Sunday, 31 March 2013

De-Nesting Diaries: Sunday, March 31st, Easter!

Words form the thread on which we string our experiences. -Aldous Huxley, novelist (1894-1963)  

Easter (also called the Pasch or Pascha) is a Christian festival and holiday celebrating the resurrection of Jesus Christ on the third day after his crucifixion at Calvary as described in the New Testament. Easter is the culmination of the Passion of Christ, preceded by Lent, a forty-day period of fasting, prayer, and penance. The last week of Lent is called Holy Week, and it contains the days of the Easter Triduum, including Maundy Thursday (also known as Holy Thursday), commemorating the Last Supper and its preceding foot washing,as well as Good Friday, commemorating the crucifixion and death of Jesus. Easter is followed by a fifty-day period called Eastertide, or the Easter Season, ending with Pentecost Sunday.

Like I said...speggtacular!!

Great sprint lasterday - thanks. Hope your dinner was tasty and suitably raucous without any untoward grumpiness from the Duster. We saw some great jazz at the Cellar. Get there if you can - wonderful venue, good food and hootch.  Looks unlikely I will get in a ride today. I will be hopping all over town like the proverbial Easter bunny. Will need a ride tomorrow if you don't go over your quota today. Best of the holiday to you & the gals from all of us, W

Our next gathering will be next Sunday, 7 April, 2013 at the Islay Inn.
The book is Catherine the Great by Robert K. Massie (Moe). Guy has Chosen The Sisters Brothers  by Patrick DeWitt to follow the Massie. We will read Indian Horse by Richard Wagamis (George) after the DeWitt. Kurt will choose the book to follow the Wagamis.

Tiffany Nice

be sure to catch the piece on Slang at the beginning of today's Sunday Edition -- CBC Radio 1. Brilliant and hilarious too. You will need it to do translation in UK. W

The newest edition to the household

  • Patrick James Dunn Congratulations, Kid Canine!!!

    Hi Sherpa Rabbit!

    Thanks for Easter wishes. In fact, we had a lovely meal. All went well on all fronts so it was a most pleasant evening indeed. Your jazz outing sounded terrific. Like to hear more about it. Sorry that you were not able to join me on the post as it was a grand and glorious day. Given that the weather was so wonderful I decided UBC was the best bet, for crowds, etc., so I decided to head there. Was going to take 4th all the way to Blanca but there were so many vehicles in the right-hand turn lane at 4th and NWMD that I was forced to take a look at Spanish Banks. In fact, it wasn't overly busy once I was riding parallel to the beach and traffic presented few if any difficulties. Once on MD I was able to draft behind a young man and woman and hit between 40-45 KPH all the way to just before where the thoroughfare dog-legs to the right, to Kullahun Drive, leading to Shaughnessy Golf  & Country Club. By then my legs were burning and I had to slow down. Nevertheless, the push held me in good stead as far as my overall time went so I was pleased, especially since the female cyclist had a rather curvaceous posterior!!! 

    Did the Crown/Musqueam Loop and then up Camosun, (Happened to turn up Wallace off MD as traffic pushed me past Crown on second pass and I was delighted to ride through a tunnel of cherry blossoms. Could actually smell their perfume as this section of street was sunny and sheltered.), to follow 39th past St George's to Imperal and 16th. Back to Camosun and MD and then back to Wesbrook Mall to cycle all the new streets in Wesbrook Village. Back to MD and then to 16th, up the hill and all the way to Tolmie, then to 11th and back to Blanca to 16th. Into campus at East Mall and then a minor variation on the West Mall/main Mall loop to register  57 K by the time I hit MD at Stadium Drive.

    It was literally a Race Against Time as I had orders to be home by 6:00pm so that I could shower an dchange before dinner with Durstons at the Annexe. I was at the bottom of the Foreshore Hill at 5:33pm but with a tail wind I knew i could make it to the Heart Break Terrace with enough wriggle room to keep everyone happy. And that is how it played out: 72.0 K over 3:14:49, AVG 22.1 KPH, MAX 56.P KPH. Starting to feel as if my legs and lungs are adapting to the pace at 22 KPH so I trust I can work on improving that AVG. On future rides, it might be interesting to draft on MD, much as we do out to Iona to seek a bit of relief from the wind. In this case, heading east, with the slight down grade, we could push the pace from the Botanical Gardens to Crown. Anyway, just a rumination!

    Thanks for the CBC hint. I'll look on the website later tonight or tomorrow. I'm up for a ride, pretty well anytime so let me know what suits. Cheers, Il Conduttore!

    PS: Thought you might be interested in Stormin' Normin's sale.

    Hello Senior Gardeners!

    Thanks for the Easter wishes. Your front yard looks more than terrific! In fact, Whirlygig and I cycled past yesterday afternoon, hoping to catch you lounging on the back deck, after our ride out to Iona. we met at 3rd and Macdonald and took MD all the way to Arthur Laing. Head wind was as brisk as the day before so we traded off leading/drafting and managed to keep up a fairly steady pace. Funnily enough, I noted that I logged about 22-23 KPH when in front, dropping to around 21 KPH when behind. Not as much work in that position, however.

    We flew along on return leg, once again between 33-36 KPH and didn't even feel like we were exerting ourselves. Opted for Heather as opposed to back along MD as both of us dreaded the thought of bucking the same head wind again. I accompanied Whirlage home, after we'd scoped out your new front yard, as I was happy with ride and had a few chores to accomplish before guests arrived. Was back at the HBT with 62.2 K over 2:53:01, AVG 21.5 KPH, MAX 51.3 KPH.

    Dinner was a lovely affair. Rosita baked the ham to perfection. For appetizers we did fried Haloumi, a Cypriot cheese, with olives and sliced tomatoes. Rosie baked an angel food cake for dessert and she heaped fresh raspberries and whipped cream on top so that was another hit,let me tell you. Flamin' was just back from Dartmouth and Joan Woodbury, a junior high classmate from Isaac Brock in Winnipeg, were both along so we had plenty to chat about. All went well on all fronts so it was a most pleasant evening indeed.

    Giorgio and I are up for a ride, pretty well anytime tomorrow, so let us know what suits, if you'd like to get out. Doesn't have to be to Deep Cove or Horseshoe Bay! Cheers, Il Conduttore!


Saturday, 30 March 2013

De-Nesting Diaries: Holy Saturday, March 30th

If a triangle could speak, it would say, that God is eminently triangular, while a circle would say that the divine nature is eminently circular. -Baruch Spinoza, philosopher (1632-1677)

Holy Saturday (Latin: Sabbatum Sanctum), sometimes known as Easter Eve or Black Saturday, or among the Copts as "Joyous Saturday" or "the Saturday of Light" is the day after Good Friday. It is the day before Easter and the last day of Holy Week in which Christians prepare for Easter. It commemorates the day that Jesus Christ's body laid in the tomb. Holy Saturday is sometimes erroneously referred to as Easter Saturday: this phrase is correctly applied to the Saturday in Easter Week.

Hi Jo-Anne and Colin!

Happy Joyous Saturday! Pleased that you have found warmer a warmer clime, a laundromat and plenty of Vin de Languedoc. Be curious to have some recommendations about the wines form this region as I'm hoping to spend a few weeks in Languedoc next September. Will be sure to pass along to Ingrid how diligent you were in London, how decadent in the south of France.

We've been blessed with a number of gorgeously sunny days this past week. Even so, unfortunately, not a single biking K on Thursday as Dusty and I didn't arrive home until 5:45pm! Left at just after 9:00am for a full day at the loft. Had to keep myself from looking out the window at all the sunshine and mountain peaks sparkling, calling me to Seymour! Still, accomplished much. Curled with Sarge that evening and have to report that we devastated our opponents. 10/0 at the end of three. They scored one in the fourth and then shook hands! I wasn't at all unhappy about finishing early as it had been a long, long day and I was quite tired by this point.

 On Friday, back at the loft again but this time just for an hour or so, finishing up a few small jobs: changing shower head, hanging bathroom mirror and fitting a door sweep. Back home by 11:00am and after a quick bite I suited up and made my way out to UBC along Spanish Banks.  My regular riding mates had deserted me so I was all by my lonesome. People were starting to arrive at Jericho and beyond, to take advantage of the lovely weather. Before setting out, I'd decided I'd head out to Iona as I knew that Stanley Park Seawall would be a "zoo" on a day like it was, let alone the long Easter weekend.

UBC was pretty quiet as I rode past residences on Marine Drive and I was pleased to find that beyond campus this often busy thoroughfare was completely devoid of the trucks and other heavy equipment that one finds on a normal workday. Had 25 K on my odometre when I reached the approach to the Arthur Laing bridge so I knew I'd be able to log 35 K by the time I reached Iona Beach Park. Once close to YVR runways I could see planes were landing in the same direction I was pedalling so I knew I would have my work cut out for me, heading into the fairly strong head wind. Still, it wasn't too, too bad and I managed to keep my AVG between 20-22 KPH so was pleased to be able to do that without the benefit of drafting as many of the individuals in the groups of riders who passed me enjoyed.

Didn't waste any time once I'd reached IBP and turned right around and retraced my route. I was a sheer delight to have the wind at my back now and I literally sailed along, averaging between 30-32 KPH, a full 10 KPH more than earlier, and without any appreciable exertion. Just reinforces what I, and rest of my cycling mates, have always known: a persistent, strong head wind is one's worst, most frustrating enemy!

Back over Cambie Sky Train Bridge and taking advantage of lights on MD/Cambie, headed north to 59th to use lights there to return to Heather and then back down to 70th. Not much traffic so I was soon across Granville and making for UBC. A few dispsy doodles around Thunderbird Stadium to put 71 K on the clock by the time I was at the bottom of the Forshore Hill and then it was homeward bound. Wind at my back again and I zipped along, noting that all the parking lots and shoulders were now almost completely packed with sun seekers' vehicles. Home at 3:15pm with 81.8 K over 3:37:44, AVG 22.5 KPH, MAX 55.2 KPH so was very pleased with pace. Best AVG I have had over such a distance since riding at Falcon Lake last summer. Furthermore the terrain is much flatter there, overall, than this particular route although the head winds can be much stronger.

Just enough time for a quick shower and then Whirylgig arrived for bridge. Earlier, I had asked Sarge to join us so until he came upstairs Rosita and Cora Lee took us on. When Sarge arrived, Cora Lee relinquished her place to work on today's meal, stuffed peppers, in particular. We had loads of fun and much to our opponent's frustration, we had all the cards. Giorgio ended up bidding One No Trump, (a strong hand with 15-17 points), so many times that it drove them to complete distraction! Had to mollify Sarge with some Cabot Tower Demerara Rum, 100 proof, made by the Newfoundland & Labrador Liquor Corporation from rum sourced in Guyana, a bottle I'd picked up in 2007 when he and I drove to The Rock!

This evening we are having our Easter dinner. Rosita is baking a ham and making pear pie for dessert. Having Flamin' and Sarge, as well as Joan Woodbury,  a classmate from junior high school. I had not seen her since the mid '60's, high school, until last summer when we met at a neighbour's place here at Harbour Terrace. She will be attending the Isaac Brock 100th Anniversary in May, as will I. Looking forward to hearing about where Life took her since we both graduated from Daniel MacIntyre as we didn't really have a chance to catch up on the intervening years during the evening we reconnected.


My riding today will probably be of a running-errand nature. Up to Young Brothers on Broadway for fruit and vegetables and then to Purdy's on 4th for chocs to help out the Easter Bunny. Hope to go for a longer ride on Sunday before we head out to Coquitlam to visit Vera Keys, one of my Mom's closest friends, from Winnipeg, here to visit with her youngest daughter and family.

Enjoy your latest hardship posting. Fondestos and Happy Easter to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Pics: Easter eggs; flowers on Ayn's mantle in her Van Nuys apartmento; scene outside Cora Lee's cousin's house, just outside Winnipeg, this weekend!


Morning is 


Thanks for bridge lasterday. After my good card fortune, I bought everyone lotto tickets and expect to be joining the millionaires in some gaudy resort somewhere in the Nevada desert -- ballooning up on overpriced hootch and fried food. I look forward to witnessing Rathbridger and Sarge at the same table. It will be like a clash of Apple and the PC. Contrary to previous assertions, I will not ride until afternoon - if at all. Home-stays are coming and going this morning like a Chaplin silent movie. Let me know if you are getting on the bike in the afternoon. W  

Dear Michelin Man!

Just remember, Life is only a game which you play for fun, unlike bridge or squash! I think Rosita and Sarge could have wished that we were in a silent movie lastereven. One more "One No Trump" from you and Sarge may well have resorted to his weapon!!! Very well played, by the way. Your misspent youth is obviously coming back to aid, rather than haunt you.

My riding this morgen will probably be of a running-errand nature. Up to Young Brothers on Broadway for fruit and vegetables and then to Purdy's on 4th for chocs to help out the Easter Bunny, on my workhorse Brodie. I'm interested in something later, with the greyhound Madone, if you can bribe the ushers. Not a big deal if you are too weighed down with overpriced popcorn, too, too ballooned out to fit into your now too tight Lycra cycling garb, as I'm still basking in the glow of the Iona run. Think I'll put Cabot Tower in my camel pack from now on! That should help boost the AVG even if I fail the drug screening

I'll give you a shout once I'm back from sherpa duty. Cheers, Il Conduttore!  

Hi Jane and Kjell!

Happy Joyous Saturday! As I mentioned on my voice mail, we do apologize for not contacting you sooner. No excuses other than that we have been busy with loft. In addition, Cora Lee had had a slew of Friends and church meetings. Hope our tardiness did not complicate your weekend plans overmuch. Again, other things being equal, we certainly would have been delighted to join you, at least for one of the Easter weekend days.

Enjoy the cabin and Happy Easter to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Raymond!

Happy Joyous Saturday! Hope you are on the mend, especially with this lovely weather. Happy Easter to you and Sylvia. Cheers, Patrizzio!  


Had brunch at paradise cove and did some serious damage at the outlet malls. Going to universal studios tomorrow! — with Nicole Marie.

Front garden photos  

Seniors with too much time on their hands?
    Sounds as though you've been busy with your condo repairs, curling, and some decent riding distances. You and Wayne must be a good team on the ice.
    Hope the Easter dinner went well.
    I'll forward the pictures of the extension to the perennials at the front. Still low in energy but I've managed to struggle through with some of the garden work with lots of help.
    Happy Easter to you and Corinne. Ray
dear patrick and corrine, sorry for not writing sooner but just a quickie.
bevs making her rice pudding, be ready in a couple of hours, so we'll see
you both then. don't bring anything everything is supplied, wine, food etc;
cheers bev and kev

Hi Patrick

Thanks for your evite reply. Looking forward to having your expertise amongst all us amateurs.

I don't have an email address for Dusty & Clara or Wayne & Michelle, but they are all invitied if you could pass this message along please. See you next week. Cheers Elaine

Hi, Patrick.

Thanks for this message (and I do appreciate the fact that your messages are invariably actual LETTERS and are not replete with lower-case where upper is called for, etc.  Alas, though, the photo did not come through, although the several attached to your previous message did.)

I think it would be lovely if we could get together with Eyob and his family at your place, in view of its great location.  Maybe we can try for sometime in April, and make it a potluck.

Mural in my hood...Baby Boom is the title Lol

  • Patrick James Dunn Doesn't look like Nana and she's a Baby Boomer!
  • Ayn P I see that baby's huge mouth as symbolic of baby boomers...they ate everything and now it's all gone
    Patrick James Dunn You and your sister belong to the Voracious Generation, Darling Daughter!


Meanwhile, I would be very happy to see you if you can pop in sometime next week or the following week.  Folk are dropping by next Thursday (mid-day) and I have an appointment to get my stitches out next Friday morning (though should be home well before noon).   Otherwise, my calendar is very open, and yes, I am still at 302-5788 Vine Street, two blocks from 41st and Arbutus.  

My foot situation is somewhat constraining, but the pain hasn't been too bad, and I am stumbling out with a cane every day, just into the neighbourhood.  The sunny, warm weather and my lack of capacity at the moment to get out and enjoy it properly are cause for chagrin, though!  But having an extended stretch of down-time also has its pleasures and reward - time to rest, read, watch DVDs (just finished Season 2 of
Downton Abbey, which I missed when it first came out.)

For the first time in many years, though, I won't be baking and decorating Easter cookies. :-(     However, I am making an ice cream cake (easy) and decorating it with eggs and rabbits.  We are having a family gathering tomorrow at my mother's house.  (i can't drive at the moment, so someone will be picking up my foot and me).  Speaking of "family," I don't think I  mentioned one other piece of family news, which is that the first of the next generation is on the way.  My nephew Jason and his girlfriend are pregnant - the baby (boy) is due in July.  Karen will be a grandmother!

Anyhow, hope to catch up with this and other news in person, soon.

Meanwhile, best wishes to all for a Happy Easter! Janet

Friday, 29 March 2013

De-Nesting Diaries: Great Good Friday, March 29th

Flatter me, and I may not believe you. Criticize me, and I may not like you. Ignore me, and I may not forgive you. Encourage me, and I will not forget you. -William Arthur Ward, college administrator, writer (1921-1994) 

Good Friday is a religious holiday observed primarily by Christians commemorating the crucifixion of Jesus Christ and his death at Calvary. The holiday is observed during Holy Week as part of the Paschal Triduum on the Friday preceding Easter Sunday, and may coincide with the Jewish observance of Passover. It is also known as Holy Friday, Great Friday, Black Friday, or Easter Friday,though the latter properly refers to the Friday in Easter week.

Deus ex machina: 

noun: An unexpected or improbable person or event that saves a seemingly hopeless situation.

From Latin deus ex machina, deus (god) + ex (from) + machina (machine), loan translation of Greek theos apo mekhanes. Earliest documented use: 1697.

In ancient Greek and Roman drama, often a god was lowered onto the stage by means of a crane to help a protagonist from a hopeless situation.

Hi Pat,

What's happening? We are getting worried here, because you still haven't replied to our invitation to come to the cabin, and Easter is already here.
Did you get Jane's voicemail? My email?
Today we're going to finalize the plans, including Easter dinner on Sunday. Would be good to hear from you before we do. Kjell & Jane

Sandi Phillips

Happy Good Friday from (endless) Winterpeg

Heather Biddell Wow, that is still a fair bit of snow. My camellias are blooming, Ian aerated the lawn and we are having 4 yards of dirt delivered tomorrow. And sunscreen is once again on our kitchen counter. The frost is beautiful though!
  • Patrick James Dunn Happy Holy Saturday from endless sunshine and cherry blossoms in Lotus Land!
France, part 1 Hello all,

March 26 - Tuesday was a travel day:  packed up and left our hotel; caught the tube to Bank, switched to the DLR (light rail), and rode out past the Docklands to London City Airport.  Then a short hop to Orly to switch planes for Montpellier.  From there, we rented a car and drove to Pezenas.  Found the place with no problem (even without GPS), and settled in for the night

March 27 – a down day.  Went out for much needed provisions.  Walked around the old
town.  Found a Laundromat and solved our raunchy gaunchy problem.   Had a light

supper of salad and pate with Les Ormes de Cambras 2011 Grenache from Beziers.

March 28 – headed to Nimes and the Pont du Gard.  This Roman aqueduct has been preserved in nearly condition.  It is an amazing sight – something everyone should see at least once (this was my third time).  Avignon was also spectacular.  The old cathedral and the Papal palace are imposing.  After looking at them, we stopped for wine and cheese at the Hotel Mirande – a grand old hotel next to the palace.  It was then getting late, so we headed back to Pezenas.  Had a light supper and a bottle of Chateau Fondouce Coteaux du Languedoc 2006 from Pezenas.

March 28 – it was a warm and sunny day, so after a leisurely breakfast, we headed to Agde and Cap d’Agde.  Agde is a town near the coast that was very interesting. Looked like a great place to go for a fish dinner.  Cap d’Agde is a tourist town right on the Mediterranean.  It would be a zoo in the summer.  We went down to the beach and found a place to sit and have some bread and cheese and a Jean d’Alibert 2012 Minervois.  After lunch, we walked along the beach until it started to get a bit dark.  We then headed back to Pezenas.  Got back and  enjoyed a glass of chilled white – Col de Lairole 2011 Coteaux du Languedoc while dinner was being prepared. Somewhat later we sat down to a meal of pasta with a freshly made meat sauce with tomato, onion, black olive, mushroom, and red pepper – with garlic and oregano. This was accompanied by a Prince de Conti 2008 Les Caves Moliere from Pezenas.  Then it was off to bed.

  Love to join you but not yet able. Body is a right off. Ray

Ray, Sorry to hear that. Hang in there. G

Gordie Howe!


Hope you and Dusty got the stuff done.

I won't be riding this morning. See you at 3:30 PST or is that mountain time?

Call me if you need me to bring something. W

Normand Cardinal's Sample Sale. It's Time Again!

Please join me at my semi-annual sample sale

Where:  FX Building, 222 - 1951 Glen Drive, Vancouver BC
When:   The week of April 8 - 10:00 am - 5:00 pm, Monday to Friday

Please call me on my cell if you want to come by but can't make these times.


Thursday, 28 March 2013

De-Nesting Diaries: Thursday, March 28th

Ambition is like hunger; it obeys no law but its appetite. -Josh Billings, columnist and humorist (1818-1885) 

Patrick James Dunn We don't need no stinkin' hedgehog filled Ishtar eggs!

Hi Everyone

Friday or Saturday would also work for us. Let us know and what we can contribute. Ted and Elaine

    Sounds like some good riding, especially the revised Steveston jaunt.
    Finally on the road to recovery but rather weak and unfit I fear. Catching up on tutoring assignments today tha I've had to miss recently and we have guests from Campbell River this afternoon, friends of Sylvia, who are en route to Nepal for a hiking holiday. We also have guests Easter Monday who are visting relatives in Whistler and on the Island at a later date.The garden work is still a necessity, so I've got loads to do. Would like a gentle ride in the next few days - might just have to accompany you and George part way. I'll be in touch. Ray

Kerr-ses from the Rankin file. 

Would love a ride today. Timing tangled with MT and the infinite fluidity of the sisterhood. Should learn promptly -  before dusk.

Let me know the proposed timing of bridge Friday  -- would love to play subject to my day parole issues. W


rumour has it you may feel up for a test ride tomorrow. If there is any truth to that let me know. I am up for a morning ride at whatever time suits ya. G
Hi Lads!

Hope you are feeling better, Raymondo. I'm negotiating begging off loft work domani so let me know when you might plan to head out.

About bridge, Giorgio, I told Sarge around 3:30pm-4:00pm, (DST!), so let me know what you think. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hey there,

I am getting so many compliments on my new office décor. I think Grandma Dunn would be pleased that her beautiful things are being displayed for all to enjoy.

I have attached pics:

Wood flower wall plate and brass plate on window shelf
Black and white framed scenes of Venice on wall
Framed winter prairie scene and white stone carved elephant

Thank you again for sharing these tokens of remembrance.

Love the Tinsel Towners

PS: Your grandchildren/nephews have requested Roast Beef and Pop-overs for their post-Lent Easter feast, rather than the traditional ham!!

Place looks great! Have you started reading Lean In? Reviews have been mixed.
Happy Easter! Love Mom

Ayn P
Ayn P updated her status.: "If I hadn't started walking recently I would not have found a young man ODing alone tonight on the Busway walkway. It was scary but I am glad I was there to stay with him until the paramedics arrived. Cried all the way home for all the kids out there in what Poppa refers to as "the mean streets"."

Lest I forget (Kerr ses), Misha does intend to join us on the 7th.

If the Islay in is unavailable, let me know. We can foist ourselves on someone else with accessible digs.

Hope you got some kms on the counter today after totally de-nesting...W

Hi Giggster!

NRBC is more than welcome, with the full blessings of The Sisterhood, to meet at the Islay Inn! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Hi Ayn!

Thanks for lovely snapolas! Simply wonderful that some of Mom's things have a new life and home. Everything looks terrific.

Not a single biking K today as Dusty and I didn't arrive home until 5:45pm! Left at just after 9:00am. Had to keep myself from looking out the window at all the sunshine and mountain peaks sparkling, calling me to Seymour! Still, accomplished much. Curled with Sarge this even and we devastated our opponents. 10/0 at the end of three. They scored one in the fourth and then shook hands! I think they were intimidated by my stick!

Cheers, Poppa "Dreamin' of De-Nesting" San. When will it ever happen? Is it just a dream, Cora Lee? Tell me it 'ain't so! 

Hi Patrick.

You will see that we now have a new email address. We have had a couple of viruses on our computer which deleted all my emails. Some of our contacts have been receiving unsolicited emails from us so if you receive anything from our old yahoo account just delete it! Unfortunately I didn't get a chance to look in detail at your last email before it was deleted. However, it appears you arrived back in Vancouver safely and had a great time. Krissy has kept me updated regarding Chloe, the new job and her loft! So glad she managed to land something in her field.

 We just returned from Southampton. We went up to look after Tristan so that Marnie and Ant could go to London to visit some friends. As it happened they ended up not going since we have had the most devilish weather here and London and the north of England had quite bad snow falls last week and over the weekend. Unheard of for this time of year. They decided at the last minute not to go. So instead they booked into a hotel in Lymington in the New Forest for the weekend! They left us with Tristan on Saturday morning and returned on Sunday. It was great having him to ourselves for the weekend! They will be down here in a couple of weeks for a few days since Marnie has to attend Truro College to give a talk to the students regarding the education courses at Winchester University.
We have had a dreadful winter here. Very wet and cold with strong winds. I am sorry we made the decision not to go anywhere this past winter. 
Next year I think we will arrange to rent an apartment in Spain for a couple of months to see out the worst of the winter! My poor bike has been gathering dust and haven't seen the light of day for months! Today was much better. Sunny but still very cool. Gayle and I managed a walk on Perranporth beach then went for a beer at the beach bar on the way back! 

My brother, Michael from Toronto is planning to visit us next month with his son and wife. Have not seen him for quite a few years so looking forward to catching up. His son and his sons wife live in Virginia. I haven't seen him for about 20 years! 

Gudrun Cothey popped in yesterday for a coffee and chat on her way back from choir practice. Steve is working over the Easter weekend but we will drop by to see them sometime next week and maybe head out for a walk somewhere.

Last week we had a rare sunny day so we had a great circular walk at a place called Restronget. On route it has a lovely 14th century pub which saw a devastating fire three years ago. Fortunately they were able to restore it and, apart from the new thatch, you would never know there had been a fire apart from the slight lingering sooty smell on entering. We bought a beer and sat on the dock basking in that strange yellow thing in the sky! (Picture of Gayle attached). Trust you and Corrine will have a good Easter weekend. Best wishes Derek
Three more sleeps till Jen's Hen!!!!!! Excited to be with the ladies and drink BEER out if teacups!!
 Hi Patrick, been a while just a quick note to...
Greg Carpenter

Hi Patrick, been a while just a quick note to say we have finally taken the camper out and it all worked really well, I even managed a catch a fish whilst fishing from the kayak. The whole retirement thing is all a bit complex at the moment Claire is contemplating leaving work in December and I am actually ramping up my training activities so I am now working part time about four days per month so not sure if I hav retired or simply changed direction. Any way its all good. We are off to China for two weeks shortly to have a look at the things that toursits are supposed to see, the wall various palaces the terricotta soldiers and the three gorges and then home. We are not sure if we can get to your end of the world in the short term we need to see how our financials stack up over the next 12 months so we shall see. Cheers Greg and Claire
Hi Everyone

Friday or Saturday would also work for us. Let us know and what we can contribute. Ted and Elaine

we can do Friday or Sunday as well. Corinne
 Hi Mike & Polly

Actually Friday or Sunday works best for us. Looking forward to seeing everyone. Cheers Elaine

Hi Patrick

Glad to hear that you are hobnobbling with our fearless leaders--put in a good word for me--my library visits in the UK were very very valuable for me.

I couldn't believe the photo of you--wouldn't have recognized you--but what a wonderful photo--you should have it printed and framed.

Take care Happy Easter!!! Jo-Anne

No news? Kjell Gösta Nilsson

Looks like Friday 5 April works best. See you all at 630pm. Polly will communicate with you re food contribution. Cheers Mick


I am heading out now for a short ride while Cobby guards the MT. I will stop and see father on my ride. Maybe we can co-ordinate a ride tomorrow. Let me know about bridge possibilities and probabilities. I need guaranteed probabilities. W

Nadienka Wyss

checkin' out Zürich's nightlife tonight :)