailing all the rest of the way home.
Took advantage of a number of local "domestiques", both coming and going, by following scruffy-looking, plastic milk carton, a la Marcus Aurelius and Larry Kasdan, toting, sketchy looking types to the various intersections and slowly back-pedaled until the lights changed! More than happy to report that I cruised home, reaching Woodman with a little over 74 K on the clock, to slide past Ayn's apartmento to do about a further 7K's worth of back-street dipsy-doodling to bring my count to 81.3 K over 4:29:37, AVG 18.1 KPH, MAX 34.1 KPH. Longest ride of the California Experience and a wonderful outing indeed, in spite of the lack-lustre AVG.
Elevator up to Cell Block 211 to find The Friendly Giant, Pierrino, there, chatting with Nana. Had a catch-up visit before he had to shower and change and leave for his bouncer gig at a brand-new club, Sound, in Hollywood.
Cora Lee had made a scrumptious turkey, tomatoe pasta sauce and I threw together another green saladin and when Ayn came home from work we put the rice pasta and regular pasta on to boil. By the time Ms Hallmark had bathed in scented unguents and joined us downstairs, we supped on the tasty fare and tried to figure out the next few days, everything from menus to who will drive to the airport to meet demanding relatives from the Great White North. Once again, Dishwasher Dunn cleared the table and when the kitchen was tidy, The Sisterhood arranged themselves on the couch to watch Wanderlust. Not my fare so I drowned my sorrow in Whaler's Dark Rum, (An incredibly tasty drop at only $10/btl at Trader Joe's! Far too, too good for Chain Cleaner, let me tell you, Dear Reader!), while starting White Heat by M.J. McGrath, a murder mystery set on Ellesmere Island with Edie Kiglatuk, "half Inuit and half outsider" as both guide and detective in this unforgiving landscape.
Have Cora Lee to thank for this book. Two weeks or so ago now, when she was having a pedicure she took it along. While waiting for her toe nail polish to dry she ended up falling asleep in the massage chair and dropped the novel into the foot bath! It was a VPL copy so she had to pay a $30+ replacement fee. She wasn't assessed processing as staff took pity on their former boss and thus I was able to bring water-logged book to read in bed!
Unfortunately, no "overleft" chicken for breakfast this morning, (I snarfed those overlefts in Berkeley before leaving for Tinsel Town!), so will have to make do with remaining pasta from last night, fried with red onion and diced garlic and then topped with a couple of cackleberries, Dustyspeak for eggs! Time to go as Warden Ayn is just back and Big House Rules are now in effect or Lockdown will ensue! Fondestos and Cheers, from the Yard, Rizzzzzzzzzzzzzooooooo!
PS: Have a batch of raisin hootch fermenting away and Randall Grahm, (According to Cora Lee, he needs to rearrange his hair as a mustache!), from Boony Doon thinks it's a stellar vintage. Wants to distribute it along with Le Cigare Volant! Or, as we say, in casual conversazzzzzzzzione over lattes, Il Sigaro Volare!
Thanks Patrick -
Glad you finally received snaps from October! I seem to recall, vaguely, that first time I sent them there was an error message but second try seemed to work. Nevertheless, all's well now.
Busy times here. Chloë arrives tomorrow and Corinne's parents on Monday so the Dunn/Durston Clan is starting to gather! Enjoy the holidays and a Healthy New Year to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Whirlygig!
You will not believe it, of course, but I was right in the midst of sending you the following message when your latest missive announced its arrival! Far be it from to me to say that I have been well ahead of Anu Garg, (Is that a new mouthwash or a synonym for Porch Climber?), lo these many years in my mission to Italianize the world! It is quite obvious that we need to have a serious conversazzzzzzzzzzzione, (emphasis mine!), about lattes with the Peletonii and about unread books with the NRBC. As my Consigliare I expect you to have preliminary conversazzzzzzzzzzzzziones with the foot soldiers in my absence!
Just a quick note to send along the following website, delivered by Vinnie The Baker from The Berkeley Famiglia:
As for the press room (that picture of me a monstrous lie as I would no more know how to run that press than how to make 15.7% Block 6 Zin) I can simply let Jacob Two Two see the Bancroft website http://bancroft.berkeley.edu/collections/rarebooks.html#press for first step in information retrieval.
In this vein, the Library School had a wonderful letterpress and I used it back in the late '70's, with a number of other colleagues, helped by Ronald Hagler, (What doesn't he know?), when we printed a number of poems, selected from a campus wide call for submissions, as broadsheets. I presume it is still in SLAIS so you might wish to make a few enquiries there. I forgot to mention that I was mightily impressed with the Moustache Performance Enhancer but I still need to have a conversazzzzzzzzzzzzione with the artist about royalties for the Campy, refurbished or not! A print of same might go a long way to staving off an expensive law suit!
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Saturnalia! |
["The winter solstice, the shortest day of the year that grew to significance throughout the world because of the uncertainty of living through the bleak winter, the desire to have days lengthen again, and the need for brightness against the encroaching gloom. Such famous archeological sites as Stonehenge and Newgrange were aligned to the winter solstice, and it there are many holidays that originated from or gravitated to this solstice day, including We Tripantu in Chile, the Zoroastrian Maidyarem in Iran, Dongzhi in Asia, Hanukkah in Judaism, Yule in ancient northern Europe, and Christmas in fourth century Rome. Another such famous celebration was Saturnalia in ancient Rome, which was ultimately subsumed by Christmas.
It was a public holiday celebrated around December 25th in the family home. A time for feasting, goodwill, generosity to the poor, the exchange of gifts and the decoration of trees. But it wasn't Christmas. This was Saturnalia, the pagan Roman winter solstice festival."]
Pierre The Giant slept here last night as he had to be back at work by 7:00am this morning. Home from his night shift as security guard at new club, Sound, at just after 1:00am, so poor lad had not much shut-eye on the couch in the living room! Ayn drove him to work at 6:30am and when she returns we will map out our busy day. She will collect Alejandro and Samantha, from LAX, later this morn, as they have been with Melvinator, in Everett and at his cabin near Mount Baker, for last week or so. The Sisterhood have been compiling recipes, over last few days, for the coming meals and we need to shop at some of the local Mexican markets/shops for ingredients as well as do more last-minute looking for stocking stuffers, etc. Chloë arrives tomorrow so the clan is starting to gather!
Just to remind you that I am also keeping up a pretty rigorous cycling regimen, (unlike some ersatz cyclistii I know!), lastermorn, after some yogurt and gluten-free granola, I donned my high fashion cycling garb and set off, at 10:22am, to explore Brown's Creek Bike Path, the route which continues further north from Chatsworth. Day was glorious, in the extreme, wind much lighter than yesterday's hurricadoes, and I yanked off my cycling gloves almost as soon as I was on the dedicated bike path. [If I'd been able to strip down to my underwear and one long-sleeved cycling shirt, without stopping, I'd have done so, Dear Reader!] Before setting off, I had decided I'd try to see if I could ride the Busway Gauntlet without having to dismount and I'm more than pleased to report that I Fought the System and the System Lost, Dear Reader!
Having ridden most of the route the day before, my Remembering Self reminded my Experiencing Self about all the possible dipsy-doodle opportunities along the considerable way and I am happy to report that, other than causing a few traffic accidents, running more than few Yellow, tending to Red lights, knocking over some toddlers on tricycles and getting into a beef or two with some nasty looking gangbangers when I spit on their graffiti along the Browns Creek Bike Path, I sailed along, nay breezed along, paying not the slightest heed to traffic lights and road conventions to find myself on Sierra Canyon Road, the vista of the New Mexico-like rock faces surrounding me, starkly breathtaking in the extreme.
Quick loop there before heading back down BCBP, having nodded to a horse and rider who would be taking the so-called "Bridle Path" on the other side of the waterway, to Nordoff where I had to abandon the dedicated route as a maintenance vehicle was taking up the entire path looking for spots to stop and nap before having thermos lattes, I presume! Rejoined the route at Devonshire and it was nothing but smooth sailing all the rest of the way home.
Took advantage of a number of local "domestiques", both coming and going, by following scruffy-looking, plastic milk carton, a la Marcus Aurelius and Larry Kasdan, toting, sketchy looking types to the various intersections and slowly back-pedaled until the lights changed! More than happy to report that I cruised home, reaching Woodman with a little over 74 K on the clock, to slide past Ayn's apartmento to do about a further 7K's worth of back-street dipsy-doodling to bring my count to 81.3 K over 4:29:37, AVG 18.1 KPH, MAX 34.1 KPH. Longest ride of the California Experience and a wonderful outing indeed, in spite of the lack-lustre AVG.
Elevator up to Cell Block 211 to find The Friendly Giant, Pierrino, there, chatting with Nana. Had a catch-up visit before he had to shower and change and leave for his bouncer gig at a brand-new club, Sound, in Hollywood.
Cora Lee had made a scrumptious turkey, tomatoe pasta sauce and I threw together another green saladin and when Ayn came home from work we put the rice pasta and regular pasta on to boil. By the time Ms Hallmark had bathed in scented unguents and joined us downstairs, we supped on the tasty fare and tried to figure out the next few days, everything from menus to who will drive to the airport to meet demanding relatives from the Great White North. Once again, Dishwasher Dunn cleared the table and when the kitchen was tidy, The Sisterhood arranged themselves on the couch to watch Wanderlust. Not my fare so I drowned my sorrow in Whaler's Dark Rum, (An incredibly tasty drop at only $10/btl at Trader Joe's! Far too, too good for Chain Cleaner, let me tell you, Dear Reader!), while starting White Heat by M.J. McGrath, a murder mystery set on Ellesmere Island with Edie Kiglatuk, "half Inuit and half outsider" as both guide and detective in this unforgiving landscape.
Have Cora Lee to thank for this book. Two weeks or so ago now, when she was having a pedicure she took it along. While waiting for her toe nail polish to dry she ended up falling asleep in the massage chair and dropped the novel into the foot bath! It was a VPL copy so she had to pay a $30+ replacement fee. She wasn't assessed processing as staff took pity on their former boss and thus I was able to bring water-logged book to read in bed!
Unfortunately, no "overleft" chicken for breakfast this morning, (I snarfed those overlefts in Berkeley before leaving for Tinsel Town!), so will have to make do with remaining pasta from last night, fried with red onion and diced garlic and then topped with a couple of cackleberries, Dustyspeak for eggs! Time to go as Warden Ayn is just back and Big House Rules are now in effect or Lockdown will ensue! Fondestos and Cheers, from the Yard, Rizzzzzzzzzzzzzooooooo!
PS: Have a batch of raisin hootch fermenting away and Randall Grahm, (According to Cora Lee, he needs to rearrange his hair as a mustache!), from Boony Doon thinks it's a stellar vintage. Wants to distribute it along with Le Cigare Volant! Or, as we say, in casual conversazzzzzzzzione over lattes, Il Sigaro Volare!
- Patrick James Dunn Not sure about "An Earth-Shattering Kaboom" but there were certainly far too, too many Ear-Drum Splitting Snores from Cell Block 211, Woodman Penitentiary!
Thanks Patrick -
It was good to see you both - hope you have a good long trip.
PS - I was right about the Vancouver photos - I didn't get them earlier.
Please send the current photos as well - if they were done with your camera. Cheers, Amos & Pat
Hi Patrizzia and Amos!
Hi Patrizzia and Amos!
Glad you finally received snaps from October! I seem to recall, vaguely, that first time I sent them there was an error message but second try seemed to work. Nevertheless, all's well now.
Busy times here. Chloë arrives tomorrow and Corinne's parents on Monday so the Dunn/Durston Clan is starting to gather! Enjoy the holidays and a Healthy New Year to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
- Ayn P We're all ready for you!
- Patrick James Dunn As ready as The Three Little Pigs can be, all symphonically snoring away in their separate beds: First, Mama Piggy in her luxurious bed in the loft; Second, Nana Piggy from the blow-up in the alcove and Third, Giant Piglet Xavierino stretched out on the settee in the living room, each and everyone huffing and puffing away as I scribe, with ear protectors on, to ameliorate, at least to a certain extent, the wind-tunnel experiments being conducted all around me. The Big Bad Wolf who has certainly bitten off more than he can chew with this crew of fult-tilt stentorians!
- Patrick James Dunn As ready as The Three Little Pigs can be, all symphonically snoring away in their separate beds: First, Mama Piggy in her luxurious bed in the loft; Second, Nana Piggy from the blow-up in the alcove and Third, Giant Piglet Xavierino stretched out on the settee in the living room, each and everyone huffing and puffing away as I scribe, with ear protectors on, to ameliorate, at least to a certain extent, the wind-tunnel experiments being conducted all around me. The Big Bad Wolf who has certainly bitten off more than he can chew with this crew of fult-tilt stentorians!
- Chloe Alexis Dunn And hopefully the recorder of all we do will take a break and put aside his computer and talk to his family. xxx
- Ayn P Indeed sissy!! He is at the computer right now!
Post written by Leo Babauta.
In countless little ways each day, we blame other people for our frustrations.
They irritate us, don’t do things the right way, are incompetent, rude, inconsiderate, bad drivers, too slow, not tidy, boring, uncaring.
And yet, we will always be frustrated if we stick to this mindset.
We will always be angry, offended, hurt, disappointed. There will be no end to the offenses humanity can take against us, as long as we decide that everyone else is wrong, all the time.
They’re not the problem.
The other person is never the problem.
This is a lesson I learned from Charlotte Joko Beck in her book, Everyday Zen. The problem is our reaction. The external event (someone is rude to you) will always happen, every day, often multiple times a day. We cannot stop others from being rude — but we can change how we react.
If we can react in a calmer, more peaceful manner, we will be happier. We will then act in a more compassionate way, smile, and perhaps the other person will be transformed just a little bit by this act of compassion.
Here’s a short guide to reacting peacefully:
- When you notice yourself getting offended, frustrated, angry, irritated, disappointed … pause. Take a breath.
- Don’t act. Acting in anger is harmful.
- Examine the idea you have about how they should act. You are holding onto this idea, and it is in conflict with reality. As long as you hold onto fantasies that aren’t in line with reality, you will be frustrated. Try changing all of reality to match your expectations — let me know when you finally succeed.
- Toss your expectation into the ocean.
- Smile. Accept the person in front of you, and yourself, as a flawed human.
- Act with compassion. When you stop blaming the person for not acting perfectly, you can then respond appropriately, and with compassion. Accepting reality doesn’t mean you don’t take action — it just means you let go of the frustration. Instead, you can act appropriately, and be more centered in your actions.
Toss your expectations into the ocean, smile, and act with compassion. The other person, rude bugger that he is, will never see it coming.
The Other Person Never Has a Chance if You Strike First!
Hi Donna Floridian!
How come Mme Coriandre receives complimentos and I get ever so gentle nudges towards proper behaviour? Think I like what Emily had to say: Anger as soon as fed is dead- / 'Tis starving makes it fat. -Emily Dickinson, poet (1830-1886) If they can't take a joke, F@#& 'em! Cheers, Patrizzio The Incorrigible!
Friday's ride, discovering local neighbourhoods, Chandler Way, etc., 61.6K over 3:00:00, AVG 20.5KPH, MAX 31.5 KPH
P,This could describe the NRBC if we ever did talk about…It has to be a word Il Conductore can work into his Lexicon. W
MEANING:noun: A formal gathering for conversation, especially on arts, literature, etc.
ETYMOLOGY:From Italian conversazione (conversation), from Latin conversari (to associate with). Ultimately from the Indo-European root wer- (to turn or bend), also the source of wring, weird, writhe, worth, revert, universe, verso, versicolor, and animadvert. Earliest documented use: 1740.
Thank you Patrick for your generous words of thanks. And I'm sorry you didn't nip the coffee as we would have managed and you would not be stuck with tepid water. Sometimes one must seize the day (e.g., chicken).
As for the press room (that picture of me a monstrous lie as I would no more know how to run that press than how to make 15.7% Block 6 Zin) I can simply let Jacob Two Two see the Bancroft website http://bancroft.berkeley.edu/collections/rarebooks.html#press for first step in information retrieval.
I am having some of that French Roast, it is supposed to be raining although it ain't, but perhaps it will later. No swim today, boss takes us out to lunch during prime pool time, but I had my share this week for sure and already have made some new pool pals in alternate reality of Spieker.
Love those unsmiling lycra-clad serious cyclists, don't you? Same bike paths, but another planet....Cactus
Santa Thoughts• Santa Claus has the right idea - visit people only once a year. - Victor Borge• I stopped believing in Santa Claus when I was six. Mother took me to see him in a department store and he asked for my autograph. - Shirley Temple• Christmas at my house is always at least six or seven times more pleasant than anywhere else. We start drinking early.And while everyone else is seeing only one Santa Claus, we'll be seeing six or seven. - W.C. Fields• The main reason Santa is so jolly is because he knows where all the bad girls live. - George Carlin• In this age of instant coffee, overnight rush deliveries, and 30-second media sound bites, it's not surprising that children have discovered that their letters toSanta Claus can be sent by email. - Patrick Flaherty• Christmas is the time when kids tell Santa what they want and adults pay for it. Deficits are when adults tell government what they want and their kids pay for it.- Richard LammOne more Santa ChuckleThere are 4 Santa Claus stages:· When you believe in Santa, When you don’t believe in Santa, When you are Santa, When you look like Santa!
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