& I had a short ride in the rain yesterday and my knee is none the
worse for it. I am going to get out today for no more than a couple
hours and I am open
as to when. Let me know if you want to get out. G
Hi Lads!
I have finally thawed out from yesterday's deep freeze, freeze-dry junket so I'm up for a jog anytime today. (Giorgio had to stop at UBC's Emergency ward to be treated for hypothermia although he "claimed" he was visiting his Dad!) Iona, up-and-over Lions Gate, Seattle? Lattes at Terra Breads in Olympic Village is probably far enough for Whirlygig's knee and that way Ragin' can join us! Please advise so that I can hit The Sisterhood up for java cash. Cheers, "Huddled in Front of the Electric Fireplace with a Hot Water Bottle and Bottle of Rum" Patrizzio!
Hello Casa Vicentians!
Trust all goes well with you two! Still busy "re-integrating" ourselves into life here at home. Our bedroom is finally starting to assume some semblance of what Cora Lee would like it to be now that we have been able to move, over the last week or so, things that were stored there, since last summer, to the loft. However, don't want to take too, too many of Chloë's possessions over until most of the painting, floor-laying, final cleaning is finished. To that end this past Monday morning Chloë and I drove over there. I left beforehand, in my car, to return recyclables to Go Green on Ontario and 7th and then to Coastal Ford on Thorton, just off Terminal Avenue, to take Titanium Green in for an oil change as a reward for performing so well on trip! Chloë picked me up and then we made for Wall Street where we off-loaded the laminate flooring and underlay for the upstairs bedroom area. That done we returned to the Islay Inn and I changed into my cycling togs and left just after 1:00am. Sky had cleared from morning showers and I wanted to take advantage of what was supposed to be a dry day. Very dry but very, very windy. Don't think I've ever ridden into such a fierce wind and I do mean FIERCE! On way to Stanley Park, just past the Aquatic Centre I literally had to shift into lowest gear. (Looked at weather report once home and gather wind as gusting to 50 KPH!), I was still in third but that is what I climb hill to Prospect Point in! Quite a buffeting, let me tell you.
[Coincidentally, Whirlygig honked at me, just as I ascended the crest of the bridge deck. He was returning from Horseshoe Bay, having dropped Kurt, (He lives in Nanaimo since moving to BC from Ontario, a year or so ago, and takes the ferry over for the night to be able to visit and take part in the NRBC malt induced free-for-all! He and Giorgio worked in publishing in Toronto in the mid-80's.), there. I'd invited them, as well as Ragin' Bull for brunch around 1:00pm and to play a few hands of bridge. After mild Italian sausages, home fries, and fried mushrooms we played with three different partners and I managed to come out on top. The three non-residents were unceremoniously booted out by Chloë at just before 6:00pm. She was hosting an Oscar Party and wanted nothing to do with loud-mouthed louts! Anyway, I watched a bit of the Tinsel Town show and then it was almost time for me to drive over to Whirlagge's place to pick the two miscreants up. They were drinking beer on the porch when I arrived and continued to knock them back all evening, at Guy's place in East Van, just off Victoria and 4th. Lively discussion and then I chauffeured the rowdy bunch back home to be at the Islay Inn myself by 10:30pm. Cora lee was already reading in bed so I joined her as soon as I brushed and flossed as I was keen to start Field Gray, Philip Kerr's latest Bernie Gunther novel. (Picked it up in New Orleans.)]
Bit of relief once I made it to the cover of the trees near English Bay and so I headed for Canada Place before making my way up and over Lions Gate. Thought of Swedish friend, Kjell, when I rode east on the Spirit Trail, past where his Canadian girlfriend, Jane, lives and then on over the pedestrian bridge to Harbourside and then to Berwicke Avenue. Retraced my route to head into West Van and then thought of them again as I passed the apartment building where Jane's Dad used to live. Cycled to about 31st and Marine Drive and then turned back. Wind going over Lions Gate wasn't too, too bad as it came at a slight angle, not head-on and I was soon zipping down hill from Prospect Point. Had 70 K on the clock at the bottom so knew I needed one more circuit of the Seawall, (Closed for scaling from part under Prospect Point so not accessible, Monday-Friday, for next two weeks.), and PP Hill so did that and was home about 5:45pm with 81.3 K on the trusty odometre, over 4:24:00, AVG 18.4 KPH, MAX 51.6 KPH. Quite please with distance if not AVG but put it down to hurricane force winds!
More to tell but must away as am meeting lads at 25th and Maple for a run out to Iona, parallel to runways at YVR. Haven't been since returning so looking forward to watching the planes landing. Bird sanctuary at the regional park at the end of the spit there so always many birders, some with huge, huge cameras and mountains of other equipment. Will take you there when next you visit. Fondestos from Madame Coriandre to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Ft Worth and Tinsel Town, with Tina.
We have completed your work order (022613172812) at West Point Cycles - West 10th Ave. Please stop by at your earliest convenience.
chain lubed and derailer adjusted. test ridden. rear brake pads replaced as the wear indicator was on the rim. Total: $17.91 Thanks, Shaelen.
Chloë Dunn
Fundraising Coordinator

Building a Brighter Future for Foster Kids
200 - 668 Carnarvon Street, New Westminster, BC V3M 5Y6
T 604-525-1204 x228
F 604-525-1295
I am so very proud of you Chloe…you’ll touch many lives with your wonderful exuberance, crunchy exterior and lovely heart!! Your sister, Ayn Lenore
Hello Sisterhood!
Crunchy exterior! This from the Drama Queen with the Hedgehog Heart! Onward! Fight!!! Cheers, Patrizzio "We Don't Need No Stinkin' Advice From Our American Relatives" San!
She said its that I don't take any BS. I'm tough!! xx
Except when it comes to watching horror movies:)
Yaaaaa! Good for you, professional honey, now my work neighbour! We will have to work out a tour of new west and/or lunch...Congratulations again!!! XO
Hello! Just so you know... The Royal has extended the run of Tower
through the weekend (March 1-3).
The Toronto Star also gave the film a good review (February 22, p. E7).
And, to date, the filmmakers have been available, after each showing, to answer questions! Deborah
through the weekend (March 1-3).
The Toronto Star also gave the film a good review (February 22, p. E7).
And, to date, the filmmakers have been available, after each showing, to answer questions! Deborah
Hi Lads!
I have finally thawed out from yesterday's deep freeze, freeze-dry junket so I'm up for a jog anytime today. (Giorgio had to stop at UBC's Emergency ward to be treated for hypothermia although he "claimed" he was visiting his Dad!) Iona, up-and-over Lions Gate, Seattle? Lattes at Terra Breads in Olympic Village is probably far enough for Whirlygig's knee and that way Ragin' can join us! Please advise so that I can hit The Sisterhood up for java cash. Cheers, "Huddled in Front of the Electric Fireplace with a Hot Water Bottle and Bottle of Rum"
I have finally thawed out from yesterday's deep freeze, freeze-dry junket so I'm up for a jog anytime today. (Giorgio had to stop at UBC's Emergency ward to be treated for hypothermia although he "claimed" he was visiting his Dad!) Iona, up-and-over Lions Gate, Seattle? Lattes at Terra Breads in Olympic Village is probably far enough for Whirlygig's knee and that way Ragin' can join us! Please advise so that I can hit The Sisterhood up for java cash. Cheers, "Huddled in Front of the Electric Fireplace with a Hot Water Bottle and Bottle of Rum"
Hi guys,
Would love to join up but too much on my plate today I'm afraid.
Looks like a grand day besides the temperature issue.. Don't forget your
mittens! AL
How about 10 to 10:30? Will meet anywhere. Ray
Sorry gents,
Hi guys,
Would love to join up but too much on my plate today I'm afraid.
Looks like a grand day besides the temperature issue.. Don't forget your
mittens! AL
Let’s meet at the power station at King Ed and Maple at 10:30. See you then, G
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