Kicking it with my kitten. Best medicine ever.
Patrick James Dunn Is
the "kick" in ultra slow motion or simply faster than the speed of
light? I can't seem to find the "kick" in this still life, "Small Hippo
with Foot Stool"!
Hi Polly and Mick!
Just a very quick note to thank you both for hosting such a wonderful evening of bridge. The more than delicious food and scintillating company was in inverse proportion to the abominable cards, dealt, democratically, thankfully, to everyone. Who, but a dolt or a lout or a Puritan or all three, could complain about the delectable appetizers, (thanks Darlin' Cora Lee),
sterling wine, sumptuous dinner, (baked pasta extraordnaire, mouth-watering home-made bread, salad a vegetarian would weep over), and decadent dessert! Thank you, Elaine, for the fabulous Pavlova! And the bridge prizes! Being immortalized in paint, by Dusty, as I scribe. Thanks again, to everyone and, in particular, from Clara and Dusty. Such a wonderful send-off, back to the snowdrifts.
I think the baseball cap probably belongs to Ted. I suggest you keep it and use it as a bridge prize next time. Many thanks to you both, Polly and Mick. Cheers, Patrizzio!
I think the baseball cap probably belongs to Ted. I suggest you keep it and use it as a bridge prize next time. Many thanks to you both, Polly and Mick. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: I've attached a zip file of some of the snaps from Friday's gala affair.
Hi Vittorio, et al:
NRBC will convene at 7:00pm. Due to construction, sewer replacement, between our building and one to the west, everyone will have to gain access to Harbour Terrace , via entrance way at the front of building.
Misha, I'll have a parking spot for you so call when you are outside. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pic: The Sisterhood is waiting for you, Testicles of Wrath! thank you il Mago! VL
Hi Joyce!
Sorry that it has taken me so long to send along these snaps! No excuses but plenty of reasons!! We arrrived in Vancouver on Sunday, February 17th and it has been a very, very busy time ever since as we began the process of de-nesting Chloë, our youngest daughter, back to a loft property we own, on Wall Street, here in Vancouver! We had been planning to give the tenant notice of this fact when he gave us notice in late December. This has worked out reasonably well as Dusty, my father-in-law, is here to help with a number of the things we wished to do before she actually moved in: new flooring in upstairs bedroom area, new in-house vacuum, a fair bit of painting and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning! A host of other smaller tasks, as I'm sure you can imagine!
thanks Pat I am cycling though. M
Still need to park in garage spot as access to patio is not possible. Call when you and your bicycle/chair arrive! Cheers, Patrizzio/Potemkin!
I won't be there until 8. What number do I need to call to be buzzed in? And where do I go after? Cheers,..Dave
Titanium Man:
Our name, (Dunn/Durston), is on list displayed at the entrance buzzer directory. Take elevatore to 2nd floor and wander aimlessly until you are rescued by one of the NRBCers who haven't read the book and who will jump up to extricate themselves, (There will inevitably be more than one!), from discussion which they are incapable of contributing to. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Gayle and Derek!
Thanks for the last set of wonderful pictures. If you keep this up, we won't have to visit Cornwall as we'll have seen all the sights and will be able to stay in Vancouver. With the money I save, I'll be able to buy some very expensive single malts as well as another, higher end carbon fibre bicycle! Keep the pics coming!!!
Not sure if Cora Lee will agree so just in case, on Friday, we met the glazier who had to measure a broken window at the loft at 11:00am. Very personable, efficient chap, Daryl, who said it should only cost about $200 to replace cracked pane. (I'm more than delighted as I thought we might be looking at $1000!) After he left, Dusty and I spent an hour or so finishing up.
He installed a better light in the clothes closet while I attached the door sweep. We were back home bu noon and after a bite to eat I suited up and made for the Aquatic Centre. Forecast had called for rain but I was able to dodge the showers even though the Burrrard Bridge sidewalk was closed. I had to turn around at the beginning of he bridge deck as city workers were doing some "flushing" whatever that means. I simply retraced my steps and followed the Seawall back around Science World to the AC.
Managed to log 1.5 mile so was pleased as I'd not been in the water for a few weeks. Stopped at Legacy, (Only 20 K on the clock for the ride, home and back to the pool but better than nothing, I suppose.), on way home to pick up a bottle of Bowmore Laimrig, 15 years old, 54.4% and a Pritchard's Lincoln County Lightning, 45%, Tennessee Corn Whiskey. Hope to try latter with my Book Club this evening.
That evening we were invited to play bridge with Polly and Mick Carter and we enjoyed a marvellous time with the more than delicious food and scintillating company! Both were in inverse proportion to the abominable cards, dealt, democratically, thankfully, to everyone. Who, but a dolt or a lout or a Puritan or all three, could complain about the delectable appetizers, (thanks to Darlin' Cora Lee for the devilish Deviled Eggs, [stuffed with crab and salmon], sterling wine, sumptuous dinner, (baked pasta, with hot Italian sausage and spinach, extraordnaire; mouth-watering home-made bread; salad a vegetarian would weep over, Polly/Mick), and decadent dessert, [fabulous Pavlova by Elaine]!
And the bridge prizes!
Being immortalized in paint, by Dusty, as I scribe. Such a wonderful
send-off, back to the snowdrifts, for Clara and Dusty, this coming
Saturday didn't look promising as far a cycling but Whrlygig and I decide dto tempt the Fates and headed out around 11:45am. I met him at 25th and Maple and we made for Steveston, over the Arthur Laing Bridge. The head wind was fearful as we made our way along Railway Avenue in Richmond but once we turned onto No 4 Road/Finn Rd and then back onto No 4 Rd the gale was behind us and we were able to zip along at 33 KPH for most of our the way to Hwy 99.
From there over the Oak Street Bridge and then up Heather to 37th. Giorgrio had time to ride home via UBC so we made for campus and then along Marine Drive/Seaside to Macdonald. I waved goodbye to Whirlage here and headed for Kits Point. Two loops of KP and then towards home, returning to The Heartbreak Terrace with 72 K, over 3:27:25, AVG 20.8 KPH, MAX 56.1 KPH so was happy as a lark as we hadn't even expected to be able to ride.
Time for dinner at The Annexe so must away. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Lads!
Meant to send these along earlier. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Somebody left a baseball cap at our house Friday evening, with a Maple Leaf construction logo on the front. Cheers Mick
Hi All,
Just a reminder that the Sample Sale starts tomorrow, 10 am to 5 pm, room 222 at the FX Building, 1951 Glen Drive. Call if you are interested in coming and can't make these times.
Thanks, Norm
Hi All,
Just a reminder that the Sample Sale starts tomorrow, 10 am to 5 pm, room 222 at the FX Building, 1951 Glen Drive. Call if you are interested in coming and can't make these times.
Thanks, Norm
Hi Polly and Mick!
Just a very quick note to thank you both for hosting such a wonderful evening of bridge. The more than delicious food and scintillating company was in inverse proportion to the abominable cards, dealt, democratically, thankfully, to everyone. Who, but a dolt or a lout or a Puritan or all three, could complain about the delectable appetizers, (thanks Darlin' Cora Lee),
sterling wine, sumptuous dinner, (baked pasta extraordnaire, mouth-watering home-made bread, salad a vegetarian would weep over), and decadent dessert! Thank you, Elaine, for the fabulous Pavlova! And the bridge prizes! Being immortalized in paint, by Dusty, as I scribe. Thanks again, to everyone and, in particular, from Clara and Dusty. Such a wonderful send-off, back to the snowdrifts.
I think the baseball cap probably belongs to Ted. I suggest you keep it and use it as a bridge prize next time. Many thanks to you both, Polly and Mick. Cheers, Patrizzio!
I think the baseball cap probably belongs to Ted. I suggest you keep it and use it as a bridge prize next time. Many thanks to you both, Polly and Mick. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: I've attached a zip file of some of the snaps from Friday's gala affair.
Hi Vittorio, et al:
NRBC will convene at 7:00pm. Due to construction, sewer replacement, between our building and one to the west, everyone will have to gain access to Harbour Terrace , via entrance way at the front of building.
Misha, I'll have a parking spot for you so call when you are outside. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pic: The Sisterhood is waiting for you, Testicles of Wrath! thank you il Mago! VL
Hi Joyce!
Sorry that it has taken me so long to send along these snaps! No excuses but plenty of reasons!! We arrrived in Vancouver on Sunday, February 17th and it has been a very, very busy time ever since as we began the process of de-nesting Chloë, our youngest daughter, back to a loft property we own, on Wall Street, here in Vancouver! We had been planning to give the tenant notice of this fact when he gave us notice in late December. This has worked out reasonably well as Dusty, my father-in-law, is here to help with a number of the things we wished to do before she actually moved in: new flooring in upstairs bedroom area, new in-house vacuum, a fair bit of painting and cleaning, cleaning, cleaning! A host of other smaller tasks, as I'm sure you can imagine!
Into this mix was the fact that cousins from Manitoba arrived but three
days after we made it home. They were skiing in Fernie, about three
hours from Calgary. They drove from the ski resort on Wednesday morning
to leave their car at the airport and then fly
to Vancouver. They stayed with us until early Saturday morning when
they flew back to Calgary and then the long drive back to Kenton, near
the Saskatchewan/Manitoba border. We were delighted to have them visit
but as often happens, right in the middle of just
returning from holidays ourselves and Chloë's move. Cora Lee is looking
forward to setting up her study in the "spare" room and Chloë, of
course, is very pleased about going to be back in the loft.
Trust all goes well in Redding. Keep in touch. Cheers, Cora Lee and Patrizzio!
Trust all goes well in Redding. Keep in touch. Cheers, Cora Lee and Patrizzio!
Return to Reichenbach
weaves the story of two women from opposite sides of Hitler’s Third
Reich, who accidentally met in Toronto in 1977 when Mania, orphaned by
the regime, hired
a cleaning woman. Mania recognized the German woman, Johanna, as the
guard who had protected her as a child in the Reichenbach concentration
a delicate dance of conversations seeking closure, the film intimately
explores their war experiences and witnesses their reunion on the site
of the abandoned camp near the German-Polish
border more than 50 years after the war.
Director/Producer Maureen Kelleher first heard about the incredible
coincidence of Mania and Johanna meeting in Toronto, her mind overflowed
with questions. Was she really that guard?
And if so, did she protect young Mania as a political act of resistance
against a murderous regime, a moral awakening from the straightjacket
of duty? Or was it something more personal— perhaps a reminder of a
child she lost in the war?
Return to Reichenbach
is the first documentary to capture together the experiences of a
Jewish girl and an everyday German woman during Hitler’s reign — a
survivor searching for
closure over half a century later and a German woman who paid a huge
price for ideals she supported or was too terrified to rebel against.
Israel, 2011, Digital Betacam, 59 min.
Directed by: Chanoch Zeevi
Hitler’s Children
is a film about the descendants of the most powerful figures in the
Nazi regime: men and women who were left a legacy that permanently
associates them with one
of the greatest crimes in history. What is it like for them to have
grown up with a name that immediately raises images of murder and
"Hitler’s Children was a film that had almost everything. It informed, it surprised, it made me think. Is killing just one or two people more acceptable than killing seven or eight? Where are the boundaries of love and forgiveness? Are there any, even?" — John Crace, The Guardian
thanks Pat I am cycling though. M
Still need to park in garage spot as access to patio is not possible. Call when you and your bicycle/chair arrive! Cheers, Patrizzio/Potemkin!
I won't be there until 8. What number do I need to call to be buzzed in? And where do I go after? Cheers,..Dave
![]() |
Non-contemporary portrait of Potemkin in later life |
Our name, (Dunn/Durston), is on list displayed at the entrance buzzer directory. Take elevatore to 2nd floor and wander aimlessly until you are rescued by one of the NRBCers who haven't read the book and who will jump up to extricate themselves, (There will inevitably be more than one!), from discussion which they are incapable of contributing to. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Gayle and Derek!
Thanks for the last set of wonderful pictures. If you keep this up, we won't have to visit Cornwall as we'll have seen all the sights and will be able to stay in Vancouver. With the money I save, I'll be able to buy some very expensive single malts as well as another, higher end carbon fibre bicycle! Keep the pics coming!!!
Not sure if Cora Lee will agree so just in case, on Friday, we met the glazier who had to measure a broken window at the loft at 11:00am. Very personable, efficient chap, Daryl, who said it should only cost about $200 to replace cracked pane. (I'm more than delighted as I thought we might be looking at $1000!) After he left, Dusty and I spent an hour or so finishing up.
He installed a better light in the clothes closet while I attached the door sweep. We were back home bu noon and after a bite to eat I suited up and made for the Aquatic Centre. Forecast had called for rain but I was able to dodge the showers even though the Burrrard Bridge sidewalk was closed. I had to turn around at the beginning of he bridge deck as city workers were doing some "flushing" whatever that means. I simply retraced my steps and followed the Seawall back around Science World to the AC.
Managed to log 1.5 mile so was pleased as I'd not been in the water for a few weeks. Stopped at Legacy, (Only 20 K on the clock for the ride, home and back to the pool but better than nothing, I suppose.), on way home to pick up a bottle of Bowmore Laimrig, 15 years old, 54.4% and a Pritchard's Lincoln County Lightning, 45%, Tennessee Corn Whiskey. Hope to try latter with my Book Club this evening.
That evening we were invited to play bridge with Polly and Mick Carter and we enjoyed a marvellous time with the more than delicious food and scintillating company! Both were in inverse proportion to the abominable cards, dealt, democratically, thankfully, to everyone. Who, but a dolt or a lout or a Puritan or all three, could complain about the delectable appetizers, (thanks to Darlin' Cora Lee for the devilish Deviled Eggs, [stuffed with crab and salmon], sterling wine, sumptuous dinner, (baked pasta, with hot Italian sausage and spinach, extraordnaire; mouth-watering home-made bread; salad a vegetarian would weep over, Polly/Mick), and decadent dessert, [fabulous Pavlova by Elaine]!
How lovely, Polly! |
Saturday didn't look promising as far a cycling but Whrlygig and I decide dto tempt the Fates and headed out around 11:45am. I met him at 25th and Maple and we made for Steveston, over the Arthur Laing Bridge. The head wind was fearful as we made our way along Railway Avenue in Richmond but once we turned onto No 4 Road/Finn Rd and then back onto No 4 Rd the gale was behind us and we were able to zip along at 33 KPH for most of our the way to Hwy 99.
From there over the Oak Street Bridge and then up Heather to 37th. Giorgrio had time to ride home via UBC so we made for campus and then along Marine Drive/Seaside to Macdonald. I waved goodbye to Whirlage here and headed for Kits Point. Two loops of KP and then towards home, returning to The Heartbreak Terrace with 72 K, over 3:27:25, AVG 20.8 KPH, MAX 56.1 KPH so was happy as a lark as we hadn't even expected to be able to ride.
Time for dinner at The Annexe so must away. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Lads!
Meant to send these along earlier. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
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