Entry of Christ into Jerusalem (1320) by Pietro Lorenzetti: entering the city on a donkey symbolizes arrival in peace rather than as a war-waging king arriving on a horse
In many Christian churches, Palm Sunday is marked by the distribution of palm leaves (often tied into crosses) to the assembled worshippers. The difficulty of procuring palms for that day's ceremonies in unfavorable climates for palms led to the substitution of boughs of box, yew, willow, olive, or other native trees. The Sunday was often designated by the names of these trees, as Yew Sunday, or by the general term Branch Sunday.
Fire and Food, arguably one of the better pairings in human history. Renowned Argentine Chef Francis Mallmann is truly taking this pairing to new heights at his new Siete Fuegos Asado at the Vines of Mendoza this harvest season.
Over the next 7 weeks, 7 unique recipes from Mallmann’s inspired cookbook “Seven Fires: Grilling the Argentine Way.”
Week 1 – Lamb Al Asador
- 1 whole baby lamb (about 25 pounds), butterflied
- 4 cups salmuera (4 cups water, ¼ cup salt, boiled to dissolve)
- 8 to 12 Idaho potatoes
- 8 to 12 onions, unpeeled
- 8 to 12 bell peppers (red, green & yellow)
- Additional vegetables (butternut or acorn squash, eggplant etc… as desired)
Method (abbreviated):
To serve lunch around 2:00 PM, you’ll want to set the coffee maker auto-timer for 5:30 AM and get your fire going by around 6 AM. Use approximately 10 logs, 6 inches in diameter. Be sure to have another 15 logs on hand, ready to feed the fire during cooking.
7:30 AM – Truss the lamb, attaching it to iron cross (see photo). Sprinkle the bone side with salmuera and set the asador in the ground, bone side facing the fire, approx. 6-9 feet away.
8:00 AM – Start the cooking, adjusting the heat as necessary by leaning the iron cross toward or away from flame.
12:00 Noon – If the lamb came with kidneys attached, remove and serve.

1:00 PM – Nestle vegetables in the embers, covering them as much as possible with hot ashes
2:00 PM – Test lamb for doneness by cutting off a slice; the outside should be nice and crispy. Once internal temperature is approx. 140 degrees (F), transfer lamb to a table and let rest for 10 to 20 minutes. Meanwhile, remove vegetables from embers and prepare to feast. Pair this with the Gimenez Riili Reserva Malbe 2008. Serves 12 – 15, Que lo disfrutan!
Todo bicho que camina va a parar al asador. Every creature that walks ends up roasting on the iron cross– Old Argentine Proverb
Nadienka Wyss
Nadienka Wyss
- Patrick James Dunn Every life is ending, doesn't mean you shouldn't enjoy it!
- Patrick James Dunn Who's crumpy now, Dear Krankenheimer Host Daughter?
- Nadienka Wyss I'm not crumpy, but gruel instead;) how do you know I've been feeling sick Dear Host Vati?
- Patrick James Dunn Meine arme kranke Kind, Your Dear Host Vati, knows intuitively, how his charges are feeling, whether still at The Island Inn or continents away. Stop burning the candle at both ends! Even as I scribe, Chloë is taking Maggie to the airport to send her to Switzerland to sleep on your tummy to keep you cosy and comforted!
Next Generation Photography
Great 360 degree photographs - A must view: 'NEXT GENERATION PHOTOGRAPHY
Note it is not just 360. It is 360 at every latitude...try going up or down.
360-degree pictures . . . next generation photography
Try not to get dizzy!
You can also look straight up and down.
Click on the
pictures below and when they come up, click again and drag your mouse in
any direction and the picture will give you a 360-degree view. (Or hold
down Left Click and move mouse.)
Amazing Photography.
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