Holy Saturday (Latin: Sabbatum Sanctum), sometimes known as Easter Eve or Black Saturday, or among the Copts as "Joyous Saturday" or "the Saturday of Light" is the day after Good Friday. It is the day before Easter and the last day of Holy Week in which Christians prepare for Easter. It commemorates the day that Jesus Christ's body laid in the tomb. Holy Saturday is sometimes erroneously referred to as Easter Saturday: this phrase is correctly applied to the Saturday in Easter Week.
Hi Jo-Anne and Colin!
Happy Joyous Saturday! Pleased that you have found warmer a warmer clime, a laundromat and plenty of Vin de Languedoc. Be curious to have some recommendations about the wines form this region as I'm hoping to spend a few weeks in Languedoc next September. Will be sure to pass along to Ingrid how diligent you were in London, how decadent in the south of France.
We've been blessed with a number of gorgeously sunny days this past week. Even so, unfortunately, not a single biking K on Thursday as Dusty and I didn't arrive home until 5:45pm! Left at just after 9:00am for a full day at the loft. Had to keep myself from looking out the window at all the sunshine and mountain peaks sparkling, calling me to Seymour! Still, accomplished much. Curled with Sarge that evening and have to report that we devastated our opponents. 10/0 at the end of three. They scored one in the fourth and then shook hands! I wasn't at all unhappy about finishing early as it had been a long, long day and I was quite tired by this point.
UBC was pretty quiet as I rode past residences on Marine Drive and I was pleased to find that beyond campus this often busy thoroughfare was completely devoid of the trucks and other heavy equipment that one finds on a normal workday. Had 25 K on my odometre when I reached the approach to the Arthur Laing bridge so I knew I'd be able to log 35 K by the time I reached Iona Beach Park. Once close to YVR runways I could see planes were landing in the same direction I was pedalling so I knew I would have my work cut out for me, heading into the fairly strong head wind. Still, it wasn't too, too bad and I managed to keep my AVG between 20-22 KPH so was pleased to be able to do that without the benefit of drafting as many of the individuals in the groups of riders who passed me enjoyed.
Didn't waste any time once I'd reached IBP and turned right around and retraced my route. I was a sheer delight to have the wind at my back now and I literally sailed along, averaging between 30-32 KPH, a full 10 KPH more than earlier, and without any appreciable exertion. Just reinforces what I, and rest of my cycling mates, have always known: a persistent, strong head wind is one's worst, most frustrating enemy!
Back over Cambie Sky Train Bridge and taking advantage of lights on MD/Cambie, headed north to 59th to use lights there to return to Heather and then back down to 70th. Not much traffic so I was soon across Granville and making for UBC. A few dispsy doodles around Thunderbird Stadium to put 71 K on the clock by the time I was at the bottom of the Forshore Hill and then it was homeward bound. Wind at my back again and I zipped along, noting that all the parking lots and shoulders were now almost completely packed with sun seekers' vehicles. Home at 3:15pm with 81.8 K over 3:37:44, AVG 22.5 KPH, MAX 55.2 KPH so was very pleased with pace. Best AVG I have had over such a distance since riding at Falcon Lake last summer. Furthermore the terrain is much flatter there, overall, than this particular route although the head winds can be much stronger.
Just enough time for a quick shower and then Whirylgig arrived for bridge. Earlier, I had asked Sarge to join us so until he came upstairs Rosita and Cora Lee took us on. When Sarge arrived, Cora Lee relinquished her place to work on today's meal, stuffed peppers, in particular. We had loads of fun and much to our opponent's frustration, we had all the cards. Giorgio ended up bidding One No Trump, (a strong hand with 15-17 points), so many times that it drove them to complete distraction! Had to mollify Sarge with some Cabot Tower Demerara Rum, 100 proof, made by the Newfoundland & Labrador Liquor Corporation from rum sourced in Guyana, a bottle I'd picked up in 2007 when he and I drove to The Rock!
This evening we are having our Easter dinner. Rosita is baking a ham and making pear pie for dessert. Having Flamin' and Sarge, as well as Joan Woodbury, a classmate from junior high school. I had not seen her since the mid '60's, high school, until last summer when we met at a neighbour's place here at Harbour Terrace. She will be attending the Isaac Brock 100th Anniversary in May, as will I. Looking forward to hearing about where Life took her since we both graduated from Daniel MacIntyre as we didn't really have a chance to catch up on the intervening years during the evening we reconnected.
My riding today will probably be of a running-errand nature. Up to Young Brothers on Broadway for fruit and vegetables and then to Purdy's on 4th for chocs to help out the Easter Bunny. Hope to go for a longer ride on Sunday before we head out to Coquitlam to visit Vera Keys, one of my Mom's closest friends, from Winnipeg, here to visit with her youngest daughter and family.
Enjoy your latest hardship posting. Fondestos and Happy Easter to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Easter eggs; flowers on Ayn's mantle in her Van Nuys apartmento; scene outside Cora Lee's cousin's house, just outside Winnipeg, this weekend!
Morning is
Thanks for bridge lasterday. After my good card fortune, I bought everyone lotto tickets and expect to be joining the millionaires in some gaudy resort somewhere in the Nevada desert -- ballooning up on overpriced hootch and fried food. I look forward to witnessing Rathbridger and Sarge at the same table. It will be like a clash of Apple and the PC. Contrary to previous assertions, I will not ride until afternoon - if at all. Home-stays are coming and going this morning like a Chaplin silent movie. Let me know if you are getting on the bike in the afternoon. W

Just remember, Life is only a game which you play for fun, unlike bridge or squash! I think Rosita and Sarge could have wished that we were in a silent movie lastereven. One more "One No Trump" from you and Sarge may well have resorted to his weapon!!! Very well played, by the way. Your misspent youth is obviously coming back to aid, rather than haunt you.
My riding this morgen will probably be of a running-errand nature. Up to Young Brothers on Broadway for fruit and vegetables and then to Purdy's on 4th for chocs to help out the Easter Bunny, on my workhorse Brodie. I'm interested in something later, with the greyhound Madone, if you can bribe the ushers. Not a big deal if you are too weighed down with overpriced popcorn, too, too ballooned out to fit into your now too tight Lycra cycling garb, as I'm still basking in the glow of the Iona run. Think I'll put Cabot Tower in my camel pack from now on! That should help boost the AVG even if I fail the drug screening
I'll give you a shout once I'm back from sherpa duty. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi Jane and Kjell!
Happy Joyous Saturday! As I mentioned on my voice mail, we do apologize for not contacting you sooner. No excuses other than that we have been busy with loft. In addition, Cora Lee had had a slew of Friends and church meetings. Hope our tardiness did not complicate your weekend plans overmuch. Again, other things being equal, we certainly would have been delighted to join you, at least for one of the Easter weekend days.
Enjoy the cabin and Happy Easter to you both. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Raymond!
Happy Joyous Saturday! Hope you are on the mend, especially with this lovely weather. Happy Easter to you and Sylvia. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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