Hi Patrick,
you for the pix, but the broken toe? Yikes – may have to sit around
and sip more of those viognier! We got back from Houston last night,
with me working
in SA today, returning to Dallas tomorrow morning on a 5am megabus!
Opera was great, and wonderful to see Miranda and her beau Eduardo.
Will report in details when we see you Thurs night.
I got your flight info. Randy and I will be on the curb side at DFW! Enjoy! Ruth
Hi Opera Goers!
Delighted to learn that your weekend in Houston went so well and that you had a good visit with Miranda and Eduardo. Funnily enough, David and Nancy, in Berkeley, were watching opera on Sunday as well!
Hi Opera Goers!
Delighted to learn that your weekend in Houston went so well and that you had a good visit with Miranda and Eduardo. Funnily enough, David and Nancy, in Berkeley, were watching opera on Sunday as well!
[We spent the first half of the superbowl watching a Baroque Opera, Monteverdi's "Incoronazione del Poppea" set in the Emperor Nero's court, which sounds boring but I assure you was better than the first half of the superbowl. Our singer playing Poppea was worth the price of admission, and they didn't skimp on the love scenes! The singing was also extraordinary!
The we came home and I hatched up a simple dinner and we watched the sad end of the game. Of course out here in the "home" time zone, Downton Abbey came on well after the football shenanigans were over, so Ms. Donna Florida was able to imbibe its wisdom without competition. I was upstairs imbibing bourbon. Cactus ]
I gather from your two messages that you are both well back at work. However, from the point of view of weather, glad we are here and not in Dallas or SA. Might as well be in Vancouver if we want rain although I gather Lost Lagoon, in Stanley Park, froze over the last few days. Do hope your physical went well, Randy and that the rectal exam was not too, too enjoyable! If so, you might consider a bit part in Downton Abbey as a public school silly bugger!
We only had to wait about an hour for Security to open at DFW so I ate a sandwich and we read. Not too bad but such silly information when passengers are told to be there well before screening process starts! Suppose staff have to stick by the party line. Saw the couple I talked with in Terminal D, when we first arrived, at the correct Departure Gate, (51), in Terminal A, so we had a chuckle about the run-around. Easy to do then, not earlier!
Thank you again, in advance, for all your limo service! Do hope that with you along, Ruth, that Randy will remember to bring the red carpet. Cora Lee is quite particular about this and I think this aspect of her personality has been exacerbated by seeing so many of the monster yachts hereabouts, obviously owned by Saudi royalty. Don't worry about me. Just bring my bike along and I'll cycle home, or at least back to The Montane!
The we came home and I hatched up a simple dinner and we watched the sad end of the game. Of course out here in the "home" time zone, Downton Abbey came on well after the football shenanigans were over, so Ms. Donna Florida was able to imbibe its wisdom without competition. I was upstairs imbibing bourbon. Cactus ]
I gather from your two messages that you are both well back at work. However, from the point of view of weather, glad we are here and not in Dallas or SA. Might as well be in Vancouver if we want rain although I gather Lost Lagoon, in Stanley Park, froze over the last few days. Do hope your physical went well, Randy and that the rectal exam was not too, too enjoyable! If so, you might consider a bit part in Downton Abbey as a public school silly bugger!
We only had to wait about an hour for Security to open at DFW so I ate a sandwich and we read. Not too bad but such silly information when passengers are told to be there well before screening process starts! Suppose staff have to stick by the party line. Saw the couple I talked with in Terminal D, when we first arrived, at the correct Departure Gate, (51), in Terminal A, so we had a chuckle about the run-around. Easy to do then, not earlier!
Thank you again, in advance, for all your limo service! Do hope that with you along, Ruth, that Randy will remember to bring the red carpet. Cora Lee is quite particular about this and I think this aspect of her personality has been exacerbated by seeing so many of the monster yachts hereabouts, obviously owned by Saudi royalty. Don't worry about me. Just bring my bike along and I'll cycle home, or at least back to The Montane!
On Saturday we drove to an orphanage on the east side of the island in the Quartier D'Orleans, to be part of the gang of students and faculty from AUC who take some of the children to Galion Beach for the day, about once a month. Two days earlier, Cora Lee and I took a mini-bus, (local transportation), trip around the island and had a wonderful time exploring some of the relatively small communities we'd not visited with our hosts. At that time we had decided not to explore the French Quarter so were pleased to have the chance to see more of this particular part of the island on this outing. Beach was lovely and kids seemed to have a great time.
So much more to tell but I have decided I'd simply include some of eating highlights in New Orleans as they were certainly memorable experiences and Randy indicated that he was much more interested in fish than sand and salt. Fondestos from Cora Lee. She was sunning with The Sisterhood around a neighbour's pool this afternoon. I'm waiting for Ronaldo to return from class and office hours and then we'll go for a swim at Mullet Bay Beach, hoping to scope some topless Swedes! Maybe get some finger action as well! Who knows? Will let you know if there is any change in flight time, etc. Thanks again and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Villa Vicentians!
Trust everyone is well and not suffering too, too much from Super Bowl Let Down!
Must really apologize for not being in touch sooner but I haven't had as much time to devote to my beloved Jambalaya Diaries! (Cora Lee is rolling her eyes!) Trust all goes well with you both. Were thinking of you and the Coffaros yesterday as we watched the Super Bowl here in St Martin. Imagine that they would have had friends and family in tasting room with its huge flat screen. We cheered for the 49's over the Ravens but most of people here seem to be Baltimore fans.
Around 8:30pm, Cora Lee and I returned, with our hosts, Ski and Ronaldo, from a very enjoyable Super Bowl party held at the home of one of Ronaldo's colleagues, the Medical Librarian here on the ACU campus. We left after the end of the 2nd Quarter as we wanted to watch Downton Abbey back in the apartment. Ski and Ronaldo went to see the rest of the game in one of the lecture theatres in a building near our dorm, set up for students without TV to watch the spectacle. As it turned out we had seen the episode of DA which started at 9:00pm so we hoped that the next episode, set to start at 10:00am, would be the one we were keen to see. Given this, I took advantage of the extra hour to answer my email.
Earlier, had a message, posted on Facebook, by Sarge. Here follows our exchange:
Flight cancelled from Castlegar. Booked on the 3:40 but not looking good. Might have to watch the Superbowl in this foreign land.
Hi Sarge!
Gather you might be stuck in Castelgar! Here is a copy of message I sent to Pat Coffaro. Have to change as we are about to leave for the friends' place where we will watch Super Bowl. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Go Ravens. Wayne
Thought that you might find Jancis' article interesting. Fondestos from Cora Lee. She is sunning with The Sisterhood around a neighbour's pool. I'm waiting for Ronaldo to return from class and office hours and then we'll go for a swim at Mullet Bay Beach, hoping to scope some topless Swedes! Cheers, Patrizzio!
London Calling - Jancis Robinson Reviews our Wine Much to our surprise this week, we learned that our wine was included in a shipment of over 50 Canadian wines from the Canadian High Commission to showcase the ‘best’ Canadian wines to the well respected wine writer/critic Jancis Robinson.
As quoted in an article that appeared in the Financial Times in London today – Laughing Stock Portfolio 2009 was considered by Jancis to be one of the “three best red wines” she tasted and considered the wine “very well made and well balanced”.
January 25, 2013 7:33 pm
Canada warms up
majority of my favourite wines (see below) had come all the way from
British Columbia in western Canada – and I found them particularly well
(and sometimes wittily) packaged. Having not visited wine country in BC
and Ontario for some years, I can report that the wines made in both
provinces have improved considerably.
Overall there were more impressive whites than reds but – presumably thanks to climate change – reds are no longer pale apologies for wine, even in Ontario where summers tend to be cooler than in British Columbia. (BC’s wine country is semi-desert and the reds can be strapping. The only problem is the short growing season and some pretty severe winters.) My three favourite reds, all from BC’s spectacular Okanagan Valley, were wittily named and very different. Church & State somehow managed to produce a luscious Coyote Bowl 2009 Syrah that tastes stunningly, recognisably of the north Rhône’s grape but is not overly marked by the American oak in which it was apparently matured. Laughing Stock Vineyards’ Portfolio Bordeaux blend, another product of the 2009 summer, is perhaps less unusual in how it tastes, but comes in a cunningly etched bottle. And Joie PTG 2010 was perhaps the single most original wine of the entire shipment, a blend of Gamay and Pinot Noir that emulates Burgundy’s Passetoutgrains blend, which has been coming out of the shadows recently, not least because of rising temperatures."
We spent the first half of the superbowl watching a Baroque Opera, Monteverdi's "Incoronazione del Poppea" set in the Emperor Nero's court, which sounds boring but I assure you was better than the first half of the superbowl. Our singer playing Poppea was worth the price of admission, and they didn't skimp on the love scenes! The singing was also extraordinary!
The we came home and I hatched up a simple dinner and we watched the sad end of the game. Of course out here in the "home" time zone, Downton Abbey came on well after the football shenanigans were over, so Ms. Donna Florida was able to imbibe its wisdom without competition. I was upstairs imbibing bourbon. Cactus
Hi Rick!
Trust all goes well in Simi Valley! How is Rae doing? Back painting? What about Joey? Is he an outdoor cat yet? We really miss him although Cassie and Max, pooches in Dallas, have done their best to befriend us. Hope Judy won't mind if we kidnap Joey on our way back to Vancouver!!!
Sorry we've not been in touch sooner. Life here is almost as good as on Fawn Valley Court, except for biking, that is! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Corinne
If you have a copy of the picture with Chloe and I in front of my jag before heading out to see Whitney Houston could you please scan me a copy when you get home? Thanks a bunch! I really want a copy of that. xox
I'll see when we get home. Chloe, Patrick do either of you know about this pic? Corinne/Mom
Hi Choocheranian and Brunello!
Gather you are planning to return to BC! How are things progressing on this front? I have not seen any picture of your Jag although I remember well going for a drive in it at some point. Fondestos from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrizio,
Still very much in the early stages. We are hoping to move in the summer of 2014, which I am sure will come fast - IF I can find a job first!
Your trip sounds wonderful. I could so use a vacation in the sun.
The photo was taken at your place when I picked Chloe up to go see Whitney. I really need to find that picture. lol Anyway, have fun and talk to you one of these days. Thanks, Carol
what is the draw to this??? You are my second message today. At least I know you.
I just don't get it or facebook. When I go into granddaughters facebook there is a lot of nothing. I don't have time to search for the somethings. Is Linkin better?
When do you knit? I am goofing off right now instead of balancing my bank. gg
Hey D,
Overall there were more impressive whites than reds but – presumably thanks to climate change – reds are no longer pale apologies for wine, even in Ontario where summers tend to be cooler than in British Columbia. (BC’s wine country is semi-desert and the reds can be strapping. The only problem is the short growing season and some pretty severe winters.) My three favourite reds, all from BC’s spectacular Okanagan Valley, were wittily named and very different. Church & State somehow managed to produce a luscious Coyote Bowl 2009 Syrah that tastes stunningly, recognisably of the north Rhône’s grape but is not overly marked by the American oak in which it was apparently matured. Laughing Stock Vineyards’ Portfolio Bordeaux blend, another product of the 2009 summer, is perhaps less unusual in how it tastes, but comes in a cunningly etched bottle. And Joie PTG 2010 was perhaps the single most original wine of the entire shipment, a blend of Gamay and Pinot Noir that emulates Burgundy’s Passetoutgrains blend, which has been coming out of the shadows recently, not least because of rising temperatures."
We spent the first half of the superbowl watching a Baroque Opera, Monteverdi's "Incoronazione del Poppea" set in the Emperor Nero's court, which sounds boring but I assure you was better than the first half of the superbowl. Our singer playing Poppea was worth the price of admission, and they didn't skimp on the love scenes! The singing was also extraordinary!
The we came home and I hatched up a simple dinner and we watched the sad end of the game. Of course out here in the "home" time zone, Downton Abbey came on well after the football shenanigans were over, so Ms. Donna Florida was able to imbibe its wisdom without competition. I was upstairs imbibing bourbon. Cactus
Hi Rick!
Trust all goes well in Simi Valley! How is Rae doing? Back painting? What about Joey? Is he an outdoor cat yet? We really miss him although Cassie and Max, pooches in Dallas, have done their best to befriend us. Hope Judy won't mind if we kidnap Joey on our way back to Vancouver!!!
Sorry we've not been in touch sooner. Life here is almost as good as on Fawn Valley Court, except for biking, that is! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Corinne
If you have a copy of the picture with Chloe and I in front of my jag before heading out to see Whitney Houston could you please scan me a copy when you get home? Thanks a bunch! I really want a copy of that. xox
I'll see when we get home. Chloe, Patrick do either of you know about this pic? Corinne/Mom
Hi Choocheranian and Brunello!
Gather you are planning to return to BC! How are things progressing on this front? I have not seen any picture of your Jag although I remember well going for a drive in it at some point. Fondestos from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
![]() |
Hi Patrick how to chase that car by bicycle ha ha!! |
Still very much in the early stages. We are hoping to move in the summer of 2014, which I am sure will come fast - IF I can find a job first!
Your trip sounds wonderful. I could so use a vacation in the sun.
The photo was taken at your place when I picked Chloe up to go see Whitney. I really need to find that picture. lol Anyway, have fun and talk to you one of these days. Thanks, Carol
what is the draw to this??? You are my second message today. At least I know you.
I just don't get it or facebook. When I go into granddaughters facebook there is a lot of nothing. I don't have time to search for the somethings. Is Linkin better?
When do you knit? I am goofing off right now instead of balancing my bank. gg
Hey D,
Just got a postcard in the mail for you from ICBC saying your
"Excess Underinsured Motorist Protection Policy" expires on the 8th of
this month? Not sure exactly what that is??? But thought you may want to
Hope all is well relaxing in the Caribbean, it's a grey day here and Mags is on your bed under the covers. xx chloe
Hi Chloë and Tinsel Towners!
Good luck with your interview tomorrow! Not quite sure what the insurance notice is about but I think, (hope), it has to do with some of the stoppages when we went away last year. If there is a number to call perhaps you could ask, given that we are away, or send it along and I'll call from Dallas when we are back later this week. Fondestos from Nana. Love and Cheers, Dad!
Hi Gazebo!
Trust you and Di are both well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
My new email address is in the Subject:
Cora Lee was sunning with The Sisterhood around a neighbour's pool this afternoon. I'm waiting for Ronaldo to return from class and office hours and then we'll go for a swim at Mullet Bay Beach, hoping to scope some topless Swedes! Cheers, Patrice!
Hi Patrick!
My buddy Merna Niblock (Nortoft) sent me the following info. re: the Isaac Brock reunion..
See attached info.. and form to fill out if interested in going...Cheers! Joan
what is the draw to this??? You are my second message today. At least I know you.
I just don't get it or facebook. When I go into granddaughters facebook there is a lot of nothing. I don't have time to search for the somethings. Is Linkin better?
When do you knit? I am goofing off right now instead of balancing my bank. gg
Hi Patrick!
My buddy Merna Niblock (Nortoft) sent me the following info. re: the Isaac Brock reunion..
See attached info.. and form to fill out if interested in going... Cheers! Joan
Good luck with your interview tomorrow! Not quite sure what the insurance notice is about but I think, (hope), it has to do with some of the stoppages when we went away last year. If there is a number to call perhaps you could ask, given that we are away, or send it along and I'll call from Dallas when we are back later this week. Fondestos from Nana. Love and Cheers, Dad!
Hi Gazebo!
Trust you and Di are both well. Cheers, Patrizzio!
My new email address is in the Subject:
Cora Lee was sunning with The Sisterhood around a neighbour's pool this afternoon. I'm waiting for Ronaldo to return from class and office hours and then we'll go for a swim at Mullet Bay Beach, hoping to scope some topless Swedes! Cheers, Patrice!
Hi Patrick!
My buddy Merna Niblock (Nortoft) sent me the following info. re: the Isaac Brock reunion..
See attached info.. and form to fill out if interested in going...Cheers! Joan
what is the draw to this??? You are my second message today. At least I know you.
I just don't get it or facebook. When I go into granddaughters facebook there is a lot of nothing. I don't have time to search for the somethings. Is Linkin better?
When do you knit? I am goofing off right now instead of balancing my bank. gg
Hi Patrick!
My buddy Merna Niblock (Nortoft) sent me the following info. re: the Isaac Brock reunion..
See attached info.. and form to fill out if interested in going... Cheers! Joan
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