Uxorious: Excessively devoted or submissive toward one's wife.
Maritorious: Excessively fond of one's husband.
"Dames maritorious ne'er were meritorious."
George Chapman; The Tragedy of Bussy D'Ambois; 1607.
The word maritorious is rare, while uxorious is fairly well known. What does that say about the relative fondness of husbands and wives to each other?
The soundest argument will produce no more conviction in an empty head than the most superficial declamation; as a feather and a guinea fall with equal velocity in a vacuum. -Charles Caleb Colton, author and clergyman (1780-1832)
Hi Megan!
Have really been enjoying our time here in the Caribbean. Flew from Dallas last Monday to stay with close friends, Ski and Ronaldo at the American University of the Caribbean, here in St Martin/Sint Maarten. Ron is teaching here for three months and we are staying in very comfortable dorms. Saturday, we drove to an orphanage on the east side of the island in the Quartier D'Orleans, to be part of the gang of students and faculty from AUC who take some of the children to Galion Beach for the day, about once a month. Two days earlier, Cora Lee and I took a mini-bus, (local transportation), trip around the island and had a wonderful time exploring some of the relatively small communities we'd not visited with our hosts. Mullet Bay Beach, about a ten minute walk from AUC is our own "private" beach, except for a few yachts anchored in the aquamarine/azure water off the white, palm tree lined sandy beach! Obviously, we both miss the rain in Vancouver! Cheers Patrizzio!
Mags tonight after supper asleep on my pillow hanging over the edge of the bed heating herself to a crisp!!
Hi Goils!
I see that nothing has changed since we've been gone! I shudder to think about the BC Hydro bill you and Maggster will have to foot. Probably be higher than the tab Ben has run up at the Loft!
Off to Grand Case this evening to take in the Mardi Gras parade there. Ski and Ronaldo have been before and say it is loads of fun with feather bedecked women dancing, bands, etc. Will wander the streets afterwards looking for a restaurant from many that populate this lovely seaside town.
Last night we had a simply wonderful meal at FIG, (Food Is Good), a very, very attractively appointed place just down the street from AUC. Ski had been before and Nana has been wanting to go ever since she heard about it. Place is owned by a charming, gracious Frenchman from Brittany. Fairly limited menu, both wine and food, but all the offerings are superbly presented and delicious. Everyone, (Ronaldo was at a medical meeting/diinner so there were just the three of us.), ordered fish: Nana the tuna, Ski the salmon, (She had not had it here before.), and I tried the grouper as it was local. The chef selects four sauces to complement food ordered and these are brought on a delightful glass tray with indentations to hold each different sauce. A very flavourful Chardonnay, from France, helped ease the terrible stress of the afternoon around a neighbour's pool, (The Sisterhood), and my swim at Mullet Bay Beach with the Topless Swedish Masseuses!
The service is personal, genuinely friendly and efficient without being rushed. Busy but not noisy so easy to chat and hear what everyone says. About twenty to thirty seats inside, (bar and deli counter on a mezzanine up a few steps from main dining area), and a patio with about ten to fifteen seats. Our mains were more than delicious and we finished off with a Cheese Flan and three spoons! Firmer than flan and not as sweet as crème brûlée the civilized meal finished with a rather nasty fight as The Sisterhood started to argue about the size and number of spoonfuls each accused the other of taking. For my part, I was forced to use my right index finger to remove the topping drizzled on the plate as a garnish. Bit embarrassing to see grown women engage in such unlady-like behaviour and I was immediately reminded of one of the restaurant scenes in Ted! Yes, Ted!!! From Wikipedia: "Released on June 29, 2012, to critical and commercial success, becoming the 12th highest-grossing film of the year, the highest-grossing R-rated film of the year, and the highest-grossing original R-rated comedy of all time." Goes to show what I know.
At any rate, one of the most vulgar, foul-mouthed exchanges in and incredibly, unbelievably expletive ridden film. I suppose the hyper-coarseness is supposed to be funny but I found it, more often than not, unrelentingly mindless. One of those situations where one wants to leave but is torn to stay to see what further ridiculous scenes will follow, what mounting obscenities will be hurled to the delight of the target audience, teenage boys and adult males with arrested development, a pretty large and extremely profitable demographic, unfortunately! I'm not a prude, Dear Reader, and am not shocked by such language but I certainly do not enjoy the easy guffaws which such vile humour relies upon. In fact, I spit upon this crass exploitation, although, in all fairness, some of the lines were so outrageous that they were, indeed, funny, in a head-shaking way, as many politically incorrect jokes can be, in spite of our honest misgivings.

Ronaldo left about an hour ago to teach his first class. Ski and Nana just walked out the door, Ski to be a role patient, (Jenny Vanderbilt, with colitis), in a class in which one of the medical students attempts to diagnose her ailment, (rest of class observe and take notes), from the symptoms she displays, Nana to mini-bus to Marigot to Power Shop, unfettered by me! After a few more messages I'll hie myself to the gym for 90 minutes of stationary biking, (I have now evolved to the point where I can read my book, (latest is 206 Bones by Kathy Reichs), for about first 40 minutes, until resistance increase to such a degree that I need to focus on the pedals rather than the pages! Makes the whole experience much less difficult to complete as I'd certainly rather be riding outside, of course.), and then probably take mini-bus myself, whether to Marigot or Philipsburg, I've not yet decided. Fondestos, Love and Cheers, Dad!
Pics: Fitness Centre; my bike; Ski skinning monster avocado; view looking north from our balcony; Patio Babe; Ski, Ronaldo and Coriandre outside Sunset Bar & Grill,right on a beautiful white sandy beach, but also right at the end of the runway of Princess Juliana International Airport. People gather on the other side of the runway fence to watch planes in final approach for landing or revving engines for take-off! You have to turn your back, in this instance, (I've done it so I know.), or your face will be sand-blasted! Plane readying for take-off; Danger sign; surfboard with list of flight times.
Guy has kindly agreed to host the next meeting. The next gathering will be on 24th February, 2013.
The book is: Suttree by Cormac McCarthy. Moe has chosen
Catherine the Great by Robert K. Massie to follow the McCarthy. Guy is thinking about what book should follow the Massie.
Hello Fellow NRBC'ers!
Glad to learn that all goes well for next non-meeting! The Sisterhood is veddy, veddy happy that Guy has volunteered his place as things were apt to turn rather ugly with Oscar Night potentially competing/conflicting with malt and un-read books. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Rose and Joe!
Trust you are both well. Joe, you have finally discovered why I cycle so much!!! Fondestos and Cheers to you both, Patrizzio!
Trust you are both well. Joe, you have finally discovered why I cycle so much!!! Fondestos and Cheers to you both, Patrizzio!
for the pics and the commentary. Rough digs, cramped beaches, terrible
vistas, and bad food -- what you have to endure as a roving
wine taster, essayist and critic.
Your new ride looks fairly safe. I think you could take up reading on your outdoor rides -- don’t let on to the NRBC.
a good ride with Ray last week about - 100 kms, give or take about .33.
The forecast shows more good weather coming in early
May. Perhaps you can join us.
a week in San Francisco with Carlos at the PCO and saw a few of your
buddies from Portlandia: Gary, Chuck, Habib, Phoebe, the Professor…
Good contingent from Vancouver – Covey & Bruce,.. Did a nice ride
to Sausalito and the areas across the Golden Gate Bridge… California is
the place ya gotta ride… Ate some great food (Mexican the highlight),
drank a little. Oh yes, played some squash.
When are you back in the hood? Sisterhood sends best wishes. Regards to C and Ski, W
Hello Naramatia!
Lovely to hear from you, Lynne, but sorry to learn that you've been under the weather. Trust you and the forecast are both improving. Has the Snow-Plow Man abandoned you, after attending to your driveway, so to speak, (The Ice Man Cometh!), leaving you to make your own hot lemon/rum infusiones? Just like the loutish Gear Cad that he is. Can only imagine what he gets up to in the flesh pots of Denver and Peru. Now understand why he enjoyed Krewe de Vieux so much, (especially Super XG VAG float), given his quite shocking, at least to my tender ears/eyes, description of one species of local fruit, ("The pink fruit made me think of seeing-eye vaginas. Quite attractive really." Don't blame me, LL, I only sent the Rorschach. I didn't interpret it!), snapola of which I foolishly sent along. Ted, (see below), is obviously targeted at his ilk.
Off to Grand Case this evening to take in the Mardi Gras parade there. Ski and Ronaldo, The Rain Man, [At breakfast, this past Sunday, I noticed that he ate his food, one type at a time. First the fruit, then the home fries, then the sunny-siders. I queried him at this point as I had been puzzled when I had asked him earlier if he never put any jam on his toast. (We scored Cora Lee's non-gluten pieces so we each had two additional slices!) He mumbled something about waiting to see if he had any "extra" before so doing. Wasn't sure what he meant, at the time, but when I saw him sopping up the remaining yolk with his whole-wheat I knew we had a full-blown OCD'er on our hands. Once not a trace of yellow remained on his plate, then, and only then, did he put some jam on his remaining pieces of bread. Almost caused a nasty bit of marital discord as Ski had never noticed this particular obsessive trait, (Not that I know much, if anything, about this debilitating psychological affliction, Dear Reader!), in all their more than thirty years of domestic bliss!], have been before and say it is loads of fun with feather bedecked women dancing, bands, etc. No floats, Dom Jugos, so you need not hop a quick flight! Will wander the streets afterwards looking for a restaurant from many that populate this lovely seaside town.
Last night we had a simply wonderful meal at FIG, (Food Is Good), a very, very attractively appointed place just down the street from AUC. Ski had been before and Nawlins primed Coriandre has been wanting to go ever since she heard about it. Place is owned by a charming, gracious Frenchman from Brittany. Fairly limited menu, both wine and food, but all the offerings are superbly presented and delicious. Everyone, (RM was at a medical meeting/diinner so there were just the three of us.), ordered fish: CL the tuna, Ski the salmon, (She had not had it here before.), and I tried the grouper as it was local. The chef selects four sauces to complement food ordered and these are brought on a delightful glass tray with indentations to hold each different sauce. A very flavourful Chardonnay, from France, helped ease the terrible stress of the afternoon around a neighbour's pool, (The Sisterhood), and my swim at Mullet Bay Beach with the Topless Swedish Masseuses! (See following email from your favourite Joe Petronio, LL!)
The service is personal, genuinely friendly and efficient without being rushed. Busy but not noisy so easy to chat and hear what everyone says. About twenty to thirty seats inside, (bar and deli counter on a mezzanine up a few steps from main dining area), gorgeous, gorgeous blue-violet ceramic tiled walls here, and a patio with about ten to fifteen seats. Our mains were more than delicious and we finished off with a Cheese Flan and three spoons! Firmer than flan and not as sweet as crème brûlée this stunning confection capped the heretofore delightfully enjoyable meal. Unfortunately, I am sad to report, the civilized dinner finished with a rather nasty fight as The Sisterhood started to argue about the size and number of spoonfuls of flan each accused the other of taking. For my part, I was forced to use my right index finger to remove the topping drizzled on the plate as a garnish while they harangued one another in escalating shrieks and crude imprecations. Bit embarrassing to see grown women engage in such unlady-like behaviour and I was immediately reminded of one of the restaurant scenes in Ted! Yes, Ted!!! From Wikipedia: "Released on June 29, 2012, to critical and commercial success, becoming the 12th highest-grossing film of the year, the highest-grossing R-rated film of the year, and the highest-grossing original R-rated comedy of all time." Goes to show what I know.
At any rate, one of the most vulgar, foul-mouthed exchanges in and incredibly, unbelievably expletive ridden film. I suppose the hyper-coarseness is supposed to be funny but I found it, more often than not, unrelentingly mindless. One of those situations where one wants to leave but is torn to stay to see what further ridiculous scenes will follow, what mounting obscenities will be hurled to the delight of the target audience, teenage boys and adult males with arrested development, a pretty large and extremely profitable demographic, unfortunately! I'm not a prude, Dear Reader, and am not shocked by such language but I certainly do not enjoy the easy guffaws which such vile humour relies upon. In fact, I spit upon this crass exploitation, although, in all fairness, some of the lines were so outrageous that they were, indeed, funny, in a head-shaking way, as many politically incorrect jokes can be, in spite of our honest misgivings.
I suppose I was even more upset with the offering as I was so looking forward to seeing Ne le dis à personne/Tell No One, (Cora Lee and I had seen it a number of years ago but it is so well-done that we really wanted to see it again. I even read the book, by Harlan Coben, (one of my least favourite mystery writers), it was based upon, after we'd seen the film, just to give him one more chance!), the movie showing at the outdoor cinema at the so-called French Film Festival: Acclaimed French films, (English subtitles), every Monday night at the Porto Cupecoy Plaza." I misread the schedule, looking at the listings for 2012 instead of 2013! (Never found out how Ted made it onto the show list.) I can tell you, I needed a double rum once we were back in the apartmento to calm my shattered nerves, both shredded by the movie and The Sisterhood's gutter manners. Next thing you know, they'll be proud of their farts!
This morning Ronaldo left to teach his first class. Ski and Corindur followed in short order. Ski to be a role patient, (Jenny Vanderbilt, with colitis), in a class in which one of the medical students attempts to diagnose her ailment, (rest of class observe and take notes), from the symptoms she displays/reveals, CoraLeeta to mini-bus to Marigot to Power Shop, unfettered by me! After a few more messages/JD updates, l hied myself to the gym for 90 minutes of stationary biking, (I have now evolved to the point where I can read my book, (latest is 206 Bones by Kathy Reichs), for about first 40 minutes, until resistance increase to such a degree that I need to focus on the pedals rather than the pages! Makes the whole experience much less difficult to complete as I'd certainly rather be riding outside, of course.), and then back for a shower/change.
For brunch, fried up a great mélange: oniones, green pepper, diced turkey sausage, couple of slices from a tube of polenta, topped with chopped La Costena Green Pickled Jalapeño Peppers. Didn't even need any Kalina Jerk Sauce to give it kickage! My lips are still tingling as I scribe! Bit of a sun shower on the way to the gym but sky has cleared now so will probably take mini-bus myself, whether to Marigot or Philipsburg, I've not yet decided. Will let first bus to appear decide my destination. Need to replenish rum supply and I can't seem to find 100 proof local product in stores hereabouts, (only a flavoured offering I'm not overly keen about), so I must away, Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Fitness Centre; my bike; Ski skinning monster avocado; view looking north from our balcony; Patio Babe; Ski, Ronaldo and Coriandre outside Sunset Bar & Grill, on a beautiful white sandy beach, but also right at the end of the runway of Princess Juliana International Airport. People gather on the other side of the runway fence to watch planes in final approach for landing or revving engines for take-off! You have to turn your back, in this instance, (I've done it so I know.), or your face will be sand-blasted! Plane readying for take-off; Danger sign; surfboard with list of flight times.
Hello LL and Dom Jugos:
Is this the rare, nay exotic, three-eyed,
crested, red and white Mammoth Mammarian, High-Heeled Vagina from the
Hinterlands of Naramatia? If so, to hell with cycling, I'm taking up
bird watching when next we visit! Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: Be nice to me or I"ll send Joe your email addresses!
m sure Lynnie would like to join Joe’s e-mail group. She’s been
begging me to visit them at their cabin in the Cariboo – she’ll now be
more anxious!
Hello! In recognition of Heart month and Valentine's Day, I've curated
some of our stunning scarlet designs, to help you unleash your inner
scarlet woman - or allow someone you love to do the same!
Details are on my blog, or you can go straight to the Shopsite page to purchase.
NB: to return to the blog or your starting page, please use your
browser back button, not the Shopsite links.
Enjoy! Deborah
Hello Shaw House of Fashion!
Very impressed with your latest creations. Trust all goes well on all fronts, parental, fashion, rental and significant otherness! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Rick!
Trust all goes well in Simi Valley! How is Rae doing? Back painting?
What about Joey? Is he an outdoor cat yet? We really miss him although
Cassie and Max, pooches in Dallas, have done their best to befriend us.
Hope Judy won't mind if we kidnap Joey on our
way back to Vancouver!!!
Sorry we've not been in touch sooner. Life here is almost as good as on
Fawn Valley Court, except for biking, that is! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
4 more weeks for her cast. not painting just directing. we have her parents down here to help (lord knows I'm not any help) Joey is a brat. Total escape artist to the outside world. fast as mercury. we're probably going to get him a brother this week to keep him company and double the mess they can get into. we're thinking of offering the house again next Thanksgiving if you guys are into it? Hawaii for our 20th anniversary.
noun: The study of proper names or of terms used in a specialized field.
From Greek onomastikos (of names), from onomazein (to name), from onoma (name). Also see
onomasticon. Earliest documented use:1904.
Greetings Patrice,
thanks for the update. I am working remotely today at an office besides Circular Quay with a bunch of lovely ladies. Shame I am Gay!!!
Kevin I returned a few weeks back from Taiwan. Have you been?
Unfortunately I got i'll up there and ended up in Hospital with a viral chest infection and was put in an isolation ward.
I'll have a more crafted email for you later in the week. Best to all. Tiptoe
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