We received your package just before we left for Vancouver for Christmas. We were very disappointed to learn that you would be away while we were in the big city.
Thank you so much for sending us the information from your mom's service. It was so interesting to read about her life and what a wonderful story - so positive. We were fortunate to have known Annie.
We had Christmas with Jeff, Stacee and Sean and had a wonderful time. Stacee and Sean had us to their new home for Christmas day dinner and they did a very fine job of cooking the traditional turkey and trimmings. We had everyone to our place on Christmas Eve and also did our traditional early Christmas dinner out where we played games etc. The kids were very impressed with the stocking gifts this year! A colouring contest was the hit of the night.
Jeff had a very successful Christmas season and we were so happy for him as he has really worked hard. He left for the Dominican Republic with his girlfriend right after Boxing Day. We came home on the 30th to celebrate New Years here. We were invited to our local theatre for a private showing of, THE HOBBIT, which was entertaining from the production perspective and then we went to a friends for dinner and cards. We stayed up until 12:45 so were pleased with our stamina.
We don't have dates for our next stays in Vancouver but will certainly call you when we are next in town for a few days. Of course you may still be away or on another trip so it may be awhile before we can cross paths.
The very best to you in 2013 and we look forward to our continued friendship. Dawn
Hello Donna Maria and Heraldo!
How lovely to hear form you and know all went so well with over Christmas with Jeff, Stacee and Sean. For our part we have had a wonderful time ever since leaving Vancouver, over-nighting in Portland and then three nights in Healdsburg wine tasting! On to Berkeley for two nights and then into Tinsel Town to Ayn's very comfortable loft apartment in Valley Glen/Van Nuys. Spent about a week there before Chloë, Clara and Dusty flew into town. We spent Christmas morning opening our gifts and brunching at Ayn's and then de-camped to 269 Fawn Valley Court where we have been house/cat sitting ever since. Hosted an Open House on New Year's Day with many of Ayn's colleagues as well as friends of Los Horridos. Have been in cycling heaven here as there are wonderfully wide, dedicated bike lanes everywhere and the surrounding hills offer tremendous challenges.
Per esempio, it was a gorgeous day here yesterday so I took advantage of it and decided to explore the eastern end of Simi Valley. (If interested you can follow route on Google Maps if you punch in our address, given above.)I'd been as far as the intersection of Sequoia and Royal and determined, by looking at Google Maps, that I should be able to ride just into the San Fernando Valley over the Santa Susana Pass. As thing turned out it was one of the most enjoyable rides I've had here in California. For a start I was on dedicated bikes lanes for virtually all of the ride so it was extremely comfortable from that point of view and then the countryside and landscape through the Santa Susana Pass was quite spectacular. The scenery is really breathtaking at times as the sandstone formations show massive outcroppings and stunning, stunning boulders. I first saw evidence of these hillsides when I rode to the end of Browns Creek Bike Path, at the north end of De Soto Ave, just barely under the Ronald Reagan Fwy, 118. Now I know that I was probably looking at Stony Point Park as the SSP Road terminates at Topanga Canyon Blvd on the west side of these hills.
By the time I was here I had 35K on my odometre and would dearly have loved to have been able to ride for at least another 15K so that return would clock me in at 100K. However, TCB seemed extremely busy and as I approached the entrance to the thoroughfare I could see no evidence of a dedicated bike lane. I decided that I'd best save my energy for the return slog back over the pass. I must say that the ascent was one of the longest, prolonged rides I may have yet taken, ever, but it was not overly exhausting or punishing. The wind, however, was another matter, altogether. Even on Royal and E Los Angeles Ave when making for Kuehner Drive which leads to SSPR, I had to gear down, using the same ratio that I used on the climb over the pass, so strong, so forceful was the sustained headwind. Some of the gusts, particularly working my way to the top of the pass, buffeted me almost sideways at times. Tad disconcerting on the way down as there are some pretty sheer drops along the way and heading into the San Fernando Valley one is right next to cliff edge on some of the tight corners!
Anyway, I made it up and down without any mishaps. On the return ascent I took a short jog to the north, past The Church at Rocky Peak to follow the road just under the 118, once again. A gated community, Vistas at Indian Oaks, prevented me from going any further so I turned around and literally whizzed back down to SSPD, clocking 60.6KPH before I had to put on the brakes! Quite lovely to see Simi Valley spread out before me as came through the cut just past Box Canyon Road and then I was back on Kuehner Dr to take Katherine Rd and then Christine Ave back to ELAA all the way to Tapo Street which circles what looked like a fairly high end industrial park to connect with Royal Ave. Thence to Sequoia and I was in good shape, knowing the territory, so to speak from earlier rides. Must say I was delighted to have the wind now pushing me along quite nicely at by the time I was back on Fitzgerald, heading for First St I knew what I would do to push my total distance to over 110K.
Once across First, I continued to Sinaloa Rd and then retraced an abbreviated version of the route I'd done last week when first exploring this area. Ending back at Rivera St I took a shortcut through a small park and was back heading up First with slightly over 106K on my ododmetre. Although it was after 5:00pm by then, it was still extremely warm. I had taken off my cycling gloves, near the very start of the ride, as it was simply to hot to wear them. I thought that I'd have to put them back on once the sun went down as I've found that the temperature can drop quite quickly. Pleasantly surprised not to have to do so. Furthermore, I have sometimes felt chilled on the last descent down Wood ranch Road, the wind cutting through my light jacket to make me shiver as it finds my perspiration soaked double long sleeved T shirts. Not this time as I was toasty from head to foot as I pulled into 269 Fawn Valley Ct with 116.3K over 6:18:22. AVG 18.4, MAX 60.6KPH.
Must say I am very pleased with the ride, not just the distance but more the joy of exploring this fascinating landscape once one manages to get away from all the malls and housing developments. I hope I can explore Box Canyon Road on some future ride as from looking at the map it would eventually take me to Plummer St not all that far from the Orange Line Busway Bike Path I rode when we stayed with Ayn in Van Nuys/Valley Glen.
Well, time fora quick shower as we are off to see the space shuttle Endeavour at the California Science Center just before noon. Unfortunately Cora lee just came down with a nasty head cold so she will be staying home. We have an extra ticket now if interested! Too, too bad, for many reasons but at least Joey, The Destructo-Acro Kitten will be happy for the company! Anyway, fond regards to you both from Cora Lee, Clarisse and Coat Hanger. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: First one shows Chloë day before she left for Vancouver this past Sunday; Clarisse before guests arrived; Pierre with Jonathon and his fiancée, Francine; Beatricce and Patrizia, from Pasadena, women we sat next to at Ralph's in Healdsburg; Tony a former gentleman friend of Ayn's; Danielle, Joshua, Samantha, Alejandro's girlfriend
Ayn P It's a beautiful day in the neighborhood...xoxo
- Patrick James Dunn Not so nice in Simi Valley as Nana is in bed with a nasty head cold. Just me and your grandparents coming into Tinsel Town!! See you after we visit the Endeavour!
- Healthy and Happy New Year from Valley Glen, Henie!. Fondestos and Cheers,Patrizzio!
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Thunersee! |
- Patrick James Dunn Healthy and Happy New Year from California, Simi Valley and Valley Glen. Just been to see the Space Shuttle Endeavour at the California Science Center with Clarisse and Dusty. Rather remarkable to see up close. Wonderful IMAX show on the Hubble Space Telescope as part of package and only $6 per ticket for Seniors!!! Unfortunately, your Dear Host Mother came down with a nasty head cold last night so she had to stay home and stay in bed with Joey, the Destructo-Acro-Kitten we are taking care of while his owners are in Bora Bora. As I scribe Dusty is putting in a dimmer switch for the overhead light in Ayn's dining area. Next he willl be gluing some loose chair joints. As soon as I send this I will make a green saladin to go with the pizza Ayn will bring home after work, from Studio City but ten minutes away. After dinner we'll drive back to Simi Valley to see how fares the Canadian Patient! Fondestos and Cheers, Your Dearest Host Father!
Henie Reisinger Patrick! Happy New Year! How lovely to read you again! It's been awhile and I've missed your adventures! Glad you were able to see Endeavour up close. I had the luck of photographing it from a rooftop at the beach where I now best itvwas 500 feet above! If you look at my photo albums here on Facebook you will see how close I was to it while it flew overhead on its final flight. Thrilling chills ran through my body in awe! Love to Cora Lee and hope she's on the mend. How long are you staying? Would love to see/meet and have a drink! Ciao!Henie Reisinger Go to my Timeline Photos and scroll down quite a bit to get to Endeavour shots. Cheers!Patrick James Dunn
Hi Henie! Ayn is coming out on Saturday. Let us know if then or Sunday would work for you. Going to look at your Endeavour Coverage now! Cheers, Patrizzio!
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