Hello Louise!
Trust you and your husband are both well and that 2013 is going, as it should. I know that Cora Lee sent you a message a few days ago but just wanted to say hello and inquire further about us stopping by. We plan to leave Simi Valley this coming Thursday, January 10th. If you will be home and still want us to stay, I imagine we should be knocking on your door sometime in the late afternoon that day. (Wonder if you could send along your address as not sure if we ever had it!)
Fondestos to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Ski and Ronaldo!
Trust you are both well and that Christmas was a wonderful family gathering and that 2013 is going, as it should. Sorry I've not been in touch sooner. No excuses but plenty of reasons! We plan to leave Simi Valley this coming Thursday, January 10th, to spend a night or two in Sun City, near Phoenix, with friends of Cora Lee's sister, Pamela. Then on to Dallas, by the 14th or 15th, to stay in the condo of friends, Ruth/Randy, who won't even be home! (Another variation on the Goldilocks Scenario! Not sure if you knew that last summer we stayed overnight in the house we understood to belong to my cousin. Nobody was home, door was unlocked and we settled in with friendly pets. Turned out Dallas and Judy had sold the house a few months before we arrived and a car accident had taken owners away for a few days. We became local celebrities very quickly!) They will be skiing in Colorado.
On to New Orleans by the 16th to stay in a two bedroom apartment in the Lower Garden District with close friends, Lynne and Peter, flying in from Penticton for a week. Back to Dallas on the 23rd to finally visit with Ruth and Randy until we fly to St Maarten on the 28th, to stay with grumpy friends until February the 7th! Let us know if we still have reservations and we'll plan accordingly!!! Fondestos to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio
Hello Dearest Naramatians!
Trust you are both well and that Christmas was a wonderful time and that 2013 is going, as it should. Sorry I've not been in touch sooner. No excuses but plenty of reasons! We plan to leave Simi Valley this coming Thursday, January 10th, to spend a night or two in Sun City, near Phoenix, with friends of Cora Lee's sister, Pamela. Then on to Dallas, by the 14th or 15th, to stay in the condo of friends, Ruth/Randy, who won't even be home! (Another variation on the Goldilocks Scenario! Not sure if you knew that last summer we stayed overnight in the house we understood to belong to my cousin. Nobody was home, door was unlocked and we settled in with friendly pets. Turned out Dallas and Judy had sold the house a few months before we arrived and a car accident had taken owners away for a few days. We became local celebrities very quickly!) They will be skiing in Colorado.
Then on to New Orleans by the 16th to stay in Luxury, Sheer Luxury in the Lower Garden District! We will come to collect you at the airport so just want to confirm flight details:Arrive NO 8:37 PM on Jan 16 on UNITED 904Let us know if this still stands and we'll plan accordingly!!! (Unfortunately, for you, the local cab rates are quite high, exorbitantly so, so you might end up owing us money after we deduct what we owe you for lodging!!!) Not sure if you have been watching the weather in NO but according to Cora Lee it might be coolish. To this end she has used this as an excuse to buy a number of sweaters while Power Shopping with Rosie-the-Riveter and Ayn over last few days! I'll have plenty of malt on hand, for anti-freeze, so The Brotherhood should be fine, no matter the temperature!
The book is: Suttree by Cormac McCarthy
Needless to say, we are looking forward to seeing you both and exploring NO and environs together. We brought along our picnic basket so we can take some day trips out into the surrounding country-side should that be something we might like to consider. In any event, I doubt we will be bored. Fondestos to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Fellow NRBCers!
Trust everyone is well and that that 2013 is unfolding as it should. Sorry I've not been in touch sooner. No excuses but plenty of reasons! Please don't change meeting date to suit me but if you decide on February 24th, we'll be back. Not a big deal but thought I'd throw my two-bits into the mix!
Where's Joey? |
We plan to head to LA County Museum of Art tomorrow, or to Pasadena to the Huntington, depending on what Cora Lee finds out about current offerings. Drove by the Getty twice today as it is off the 405. Hope to visit it when we pass through LA in February. It is a fascinating place, the architecture, gardens, vistas, let alone the collections. LACMA is probably where we will go as it it closer to The Bollywood Cafe in Studio City where Ayn works. We will meet her and Los Horridos for dinner to say goodbye before we leave. Fondestos to The Brotherhood from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Kurt and The Swedish Twins!
Sorry, lads, I forgot to include the "new" NRBCers in first message and thought I'd include Patrizio as well, to bring him up to date. Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Trust the "Cleanse" is still going well! About half an hour ago I was scribing at Simi Valley Ford, waiting for an oil change, so Titanium Green will be happy on drive to The Big Easy and back home. Took Rosie-The-Riveter and Coathanger in to LA this morning for their flight back to Vancouver so I hope you will be there to meet them. Not really any difficulty waiting for your Mom to check them in, etc. Only had to drive around the relatively short United Express Departures loop twice and then I parked on second pass. Much easier than at YVR.We headed for home as soon as Cora Lee was back aboard and I find I'm becoming reasonably used to freeway driving here although I'd not like to have to do it all the time. Took a slight detour, off 101 North, one exit past Topanga Canyon Blvd, to show Coriandre Box Canyon Road on way home. I enjoyed being able to look at much more of the scenery not having to concentrate on breathing this time! Patted myself on the shoulder for cycling it both ways this past Friday!
Back home we had a bite to eat, (turkey soup!), and then I phoned a Ford dealership to see about an oil change. No appointment necessary so I drove over and was very pleased with friendly, efficient service. While waiting I asked where the best place for cheap gas might be and was told about Costco, just down the road, off Cochran. When my car was ready, drove there, filled up and parked. Went inside to buy some laundry soap, (Wanted to replenish what we'd used.), and two large packs of gum, for the road, as well as some green bean snacks. Had a few at one of the food kiosks and liked the taste and consistency. A bit like the vegetable straws that you don't appreciate!
Back home to find Joey napping with Nana on the couch in front of the TV! Big yawn and stretch and then he started to chew on one of the straps of the knapsack I'd carried my lap-top in! Will be having overlefts for dinner tonight. Nana is to make something with the fresh spinach that was in the fridge. Not sure what, at this point. Will probably start to get things ready for packing. Won't have time tomorrow so will spend Wednesday here. I hope to go for a long ride in the morning/early afternoon and then begin to load the car so we will be able to make a reasonably early start, (probably not until after 9:00am to avoid worst of rush-hour), on Thursday. Anyway, we may well call later this evening if I haven't heard back from you once you have collected your grandparents.Had an email back form Louise, (Pam's friend), in Sun City and it is not convenient to stay on Thursday night, nor in Yuma! Nobody loves us! Wonder if you could ask your grandparents to either phone Arv and Sandy and/or send along their number/address so we can call to see if they are up for a Freeloader Visit! Not really a big deal, either way,as we will simply drive further that day and be all that more closer to Dallas. However, would like to do this as soon as possible, obviously, as we need to plan the trip.
We plan to head to LA County Museum of Art tomorrow, or to Pasadena to the Huntington, depending on what Cora Lee finds out about current offerings. Drove by the Getty twice today as it is off the 405. Hope to visit it when we pass through LA in February. As I think you know, it is a fascinating place, the architecture, gardens, vistas, etc., let alone the collections. LACMA is probably where we will go as it it closer to The Bollywood Cafe, in Studio City, one of Ayn's favs. We will meet her and Los Horridos for dinner to say goodbye before we leave.
Fondestos from Joey to Maggs and much love from Nana! Love and Cheers, Dad!
Pics: Last night after dinner, Ayn's roast pork and pop-overs! Delish! We missed first five minutes of Downtown Abbey since Los Horridos wanted to watch the Lakers loose again! Nana would like to remind you to make sure you are recording all the episodes, next seven Sundays, I believe! I don't know how she can manage without her daily dose of Y&R. I presume this is why she came down with a cold! Just before we left for the airport. I'm contemplating cat-knapping Joey!
Hello Floridians!
Trust you are both well and that that 2013 is unfolding as it should. I hope that Jack is as fit as a fiddle these days. Sorry I've not been in touch sooner. No excuses but plenty of reasons! After all the fussing about where to fly from to St Maarten we've decided that we don't have enough time, unfortunately, to drive to Marcos Island to impose ourselves on you and will use Dallas/Ft. Worth as the airport of choice! I apologize for any uncertainty in your own lives that this may have caused. For my part, I truly did want to continue to Florida but Cora lee and her VPL Friends volunteer work have come between me and Key West! At least for this trip.
Fondestos to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
I love my Mama
- Patrick James Dunn Patrizzio, Dear Teens, is the reason Cora Lee looks the way she does! Living with a psychopath/sociopath keeps you on your social toes and provides her with the necessary resilience to deal with her two Machiavellian daughters and a rabid cat!The 27th is fine with me.
The 24th works for me. Happy new year everyone.
Happy new year gentlemen,
I'm ok with both January dates but the 27 is preferable. Sorry, but perhaps being new to the NRBC and all of its inner workings, and with all of the emails, I am bit confused as to which book we are supposed to read for the coming meeting? Best, VictorHappy new year to all. January 20 is not a suitable day for me. Other days are fine, and I can host in case. Cheers, Moe
Happy New Year,As it happens the two dates I have suggested in late January (20th or 27th) will not work for me. Misha has offered to host if the group wants to meet on one of those dates. Alternatively, I am going to suggest Sunday, 24 February or the following Sunday, 3 March as possible meeting dates.Please let me know if either of these dates fit on your dance card. Venue TBD. G
Any of those okay with me. I could likely host if needed. It might be consistent with our high ethical standards (even if omitted from the constitution) to consider the priorities of any non reading season ticket holders or 50/50 sellers to await the release of the Canucks home games schedule before we pin this down. And the next book is still Sutree right? Guy
- Patrick James Dunn He looks just like me when I'm back from a bike ride over Santa Susana Pass. Why am I not so appealing? My cycling garb is much cleaner than his chopper outfit. The Sisterhood is too much!
Hi Mark,I am happy that you are enjoying the book. This is one of the best audio books that I have listened for a very good match between the reader and the book. He is like grandfather narrating a story..Cheers MoeHi Moe,Thought I'd let you know that I'm quite enjoying CTG. I began listening in the wee hours of last night in expectation that a few minutes would be a cure for a bout of insomnia. An hour and a half later I was still wide awake, and thoroughly immersed in the story to boot. It needed a deliberate intervention by my System 2 to remove my earbuds and power down my iPod. The reader is sell suited to the material, and the writing well suited to the audio format. Thanks, eh! 8^) cheers, Mark
Hi Mark,It seems that folder is shared now. I will put the files in them when I got home tonight.
I would like the audio version, please. DropBox would be an easy way to share it, if that works for you. I just updated the folder I used for TFandS to make it a shared folder 8^) cheers, MarkBoth days are fine with me. My suggestion for book is Catherine the Great by Robert K. Massie. That is an excellent book. I have the audio and e-book of it in case somebody is interested. The Audio is well read and the reader (I forgot his name) has a very suitable voice for the narrative. Cheers Moe
ps: just to confirm - i will be glad to host the meeting on 27th (or other Sunday of choice) and Suttree book (mp3 format) is in the Moe / Mark dropbox. VPL has a hard copy (very small print, though).
- Patrick James Dunn Bollywood Cafe still on? Time to rendezvous with your parents after LACMA when you are finished jammin'!
- Ayn P Yes...www.bollywoodcafela.com...11101 Ventura Blvd. , Studio City.
.620pm please..you should take Laurel Canyon back over from LACMA
- Patrick James Dunn I plan to do so otherwise she is always reaching for my money clip! Or some other part of my anatomy!!!
Hi Patrick,
It looks like you and Corinne have had a wonderful family Christmas – lucky you. Lynnie and I have been denned in, having a very quiet time, a few movies, socializing, watching football (me), exercising daily (Lynne), trying to write a report that is due this week, and ploughing snow almost daily. I just got in from ploughing a trail up the driveway to get Lynne out, about 4 inches of new snow overnight a still coming down. We’re really looking forward to New Orleans. I don’t know if we can expect any sun there – I’m quite envious of all the brightness evident in your photos from California.
I just finished reading my Christmas book and it reminded me a lot of you, freeloading and partying your way across America – Jack Kerouac’s On the Road. I’m sure you’ve read it, but I never had and found it a real treat. Wonderful prose and interesting people, at a time when America was a much simpler place.
Yes, those flight details are still correct. That’s very kind of you to meet us at the airport, and we’ll look forward to seeing your smiling faces. I’d write more now but have to get back to my report (ugh!). Cheers, PeterPS any specific maltage requests from the duty free in Calgary airport?
I am sorry to hear about your consulting/snow plough blues! Perhaps Stefano, from Old Oak, can turn your lament into a million dollar hit! Then you will be able to buy the most expensive maltage at Calgary Duty Free! I have a Jura and an Ardbeg so anything else might go down smoothly but no fussage on that detail, although I do appreciate your premeditated forethought! Will look for people carrying a snow shovel and a lap-top at Arrivals!!!
Fondestos from Joey to Lynne and much love from Coriandre. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick,
Just a quick email to say your bike trip sounds amazing and sorry you couldn't make it to Pasadena. I had a very busy weekend but very productive and my brother arrives today for 4 days so thank goodness I had the weekend to sleep in and putter around at my leisure with my errands and wedding preparations. Now it's full steam ahead. Hope to hear from you soon! Beatricce Ciao!!
Hello Beatricce!
Buona Fortuna with wedding! Where is your brother from? Chicago? How are the slopes, Powder Partridge? We plan to head to LA County Museum of Art tomorrow rather than to Pasadena and the Huntington as it is closed on Tuesdays! Bit cheeky we think! Drove by the Getty twice today as it is off the 405. Hope to visit it when we pass through LA in February. As I think you might know, it is a fascinating place, the architecture, gardens, vistas, etc., let alone the collections. LACMA is probably better anyway as it it closer to The Bollywood Cafe, in Studio City, one of Ayn's favs. We will meet her and Los Horridos for dinner to say goodbye, and ask for a small loan, before we leave. Do hope we can connect in February on way back to sort out details of your coming visit with Patrizia, should that be in the offing! Fondestos from Coriandre. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Black bean and corn loaf. This is what day 5 ended with. Almost half way!!! Thank god, I need a drink.
- Patrick James Dunn Looks wonderful but what about Arv and Sandy? We need a place to stay for Nana to snore the night away, not some cheap, flea-bitten motel room!
Pat,Saw the first show of the third season of Downton Abbey last night. Sylvia wasn't that impressed but I enjoyed it, especially the banter between Maggie Smith and the American grandmother played by Shirley Maclaine. Noticed an ad for a new series, 'DCI Banks', starting this Thursday which you might want to have Chloe tape for you. I'm reading 'Watching the Dark' by Peter Robinson at the moment and it's very good.Rain in the forecast all week so it looks like no riding again.
No riding today or tomorrow, obviously. Made up for it yesterday with a reasonable 101.8K over 5:14;56, AVG 19.4, MAX 57.8 KPH with an up-and-over along Santa Susana Pass Road. Route regulare, dipsy doodles required. Managed to squeak between a few rain drops, (Forecast was for showers. Sorry for your wet weather, lads. Just an excuse for lattes, I fear!), so ride was a real bonus. Trying to convince myself that Box Canyon needs revisiting before we leave. Will have another snort of malt and think about it!Last night after dinner, (Ayn's roast pork and pop-overs! Delish!), we missed first five minutes of Downtown Abbey, (We thoroughly enjoyed it, Sylvia! I did like the delightful sparks between Dowager and rich American as well, Raymondo, in addition to the developing problems with staff! Thanks for the tip about DCI Banks.) Fondestos from Cora Lee to you both. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Beautiful night — with Nicole Marie at Sunset bar, Sofitel Philippine Plaza.
Patrick James Dunn Isn't this Spanish Banks?
- Patrick James Dunn Are you ready to collect your Grandmother? She has a nasty cough, unfortunately, in spite of Ayn's ministering to her. Will leave for LAX around 10:00am.
- Chloe Alexis Dunn Yeah I'm off at 5 so will head there right away. No good to be sending back sick grandparents though!!
- Patrick James Dunn Bring a bowl of chicken soup!
Thank you for the long note and we are very impressed with your prowess on the bike! Great to see photos of everyone especially Pierre who is certainly a nice looking young man. We had a good laugh at Chloe standing on a chair to be taller.
It is a beautiful day here with about 4 inches of fresh snow everywhere. We shovelled early this a.m. so it is a good exercise program. Enjoy the rest of your trip and we look forward to seeing you when you get back to Vancouver. Cheers, Dawn
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