Beware the Rides of March
With a peleton lean and hungry
For oft Brutal Winds await
The Leader of the Pack
Alas said venture falls upon my monthly service in the Downtown
East Side, where I will be surrounded by mostly lean and hungry men too.
My duty will be to cook a savoury bean based stew and let the cutting
of wind to them.
Wishing you a blue sky ride, Stephen
But soft you now, Brutale Bean Cur!
May Aelous release nothing but fayre and unsullied winds for you and the multitudes you feed this day. Methinks, alack, some dank and dismal vapours, from Hades spewed, might oft be needed should the Peleton wish to scale the dizzy heights of Horsehoe Bay and beyond. Adieu, Sweet Conjurer of sweetmeats aplenty/ May flights of stinging flatulence sing thee to thine stirr'd, boiling cauldron ere Mighty Whirlygig, his fiery chariot doth roll across the heavens to banish sluggard riders from their lazy beds! Away, I must, to minstrel further to mine own Antipodean Guests! Adieu, Adieu, Adieu!
May Aelous release nothing but fayre and unsullied winds for you and the multitudes you feed this day. Methinks, alack, some dank and dismal vapours, from Hades spewed, might oft be needed should the Peleton wish to scale the dizzy heights of Horsehoe Bay and beyond. Adieu, Sweet Conjurer of sweetmeats aplenty/ May flights of stinging flatulence sing thee to thine stirr'd, boiling cauldron ere Mighty Whirlygig, his fiery chariot doth roll across the heavens to banish sluggard riders from their lazy beds! Away, I must, to minstrel further to mine own Antipodean Guests! Adieu, Adieu, Adieu!
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Himachal Pradesh, India |
Hi Lads!
I'm keen to ride but not sure yet what time I might be free as Tina/Trevor are still here. I imagine some time around 10:30am-11:00am might be a reasonable start time for me. However don't let that prevent a different setting out if others have other constraints. Sarge is making breakfast for all concerned shortly and I'll know better, in an hour or so, what the plans will be. I'll be in touch as soon as I know what the Adelaidites wish to do. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
1. A writing surface such as a parchment that has been reused after partially or completely erasing the original text.
2. Something reused but still showing traces of its earlier form.
1. A writing surface such as a parchment that has been reused after partially or completely erasing the original text.
2. Something reused but still showing traces of its earlier form.
From Greek palimpsestos, from palin (again) + psestos + (scraped). Earliest documented use: 1661 A bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives the rose. -Chinese proverb
Up at Breakfast, omellettos, turkey sausages and fruit saladin with S/F. Watched Martin beat Gushue to stay alive in Brier. Flamin' to take TNT to Steveston before dropping them off at YVR.
have to head out now -- have time restrictions.
Away in Kelowna over the weekend -- back Monday night. Enjoy your ride. G
Hi Giggster!
Don't know if you ever heard my voice mail but I did try to contact you around 10:19am. I assume you had already left by then. Anyway, as things panned out, I did manage a wonderful ride, although didn't think I'd be able to do much more than 51 K, if that. I was up relatively early, at 6:33am to rid the kitchen of evidence of wine consumption for previous night!
Had a lovely day on Thursday with TNT. Took them to Lee Valley, off Marine Drive, in the morning as Tina wanted some seeds. I'd never been before so I was happy just to browse the aisles looking at all the wonderful, high-end tools on display. Back home to collect Coriandre and then we walked over to GI to catch the Aquabus to Yaletown. Stopped in at Urban Fare to peruse deli-counter but decided to lunch at the Yaletown Brewery. Very, very tasty fare, (Cora lee had the Salt and Pepper Shrimp, Teens the Tempura Tuna Maki Roll, Trev the Italian Pizza, (Genoa Salami, black olives and basil), and I the BLT Wedge: quartered fresh iceberg lettuce topped with Stoplight tomatoes, red onion, smoked bacon and Roquefort blue cheese reduction), all washed down with Brick and Beam IPA, (lads), Hills Special Wheat, (Teens), and a Backyard, Langley, 2011 Sauvignon Blanc, CL. (Coramandel was not overly impressed with the wine but the beer swillers delighted in their choice of tipple.
Next stop to a Rogers outlet, just down the street from YBC, so that iPhone Woman could pick up a case for her new device and then to VAG where we quite enjoyed Hope at Dawn: Watercolours by Emily Carr and Charles John Collins. Don't believe I have ever seen any watercolours by Carr so it was quite something to see how the two artists used the medium to depict the landscape of BC.
A most interesting work in progress was James Hart:The Dance Screen. A huge piece, the stunning work is a "major expression of traditional Haida beliefs" and Hart, now a master carver and chief, worked with both Robert Davidson and Bill Reid as a young sculptor. He was on site, with an assistant, and answered questions from people viewing the massive, ambitious carving.
Last was Art Spiegelman C0-MIX A Retrospective of Comics, Graphics and Scraps. Another remarkable exhibition. I, for one, was not really familiar with his work but I assume I may well have seen some of his iconic images at some point. Nevertheless, it was endlessly fascinating to peruse the "more than 400 preparatory drawings, sketches, studies and panels relating to his early underground "comix" from the 1970's, his best known and genre-defying work, Maus, and his more recent illustrations", in particular, his response to 9/11, In the Shadow of No Towers and a number of covers for The New Yorker.
Packed a fair bit of culture into two hours and then we walked back down Hornby to catch the Aqua Bus back to GI, stopping for some fresh pasta at the Market, and then home for a glass of Sandhill Pinot Blanc, courtesy of Chloë and GIB! We visited over the tasty dinner of overlefts and pasta and were joined by Flamin' and Sarge after their early curling match. Up until about 10:30pm when our guests started to yawn. Sarge and I had a dram of Ardbeg, Corryvreckan, 57.1%, to make everything blend together. Had forgotten how much I like it!
Anyway, after I'd tidied the kitchen this morning I tried to make some inroads on all my unanswered messages and then we went downstairs for a scrumptious breakfast of omellettos, turkey sausages and fruit saladin, masterfully prepared by Sarge and Flamoin'. Before, during and after meal we watched Martin beat Gushue to stay alive in the Brier. Curling over, Cora Lee said goodbye to the Australites as she had a do at the University Women's Club, (International Women's Day, of all things! Simone
de Beauvoir "This has always been a man's world, and none of the
reasons that have been offered in explanation have seemed adequate."), and I went upstairs to check my email. When I discovered that you had already departed, I decided I'd go for a short ride before taking TNT to the airport, as I knew I'd probably not get the chance tomorrow with loftage on the work agenda. Was just about to leave when Tassels came upstairs to say that
Flamin' had offered to drive them to Steveston for a bit of a tour and
was then going to drop them at YVR. They needed to be there at 3:30pm
anyway so this excursion suited them.
This being the case, we made our goodbyes and I was free to take a longer ride. Since it was such a gorgeous day I thought I'd give Horseshoe Bay a try and to that end added on the Spirit Trail/Bewicke Avenue loop so that I had 28.5 K on the clock by the time I was heading into Ambleside. Nasty head wind all the way to HB but I consoled myself with the fact that I'd have an extra push on return leg! 47.5 K registered as I made my way out of HB Village and guess what? Wind was even fiercer once I was heading back into town! Still, as you know, return leg is a tad easier so I was able to maintain my 20 KPH AVG in spite of the infernal blasts!
Had 72 K on the trusty odometre at the bottom of Prospect Hill so I knew I had four laps ahead of me if I wanted to break 120 K. Hunkered down and did just that although Seawall was literally teeming with Oriental tourists on rented bicycles or simply walking every which way. I had to take evasive action quite a few times to avoid head-on collisions or escape being side-swiped. Still, I persevered and managed to complete the four circuits unscathed. Pleased to be heading home just before 5:00pm to arrive at the The heartbreak Terrace with 121.3 K. over 6:03:44, AVG 20.1 KPH, MAX 52.3 KPH. Must say that I was really pleased with the ride, both the distance and the AVG. Had it not been for the omni-directional head wind, who knows what records I might have smashed to smithereens!
Anyway, trust you managed an enjoyable ride with no adverse side-effects. What is happening in Kelowna? Give me achout when you are back and able to ride. I hope to be free of much loft work by early next week although forecast doesn't look all that promising. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Pics: Last night: The Sisterhood and The Brotherhood!
Hi George et al,
Hi Giggster!
Don't know if you ever heard my voice mail but I did try to contact you around 10:19am. I assume you had already left by then. Anyway, as things panned out, I did manage a wonderful ride, although didn't think I'd be able to do much more than 51 K, if that. I was up relatively early, at 6:33am to rid the kitchen of evidence of wine consumption for previous night!
Had a lovely day on Thursday with TNT. Took them to Lee Valley, off Marine Drive, in the morning as Tina wanted some seeds. I'd never been before so I was happy just to browse the aisles looking at all the wonderful, high-end tools on display. Back home to collect Coriandre and then we walked over to GI to catch the Aquabus to Yaletown. Stopped in at Urban Fare to peruse deli-counter but decided to lunch at the Yaletown Brewery. Very, very tasty fare, (Cora lee had the Salt and Pepper Shrimp, Teens the Tempura Tuna Maki Roll, Trev the Italian Pizza, (Genoa Salami, black olives and basil), and I the BLT Wedge: quartered fresh iceberg lettuce topped with Stoplight tomatoes, red onion, smoked bacon and Roquefort blue cheese reduction), all washed down with Brick and Beam IPA, (lads), Hills Special Wheat, (Teens), and a Backyard, Langley, 2011 Sauvignon Blanc, CL. (Coramandel was not overly impressed with the wine but the beer swillers delighted in their choice of tipple.
Next stop to a Rogers outlet, just down the street from YBC, so that iPhone Woman could pick up a case for her new device and then to VAG where we quite enjoyed Hope at Dawn: Watercolours by Emily Carr and Charles John Collins. Don't believe I have ever seen any watercolours by Carr so it was quite something to see how the two artists used the medium to depict the landscape of BC.
A most interesting work in progress was James Hart:The Dance Screen. A huge piece, the stunning work is a "major expression of traditional Haida beliefs" and Hart, now a master carver and chief, worked with both Robert Davidson and Bill Reid as a young sculptor. He was on site, with an assistant, and answered questions from people viewing the massive, ambitious carving.
Last was Art Spiegelman C0-MIX A Retrospective of Comics, Graphics and Scraps. Another remarkable exhibition. I, for one, was not really familiar with his work but I assume I may well have seen some of his iconic images at some point. Nevertheless, it was endlessly fascinating to peruse the "more than 400 preparatory drawings, sketches, studies and panels relating to his early underground "comix" from the 1970's, his best known and genre-defying work, Maus, and his more recent illustrations", in particular, his response to 9/11, In the Shadow of No Towers and a number of covers for The New Yorker.
Packed a fair bit of culture into two hours and then we walked back down Hornby to catch the Aqua Bus back to GI, stopping for some fresh pasta at the Market, and then home for a glass of Sandhill Pinot Blanc, courtesy of Chloë and GIB! We visited over the tasty dinner of overlefts and pasta and were joined by Flamin' and Sarge after their early curling match. Up until about 10:30pm when our guests started to yawn. Sarge and I had a dram of Ardbeg, Corryvreckan, 57.1%, to make everything blend together. Had forgotten how much I like it!
This being the case, we made our goodbyes and I was free to take a longer ride. Since it was such a gorgeous day I thought I'd give Horseshoe Bay a try and to that end added on the Spirit Trail/Bewicke Avenue loop so that I had 28.5 K on the clock by the time I was heading into Ambleside. Nasty head wind all the way to HB but I consoled myself with the fact that I'd have an extra push on return leg! 47.5 K registered as I made my way out of HB Village and guess what? Wind was even fiercer once I was heading back into town! Still, as you know, return leg is a tad easier so I was able to maintain my 20 KPH AVG in spite of the infernal blasts!
Had 72 K on the trusty odometre at the bottom of Prospect Hill so I knew I had four laps ahead of me if I wanted to break 120 K. Hunkered down and did just that although Seawall was literally teeming with Oriental tourists on rented bicycles or simply walking every which way. I had to take evasive action quite a few times to avoid head-on collisions or escape being side-swiped. Still, I persevered and managed to complete the four circuits unscathed. Pleased to be heading home just before 5:00pm to arrive at the The heartbreak Terrace with 121.3 K. over 6:03:44, AVG 20.1 KPH, MAX 52.3 KPH. Must say that I was really pleased with the ride, both the distance and the AVG. Had it not been for the omni-directional head wind, who knows what records I might have smashed to smithereens!
Anyway, trust you managed an enjoyable ride with no adverse side-effects. What is happening in Kelowna? Give me achout when you are back and able to ride. I hope to be free of much loft work by early next week although forecast doesn't look all that promising. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Pics: Last night: The Sisterhood and The Brotherhood!
Hi George et al,
Would love to too much on the agenda unfortunately. Meeting with a new client manufacturing some cutting edge food processing equipment who I was introduced to at a solidworks seminar last night!. Some networking looks as if it may have paid off.
Happy to announce that Colleen and I purchased a cabin this week up
in the Sunshine valley so we’ll also be busy preparing to go up there
and stay in it for the first time. I did mention it to Patricio but to
him to keep it under wraps until the deal
had gone through for sure which it now has. It’s a fabulous place, and
close enough to Vancouver that the really motivated peletonions could
ride up there if so desired!. In any case we’ll definitely have a
gathering there before very long. Have a great day
and we’ll talk soon. Cheer, Al
P.S. Here is a link to a virtual tour of the new place:
Hello Sunshine Valley People!
Congratulations, once again, on closing the deal! Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats, as well, on new client. Hope things work out nicely there. Trust you are feeling better as well! Fondestos from Cora Lee and Chloë. Cheers, Patrizzio, High Wire Artiste Extraordinaire!!!
Hello Sunshine Valley People!
Congratulations, once again, on closing the deal! Hip Hip Hooray!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats, as well, on new client. Hope things work out nicely there. Trust you are feeling better as well! Fondestos from Cora Lee and Chloë. Cheers, Patrizzio, High Wire Artiste Extraordinaire!!!
Hi Parents,
I have booked my ticket to London for August 15th-26th…I arrive at Heathrow on Friday, August 16th at 12:15pm and leave from
Heathrow on Monday, August 26th at 10:25am.
So very excited to be joining you abroad!!! Whee!!! Love to all! xoxo
Hi High Flying Tinsel Towner!
Grand that we can finally meet overseas! Nana asked me to make sure that you bring along plenty of spondulaks as her guiding fees are considerable. Believe me, I know from past excursions! Fondestos, Papa-San, Porter and General Factotum!
Hi Colin!!
As it is and has been, ever since returning, we seem to be busier than ever. Primarily has to do with working on the loft so that we can finally de-nest Chloë. Glad we didn't hire any of the plumbers you sent our way! Cheers, Patrizzio, High Wire Artiste Extraordinaire!!!
Hi High Flying Tinsel Towner!
Grand that we can finally meet overseas! Nana asked me to make sure that you bring along plenty of spondulaks as her guiding fees are considerable. Believe me, I know from past excursions! Fondestos, Papa-San, Porter and General Factotum!
Hi Colin!!
As it is and has been, ever since returning, we seem to be busier than ever. Primarily has to do with working on the loft so that we can finally de-nest Chloë. Glad we didn't hire any of the plumbers you sent our way! Cheers, Patrizzio, High Wire Artiste Extraordinaire!!!
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