We arrived here yesterday afternoon! Left Vancouver last Wednesday and stayed overnight in Portland with Marilyn and Michael. (Michaelo would love it if you are able to bring him as many copies of Australian Geographic, [I believe you brought some issues once, at least, before.], as you can manage!) Next day drove to Healdsburg for three nights of fun-filled, wine-soaked adventures. Next two nights in Berkeley with very good friends, Nancy and David.
Drive south to LA went well, compared to trip in 2010 when it was raining so heavily that wipers could barely keep windshield clear, even on highest setting. Fortunately, for us, day was clear and wonderfully sunny and dry but can't even imagine what it would have been like if it had been pouring down this time as it was convoy after convoy of semis for most of drive on I 5 proper. At any rate, all we had to worry about was The Attack of the Killer Tumbleweeds! Wind was so fierce that it blew countless numbers of the pesky plants across the highway, from time to time. The small ones presented few problems but there were a number of very large plants that were more than a metre or more in diameter and I was quite worried about what might happen if such a one blew up onto our windshield after a slightly smaller one hit the left front fender and parts of it stuck into the grill work.
Quite a "smack" when it hit the car and I wondered if it might have scratched or even dented something. About a quarter of the plant stayed with us for about 15 minutes until the airflow and motion worked the clinging, dry "tentacles" loose. When we stopped at a Rest Area, an hour or so after being "impaled", I was happy to find that no permanent damage had been done. When under full "attack", I did notice that some of the tumbleweeds had clumps of dark earth still attached to their shallow roots and I supposed that there might well be small stones embedded in the tangle of the lower branches. Quite disconcerting, Dear Reader, as it was impossible to take evasive action, most of the time, when the Kamikazi Weeds hurled themselves across the roadway as the bumper to bumper semis meant it was virtually impossible to swerve out of the way. Another reason for worrying about what might have happened if one of the larger plants collided with the windshield and I couldn't see, if only for a few seconds.
Fortunately, nothing remotely disastrous occurred and we made it safely and easily to Ayn's new neighbourhood on the boarder of Van Nuys and Sherman Oaks. Once we unloaded our heavily laden car, (Five cases of wine alone!), and settled in, Ayn was back from work and we enjoyed a wonderful Lebanese take-out from Carnival, a popular place in Sherman Oaks, halfway between her office, in Studio City, and home, Woodman Place Apartments, of large Mediterranean Salad, (Persian cucumbers, tomatoes, red onions, olive oil, spices and lemon), and a large order of hummus and falafel along with olives and spicy pickles , washed down with a David Coffaro 2010 Block 6 Zinfandel, 15.7%. Watched Love Actually after dinner, one of Cora Lee's favourite Christmas movies.
Day was bright and clear next morning so I decided I would explore the dedicated bike path which runs parallel to the Orange Line Busway for a one-way-trip from North Hollywood to Chatsworth Metrolink Station, (not all that far from where Ayn used to live in Northridge, on Zelzah), of about 29K. Before we watched the movie last night Ayn and I took a short stroll, only a block or so, down Woodman Avenue to Oxnard, to show me where to find the bike path. Even a decent bike lane on Woodman so I couldn't believe my great good fortune. I set out around 10:20am and quite enjoyed discovering the new territory. Dedicated roadway is simply terrific and not at all busy so, for the most part, only Me. Myself and I for most of the ride. But a few other "serious", Lycra clad, unsmiling cyclists, some pedestrians, a fewer dog walkers together with an occasional street person pushing a wordly possession laden shopping cart.
Just west of Sepulveda, the bike path dips down to join a service road to get under the 405 and the overpass forms quite a large sheltered area. I noticed, on the way out, that there seemed to be a small "village" of what I gathered were homeless people there as a number of the local inhabitants could be just be seen above me as I trundled past. On the return leg I noticed that there were a couple of strings of Christmas lights wound around the railings on the top of the concrete retaining wall that runs the full length of the over-arching freeway. As far as cover from the rain, I can't imagine a better spot. Not sure about shelter from the wind however as it was so strong that I literally had to gear down to lowest setting in high when I turned turned north to parallel Canoga Avenue. Don't think I've ever experienced such gale force winds, even on rides out to Iona. Of course, I was literally sailing along, hell bent for leather on same stretch, once I turned around at Chatsworth. As I approached one intersection I was going as slowly, short of stopping, as possible, and the wind literally swept me along, so all I needed to do was use my brakes to control my snail-like advance!
Back home at about 1:10pm with 56.3K over 3:01:04, AVG 18.6KPH, 46KPH, (on the flat with wind at my back!), to shower and change, (and make a quick Starbucks Instanto, [Ayn is not a coffee drinker and not a bean is to be had in her place, let alone a Budam!], to wash down two preservative infused breakfast buns, originally from the Travelodge in Healdsburg, before Cora Lee and I headed out to Macy's on Riverside Drive, only about 10 minutes away down Woodman. We did some Christmas shopping there and at Ross next door together with the frantic, desperate hordes of last few days and minuters before making for Trader Joe's just around the corner. Back home we unloaded our haul of merchandise and foodstuffs and wine, (some $7/btl whites that leapt off the shelves into our cart!), and while Cora Lee read I made a salad and fried up some turkey/chicken basil infused sausages.
Ayn arrived shortly after 6:00pm, along with work-mate Jennnifer Kramer, (originally from Iowa), and we sat down to eat and visit, toasting the season and new friends with one of the above-mentioned whites, a Duet by Louis Latour, a 2010 Chardonnay, (70%), Viognier, (30%), blend, weighing in at a very respectable 14%. Not bad at all, actually very, very tasty and more than a perfect compliment for the rustic, peasant style food prepared so effortlessly by the Cycling Chef! Once Busboy/Scullion Patrizzio had cleared the table and loaded the dishwasher and The Sisterhood had primped, we set off, in Ayn's car, for the 170 South to 101 South to take to the Susnset Exit to eventually make our way to the Open Fist Theatre Company on Santa Monica Boulevard to see a production of BOTH: A Hard Days Silent Night.
BOTH is a new musical that tells the story of the Nativity using twenty-three Beatles songs. According to the program notes, "Not a single word is changed!" The story is told/sung by Father McKenzie and a cast of sixteen which includes Mary, Joseph, Gabriel, Three Wise Men, Angels, Shepherds, The Taxman and Herod, plus a Gospel Choir! Written by Mark Wilson, with musical arrangement by Jason Paige there is a four piece band, guitar, keyboard, bass and drums. What a production! What a production! A cross between Total Experience Gospel Choir from Seattle meets Rocky Horror Picture Show and I am not exaggerating one iota! Apart from the staggering array of simply incredible, powerfull, powerfull voices, both black and white singers, is the remarkable, almost uncanny fit between the biblical Nativity story and the Beatles lyrics. The venue seats about a hundred or slightly more so it is a very intimate space and the entire cast had the audience both mesmerized and thrilled from start to finish.
What a high energy, completely unexpected pre-Christmas gift to put us in the holiday mood. All of the numbers, solos, duets or group efforts were wonderful, hand-clapping, soul-stirring, please don't stop thrillers but during the Taxman's songs he has five very, very shapely back-up singers, (Quick-change artists for sure as they doubled as angels as well!), clad in delightfully skimpy black, form hugging dresses. Sultry blonde sveltoid at the mike directly in front of Ayn and I was extremely well endowed and I was quite worried that her mouth-watering voloptuosity might spill out of the more than revealing top, given the full-tilt exertions and gyrations that the vocals and choreography required. For her part, Ayn was far more concerned that my eyeballs would fall out of my head, pop right onto the stage!
The husband, Tahramey, of one of Ayn's work colleagues, Glenda, works with Kate Sullivan, one of the members of the choir, and this was how Ayn learned about the show. We sat with G/T during the performance and afterwards, in the lobby, we were introduced to Kate. Funnily enough her family owns a cabin near Westport, not far from Kingston, where close friends of ours own the local hotel, bar and B&B. Thanked "Dolly Parton" as well and discovered Sarah Jane Nelson is originally from Louisiana so I assume she comes by "sultry" naturally! Wouldn't mind riding on a Street Car Named Desire with her, Dear Reader!
Walked G/T back to their car, parked not far from ours, and thanked them again, for making it possible for us to have known about this truly exceptional musical. They will join us for the New Year's Day Open House we are hosting in Simi Valley so it will be lovely to see them again before we leave LA. Back home quite quickly as traffic had thinned considerably by this time of night, shortly after 10:00pm. Dropped Jennifer at her vehicle and wished her Happy Christmas. She is off to visit family in Iowa for the holidays but will be back to join us for the Open House as well.

To be continued...
Ayn sends along hugs and kisses to you both. She wishes every one Happy Holidays and wants to know when Teens is arriving so she can take some time off. Congratulations on your 45th Wedding Anniversary from all of us! For They are Jolly Good Fellows! Hip Hip Hooray! Will be curious to hear about special celebration! Fond regards to Anne and Don, Bree and Mark and girls. Happy Christmas and a Healthy New Year, Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: After some yogurt and gluten-free granola, I'm off to explore Brown's Creek Bike Path, the route which continues further north from Chatsworth.
Pics: Sky near Mounts, Dry Creek; David's chicken at Villa Vicente; Cora Lee with Pat and Amos, (classmate from Library School, Pat is his wife), Cactus and Donna Florida; David at Bancroft. I visited him at work, after swimming at Spieker Pool, [Was unceremoniously kicked out of pool when schedule glitch had Women's Swim Team in water earlier than posted. Received some friendly smiles when I told life guard that I could swim just as quickly as the team members and so should be allowed to stay. He knew I was telling the truth but was probably worried about the Ogle Factor!], and he took me on a short tour of Library; Campanile Bell Tower on campus, directly across from Bancroft; iconic palms, looking west toward Golden Gate; freshly baked loaves, Tuesday morning, before we left for LA; Jennifer and Ayn in front of Ayn's tree; shot of stage before performance started.
Hi Thomas!
Trust you are well. I wish I could say the same about Erich! How are things? I must apologize for not writing sooner but it has been a hectic, but wonderful time ever since leaving Vancouver. Please share thus with Erich or let me know about his condition and I'll send this along to him directly. In any event, give him our heartfelt wishes and prayers.
Again, fond regards to Erich and Nola. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Greetings from Valley Glen! Radio silence broken, Attack of The Killer Tumbleweed and more!
Hello Laddage!
Trust everyone is well and enjoying sloth and lattes in equal measure! Again, fond regards to everyone. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Greetings from Cell Block 116!
Hi Chloë and Maggster!
Trust you are both well. Wanted to ask you to put two corkscrews, (orange and a black one), and silver Mylar drop stops, (package along side in drawer below phone), in your checked luggage, or corkscrews will be confiscated! Nana is watching The Today Show and I'm just about to leave for my ride while The Warden of Woodman Penitentiary is at work! Be prepared for Solitary Confinement if you move an ornament or a pillow is out of place on the couch! Thanks and Love, Dad! Pic: Jennifer last night.
Dear alumni and friends: As another eventful year draws to a close, I thank each of you for your continued commitment to making UWinnipeg a relevant and inclusive place to learn and belong. It is because of your generosity and support that we are able to pursue our mission of providing academic excellence while dissolving the boundary between our campus and our community. On behalf of the senior executive team, we wish you and your family a successful and prosperous New Year. Please click here to view a digital holiday greeting from UWinnipeg. Peace, Dr. Lloyd Axworthy President and Vice-Chancellor The University of Winnipeg |
- Patrick James Dunn As a Flash trained photo journalist, I expect my royalties to be paid in Cactoosian loaves of bread, sandwiches, made from same, and wine storage, in perpetuity! Vinnie, you look like a seasoned Athos, must be all that purloined Zin that you claimed was "spillage"!
- David Kessler It's too bad that there is no apparent way on Facebook to credit the photographer. Should we tag Corinne?
- Patrick James Dunn Something along the line of "Long suffering spouse for countless years of social embarrassment and despicable behaviour!" But I'm still at a loss as to what to say about Madame Coriandre! Any suggestions? Any help much appreciated!
- David Kessler Doesn't she? I'm a lucky man to have such a beautiful wife...
The Great Canadian Maple Syrup Heist!!
Texas' Last Last Meal
Hi Warden Ayn!
According to Sarge, the likely thieves belong to a band of Ukrainian perogy counterfeiters! Apparently they sold fake perogies, made out of pilfered Polyfilla, to unsuspecting Californians. Particularly gullible were Tinsel Towners, reported an LA PSA yesterday. Shortbread is expected to be targeted next so consumers are advised to keep any recently acquired product safely hidden. Cheers, The Better Business Bureau of Happy, Happy Valley Glen, Woodman Correctional Institute, Tier II, Cell Block 211, Parolee Patrizzio for Nana the Knife, doing 5 to 10 for assault with a deadly snore!
First United!
Every year at Aunt Leah’s, we meet all kinds of kids who don’t have a place to call home for the holidays. Kids like Adam, whose memories of Christmas are lonely and bare. “Usually I was given fifty bucks and told to go somewhere else for Christmas,” he told me once. This experience was a little taste of homelessness – a fate that, sadly, averages highest among kids from the foster care system – for Adam. It was a taste of how broken this world can feel sometimes, even on holidays that should be full of hope, joy, and family.But it doesn’t have to be this way.With brokenness comes restoration, and when we see a kid heading down a lonely, isolated path, we intervene. We can’t change the system – but we can change individual lives.First United! This Christmas, I’d like to invite you to change a life. By giving to Aunt Leah's Place, you’ll provide countless foster teens, young moms, and children with stocking stuffers, Christmas trees, groceries, housing, community, and most importantly: hope for the future. Your gift will make Christmas come true for youth who need it – and it will provide a place to call home all year round.In the Spirit of Leah, Gale Stewart, Aunt Leah’s Place, Executive Director
Hello Donna Florida and Sherpa Davey!
First and foremost, let me thank you both for the wonderful visit and stay. I was de-lovely in the extreme. Thank you, of course, for allowing us to invite Patricia and Amos. That alone was most generous. Cannot even begin to rave about the fantabulous fare, as well as the delight of seeing the Fayre Elise again. Your lunch packs were devoured, greedily, as we winged our way south so thanks again for the home-made with love care packages! [Back from my ride today, more later, I relished a Swiss Emmental, thinly sliced red onion and honey mustard sandwich on your dwindling loaf and it was more than divino! Thanks, once more, for that thoughtful and delicioso gift!]
Furthermore, thanks for pool pass. It was wonderful to be back in my pool away from home, at long last! Also, brief tour of Bancroft, et al, was terrific. [In that vein, Whirlygig's son, Jacob Two Two and the Hooded Fang, was most taken with shot of you in Gutenberg Galaxy. Could you let me know the name of the room as Cobby, (see attached woodcut), is currently enrolled at Emily Carr on GI and"Fine print production and letterpress is his passion at the moment.", according to Pater Giggster. In this vein, please add unlimited pool passes to royalties for photo on Facebook!
Trust you and Floridiana are well and that your trip to Los Osos will be as enjoyable as it can be. Please pass along greetings to Famiglia Ursus. Don't believe I have seen any of them since Groggenheimer and I stayed with them back in '91, the year of the Conflagration! Wish I had nipped the container of George's java Naughty Nancy allowed me to make a thermos full from as I'm reduced to Starbucks Instanto here in Un-Happy Valley Glen. Cell Block 211 is a Caffeine Free Zone. Über Warden Dominitrix Ayn only allows cups of tepid water at 11:00pm before lights out! Doesn't bother Madame Coriandre as she is purringly content with her Tetley Strawberry Specialty Tea, a felicitous blend of Orange Pekoe teas and strawberry!
Again, fond regards. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Pics: Sky near Mounts, Dry Creek; your chicken at Villa Vicente; Bancroft printing room. As I might have mentioned, I was unceremoniously kicked out of pool when schedule glitch had Women's Swim Team in water earlier than posted. Received some friendly smiles when I told life guard that I could swim just as quickly as the team members and so should be allowed to stay. She knew I was telling the truth but was probably worried about the Ogle Factor; Campanile; iconic palms; freshly baked loaves, Tuesday morning; Jennifer and Ayn in front of Ayn's tree; shot of stage before performance started; Pierrino and his Nana this afternoon!
When you choose the lesser of two evils, always remember that it is still an evil.
Max Lerner
Takagaki Toshiko Hi, Corinne!
It would be amazing if I can see you in San Diego!!
I will definitely tell you as soon as my know my schedule. In fact, I will make time to see you. If it will be better for me to meet you somewhere close by, I will go!
Please have a wonderful Christmas holiday with your fabulous family get together!!
love, Toshiko
I was forced to buy some New York steak for our dinner instead....well, it IS hard to imagine a more delectable breakfast, is there???
Glad to learn you have found the lost angels and that your modest first ride encountered ill wind and a festive homeless encampment.All is well on the rain coast front; snow paralyses the city and cycling is curtailed to cafes, new Port Mann Bridge is closed because of Lexi falling ice, Christmas cake is suddenly in short supply, malt and wine too left the country, and so on.Your photo of the print studio: Cobby would be really intrigued to learn about the print studio, assuming that is what it is in your photos. Fine print production and letterpress is his passion at the moment. See attached photo of a gift for Uncle Carlos called Moustache Performance Enhancer. Note the refurbished Italian bike.There is much talk of wine in your missive. I hope you are stocking up on small arms. Rumour has it that there may be some prohibitive gun control coming shortly to those promiscuous parts. Can I send my wish list?Seasons greetings to you and yours, W
Hi everyone,
It's going to be a very hot Christmas Day once again in Western Australia.
We hope you have a great Christmas and safe holiday break.
Attached are a couple of photos and a newsletter. Please let me know if you
can't open it. Regards
Yien (and Mike, Jessica, Olivia and Joshua)
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