Hello Lads!
Drove from Mesa this morning, (Stayed overnight with very good friends of the Durstons, Sandy and Arv. They owned a cabin at Falcon Lake and just sold it this past summer, after 30 years! We enjoyed a lovely dinner and then watched Glenn Howard beat the Norwegians. Funny to see curling with grapefruit, tangerine and orange trees growing outside the living room window. Had a fresh grapefruit for breakfast, along with freshly squeezed OJ, this morning.), to arrive in Monahans, off I 20, to stay in Luxury, Sheer Luxury, at the Texas Inn.
Feasted on steak and cat fish at the Bar-H Steakhouse down the road. Standard fare for steak and fish but crisp, fresh salad bar so that was very much appreciated after almost 10 hours on the road. Now sipping a Snows Lake, Mayacamas Mountains, (Lake County’s Mount Konocti, north of Napa/Sonoma), 2007 Cabbage, 15.45%, back in our room. Deliciously plummy, typical high slopes forward fruit and firm tannins so very pleased I picked it up at a wine store in Berkeley when we were there in mid-December. Had never come across winery before and I now gather that Gallo purchased the vineyard,
this past September! Didn't think restaurant would have corkage, (from past experience in Texas), and Coraleeta was very hungry so wanted to go to eat as soon as we unloaded our travel kit and I stowed my bike. It is leaning safely against the wall beside my side of the bed so I can talk to it during the night! Feel pretty good after the long drive. We followed 60 to Superior where we'd visited the Bryce Thompson Arboretum, (wonderful, wonderful cactii), with Flamin' and Sarge/Clarisse and Dusty, in 2008. Snow by the side of the road as we drove through the hills to Globe. Not surprising as the elevation of the Pinal Pass is 4875'. Much evidence of mining, both past and present, in the communities between Globe, now on 70, and Thatcher and Safford. Quite enjoyed this high mesa/plateau country with its stunning landscapes and snow dusted mountains.
Shortly after Duncan we left Arizona and crossed into New Mexico, picking up I 10 just out of Lordsburg. Actually enjoyed the 70 more as though it was only a single lane there was virtually no traffic. Once on the Interstate it was clogged with semis and country we passed through was much blander than what we'd already traversed. However, we listened to some great CD's, (Leonard Cohen's Songs from the Road and Old Ideas; Van Morrison's Born to Sing: No Plan B; Jim Byrnes' I Hear the Wind in the Wires; soundtrack to An Education; Rodriguez's Searching for Sugarman; Bonnie Raitt's Slipstream and Tania Libertad's Arias de Opera), so time went quickly and before we knew it we were past Deming and Las Cruces and then into Texas at El Paso. Still on I 10 past Sierra Blanca and Van Horn and not far from Kent we swung on to the I 20. Stopped at Pecos first but Comfort Inn wanted $189/night so when we filled up tank Coriandre asked about other places. Chap in line, while we were waiting to pay, (One needs a Zip Code to pay at the pump. I usually make one up and it has worked on a number of occasions but not this time!), said that high rates are due to oil patch workers. Guess all the big oil companies pay living expenses and demand is obviously high. Next place was $135 followed by $145. We decided to drive on and about 30K later hit the jackpot here in beautiful downtown Monahans, managing to pay only $100.57!
Easy drive into Dallas, (8 hours or so), so plan to leave by 8:00am so that we arrive around 4:00pm and don't have to find our friends' place in the dark. They won't be home, (skiing in Colorado), but we'll visit when back from New Orleans and again when back from St Maarten. Quite looking forward to exploring some of Dallas on my bike as Ruth said there there are some dedicated bike paths near there place. Plan to drive to New Orleans on the 16th when we take possession of our two bedroom apartment in the Lower Garden District on Magazine. From what we've seen of the place it really is Luxury, Sheer Luxury!
Pleased I'll be back for next NRBC gathering and am looking forward to reading Suttree while in and around Cormac McCarthy country. All the best from Cora Lee to all NRBCers and their Significant Others! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
PS: Vittorio, in case you are still interested in SLAIS, take a t look at this website:
Last ride, Wednesday, January 9th, and some pics from Il Palazzo di Simi and LACMA.
Box Canyon Blues:
Left 269 FVC at 11:45am to make for BCR. Did it and it wasn't as difficult as I had thought it was going to be. As far as Plummer and one block north on Baden and then back. Took my time and managed return up BCR without having to stand. Sun not so hot so ascent was almost enjoyable. Then over SSP to Topanga Canyon Blvd and then back to Iverson. Once I was back at 118 Entrance, I knew I was laughing. Sailed down ELAR to Sycamore and then Fitzgerald to First. Few dipsy doodles on Arcane to finally cross First and then last long climb up LCR to WR and then I was back on LPD and making for home with 101.7K over 5:16:02, 19.3K KPH, MAX 55.3 KPH
Hi Pat & Corinne,
It's just as well that you guys didn't come here to the land of the sick
n' dying!!! I have been nursing a cold/cough/sneezing bug over the past
4 days which seems to be getting worse with each passing day. I
couldn't golf yesterday but just as well as the
winds picked up as the temperatures dropped. It was 4C this morning at
7:30 when Frank's alarm went off. Shortly after, he was in 'your
bedroom' printing off stuff for the tournament and left for the
Pickleball Courts at 8:15. I don't expect him back until
about 3. I on the other hand am sitting at the computer in my ankle
length down filled coat with my box of Kleenex feeling absolutely
miserable. I was up until 2 this morning 'in your bedroom' as sleeping
flat is difficult. I passed the time watching TV. I
have so much congestion. Then, I was up again at 4 to the bathroom.
I've been drinking lots of lemon ginger tea with dollops of honey and
generous dribbles of Irish whiskey, my own concoction, lol!!!! of course
in the hopes that it will aid in a speedy recovery!!!
Hope you had a good trip. I look forward to news of your sun filled days! Maggie x
Hello Maggie!
So sorry to hear that you have been so ill! Trust that you are feeling
better by the time you read this. I had wanted to send a reply to your
last message but simply ran out of time before we left Simi! All the
best from Cora Lee to you and Frank! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick
I am completely exhausted after the cycling- yours not mine. Having driven around LA on occasions included driving on Friday afternoon in the traffic to Temecula .I hadn't even thought about cycling in the area- come to think of it I can't recall seeing any cyclists on any of my visits so it was reassuring to hear they had put in dedicated cycle ways.
It was surprising to me to hear that it was so warm there in
January- lucky people. Why does anyone live in the northern USA states?
One of my sister's husband's sons lives in LA and we met them over there
once after we had driven to Sequoia National Park,
Hoover Dam, Las Vegas and Big Bear Lake and stayed at a golf resort at
Temecula. We drove up from LA to San Francisco and Yosemite in the
eighties when we were living in Oz and I had cause to do work trips to
LA and San Diego from there. I had less time for
bothering about fitness in those days.
Weather good here for cycling this week at least for my modest less
than 20 mile jaunts. Impossible to go on the country bridle ways as
they are so wet and muddy so restricted to old railway paths and roads. I
may have mentioned I came off on ice three
weeks ago and my shoulder is still recovering- a bit like my bath
incident on the way to Vancouver but the other shoulder. I am also
limping from tendonitis caused by my still trying repetition running on
hard surfaces.
I am impressed by your perseverance on the hills. Like you I try not to look at the top of the hill and just grind on whilst being optimistic about how far up the hill I am. Only to be disappointed when I glance up. Not sure what goes first my breathing, my legs or my head. Do you have your new bike with you or do you rely on availability of an equivalent? I can just about do 60-70 mile trips when required but I couldn't contemplate it on a regular basis especially riding on my own . I need company for the coffee stops of course.
I am impressed by your perseverance on the hills. Like you I try not to look at the top of the hill and just grind on whilst being optimistic about how far up the hill I am. Only to be disappointed when I glance up. Not sure what goes first my breathing, my legs or my head. Do you have your new bike with you or do you rely on availability of an equivalent? I can just about do 60-70 mile trips when required but I couldn't contemplate it on a regular basis especially riding on my own . I need company for the coffee stops of course.
It is the time of year when on the one hand I think about
holidaying away from UK but feel relief as the evenings slowly lighten
and the shoots start appearing in the garden. I have found that with the
arrival of young William i am less keen on the idea
of long trips eg to OZ. We are getting up to see them every second week
and in late Feb we should hear where Ed has been allocated for his
hospital training which we hope will either be in the Leeds/Harrogate
area or still in Newcastle. Naturally we visit
the mothers on these visits as we pass by Hartlepool. Chris's mum(89)
has just been diagnosed as having had a TIA last week- something else to
think about.
Have you decided if and when you are coming up to see us? Sylvia
has mentioned a few days in May when we expect to see her during her
visit to see Jenny. Would you be travelling up from the South West-by
car? Not sure we can offer the equivalents of the
LA museums but we are good on cathedrals, abbeys and old ruins. Local
historic and cultural connections include Richard III, James Cook, Guy
Fawkes, the Brontes, Henry Moore. York has plenty of historic interest
and museums and tourists- even cyclable there
and back on flat roads.
I was interested to hear your reference to Devonshire and
Chatsworth areas of LA. The Duke of Devonshire who lives in Chatsworth
House owned Wetherby until the eighteenth or nineteenth century when he
sold us. Although the family home is in the Derbyshire
Peak District the Devonshire name is still around Yorkshire including
Harrogate and the Dales mainly on pubs and hotels.
The weather was so sunny this week that I decided to take Chris on a trip to the coast to the old resorts of Bridlington and Filey- makes a change from Whitby and Scarborough. Sea was like a mill-pond and we could sit in the sun whilst wrapped up of course. Pass near Castle Howard where Brideshead Revisited was filmed.The so called Great Yorkshire Charity bike ride is from Wetherby to Filey, about 70 miles, which I have done once on my road bike. Keen riders do it both ways.
The weather was so sunny this week that I decided to take Chris on a trip to the coast to the old resorts of Bridlington and Filey- makes a change from Whitby and Scarborough. Sea was like a mill-pond and we could sit in the sun whilst wrapped up of course. Pass near Castle Howard where Brideshead Revisited was filmed.The so called Great Yorkshire Charity bike ride is from Wetherby to Filey, about 70 miles, which I have done once on my road bike. Keen riders do it both ways.
Hope you continue to enjoy your trip and that you all have a good 2013. Regards Jim and Christine
Hello James!
Lovely to receive your
more than newsy letter but sorry to learn of Chris' Mom's TIA, not to
mention your own ailments! However, pleased to know that you are
refusing to be limited by them. I suppose The Sisterhood think us daft,
"soft as a brush", I think is one of your Yorkshire expressions for
assuming that the harder we work, when injured, the sooner injury will
With respect to visiting next summer, we think we will be in Cornwall for all or most of August so we would hope to visit you sometime in July. When, exactly, has not yet been decided as we have a number of things to decide upon, here in Vancouver, beforehand. Namely the burial of Mom's ashes in Winnipeg, probably sometime in May/June. I'd like to dovetail that trip with attending my Junior High School re-union and the Grand Fondo in Penticton on the way back from Winnipeg. (Raymond might like to cycle the Kettle Valley there but claims he is not interested in the GF.) We will need to decide fairly quickly, once back in Vancouver,as we'll have to book flights, etc. All sorts of other things on the home front as well, (Chloƫ will be moving back into our loft at the beginning of March so we have to manage that: cleaning, painting, etc., and then moving her furniture once these tasks are complete.), so much to do. Will let you know what our itinerary might look like once we have a better idea ourselves!
All the best from Cora Lee to you and Chris. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Dear world travellers who aren't that particular where they stay . How have you been? Thank you for the tribute of Anne's life enjoyed it very much learned somethings about your mom I never knew . Holidays where almost tolerable no deaths so kind of enjoyable, too long though did not want to go back to work. Wondering if you where going to be home during the week of Feb 18 Jude and I would come to Vancouver to help you celebrate Louis Riel Day. I am going skiing with my boss Larry and his sons in Fernie that week and thought Jude and I could drive,fly or bike the 1000 kms to Vancouver let us know, stay well talk to you later.
Hello Dallas!
Wonderful that you are finally coming to Vancouver! We plan to be home
by Sunday, February 17th so timing is poifect! We'll arrange for you to
stay downstairs at the Sutherlands' place so you yourselves can
experience the Goldilocks Syndrome! They usually leave their door open
as well! Delighted that we can offer you some hospitality after all the
times you have showered us with yours. Let us know flight details and
we'll collect you from YVR. All the best from Cora Lee to you and Judy and The Goils! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Derek!
Lovely to receive your more than newsy letter and delightful snaps but
so terribly sorry to learn of the fiasco/woes that poor Krissy and Mark
have had visited upon them! How upsetting, especially when we all
thought how smashingly things were going. Do hope that something can be
salvaged from this legal mess, including your "investment" injections!
Please pass along our upset to them and wishes for as positive an
outcome as might be possible.
You sound as busy and as active as ever and did enjoy your cycling
exploits, culinary efforts and cultural outings. Please say hello to the
Cotheys for us. Looking forward to riding in Cornwall, even more so
after reading about some of your routes, I must say! We hope to see a
number of movies, while in Dallas, this weekend and early next week. I
missed Quartet at VIFF and do want to see it so pleased you enjoyed it.
All the best from Cora Lee to you and Gayle. Cheers, Patrizzio!
![]() |
Dartmouh Keggy! |
See you all on Feb 24th? Time?
Also, besides cheap scotch for patrick, do we need to bring any food or female companions?
Oops, I meant: yes, see you all on feb 24th, no question mark. Venue tba but did we set a time yet?
And the female companions would be strictly for entertainment n pleasure
Feb 24 is good for me. 8^) cheers, Mark
Dust off your kilt, gather
your friends and grab a glass,
A Dram Come True is back!
Join us at the legendary Hycroft Manor on May 31, 2013 for a lively celebration of spirits.
Our five whisky bars will cater to the
true aficionado, with a variety of rare and distinguished single malts
presented by knowledgeable and passionate tasting experts.
Over the past several years, our pallet pleasing whisky selection has included the
Mortlach 20 year old sherry cask, the Caol Ila 29 year old special cask,
Tullibardine 1988 and Ardbeg Uigeadail—and who could forget last year’s tasting frenzy sparked by the
Bruichladdich Octomore and the Old Pulteney 21 year old?
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