No man should judge unless he asks himself in absolute honesty whether in a similar situation he might not have done the same. -Viktor Frankl, author, neurologist, and psychiatrist (1905-1997)
Hi Paul!
Not sure whether you'll read this before you leave for NZ or not but have a wonderful trip! Hope weather is better than in Europe. Winnipeg is bracing for massive flooding as you probably know. Dusty is not happy as he can't start on his garden with all the snow. Why they leave Vancouver until at least the beginning of May remains a mystery to us. Those Prairie Folk be stubborn but we wouldn't know anything about that!
In fact, I did walk over to the VWF Office on Monday to purchase five tickets for Dram and asked Sandra to credit them to your team. Your generous donation of Laddie Classic sounds most interesting. I trust I won't have to outbid you on the evening in question! Just to be a spoilsport you'll probably raise my bids, forcing me ever higher.
Managed an hour on the stationary bike at FCCC on Monday. Very low resistance and felt pretty good. I read my latest crime novel, (Nele Neuhaus, German author, Snow White Must Die), and time just slipped by. Went back yesterday and bumped into Camilla who was on a tread mill. Plan to return today and do more of the same. My groin muscles felt a bit looser this morning so am hoping there will be a slow, steady improvement.
Meeting Kjell and another friend of mine, (Whirlygig), at 4:00pm this afternoon, at Vancity Theatre to see Barbara and Lore, both shown at VIFF this past year but I wasn't able to see either. Had tried to see Barbara about a month ago with Cora Lee, Jane and Kjell but due to misinformation regarding show time in both paper and on website we arrived after film had screened! Received two complimentary tickets for our trouble so will use them today. Unfortunately he won't be able to see Lore as he and Jane have tickets for something at Chan that same evening.
He mentioned that he had been to the dottore for a series of tests, (more extensive battery when he returns to Sweden in a month), and it seems some of his discomfort might be due to a slipped disc as well as stress related. He also mentioned his significantly reduced alcohol consumption. I can relate to that as I really didn't want anything when I was experiencing dizziness. Still having it when I move in certain ways but I managed to force myself to have a snort of Basil Hayden bourbon and a 15 year old Bowmore last night with a new neighbour to our building. We bumped into each other in the hallway and I invited him in. Very pleasant and interesting chap, Cyrus Cain. He and his wife, Michelle, and their ten year old daughter, Ellie, are from Portland, (At one time both worked for Starbucks and many of their colleagues migrated to Lulu Lemon), and moved here so that Michelle could take a fairly high-level job with Lulu Lemon. Cyrus described himself as a start-up entrepreneur and is currently working as Marketing Manager for a family business, (organic sun-screen it seems), out of Boulder. Eventually I'm hoping to score some cycling gear and sun block!
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SARAH, PLAIN AND TALL! Glenn Close and Christopher Walken |
Hello Simon!
My name is Patrick Dunn and Dennis Oreilly very kindly passed along your email address. As he probably mentioned, I am interested in the possibility of renting Beau Soleil, sometime between September 1st-28th. My wife, Corinne Durston, (Retired from VPL, not UBC Library, as Dennis mentioned. I was at UBC and met Dennis there.), are doing a house exchange in Cornwall for the month of August. She will then be flying to Rome to spend two weeks or slightly more with her Book Club, celebrating its 20th anniversary. On the 28th we meet with three other couples in Agen, to barge/boat cruise the Canal du Midi for two weeks. We have friends near Valence and depending on the availability of your property I would tailor my arrival to suit possible dates.
At this point a number of other friends here in Vancouver and in Europe have expressed interest in joining me, depending on timing, cost, etc. Ideally, from my point of view, I'd like to take possession close to the beginning of September and schedule others, as accommodation allows, so that Corinne could join me shortly after mid-month before our canal trip.
Not sure if Dennis mentioned it or not but one of the allures of your place and the region, in general, is the biking. I'm happy to simply spend my days riding and exploring and then return to "base camp" and prepare meals, sip wine and read. Paradise indeed!
For my part, I am actively planning to buy a bike in England. We land in London on July 11th and after a week or so will take the train to York, where we will stay with friends in Harrogate. Their is a dealer in York selling Montague foldable road bikes, for ease of transportation in both rental cars and on trains, so I'd like to pick up one to have while in Yorkshire and elsewhere. I plan to leave the bike with aforementioned friends near Valence as we hope to spend the next few years exploring more of Europe and I would like to have my own bike on these future excursions.
Sylvia, wife of close friend and former squash mate, Ray Banks, (now a cycling chum since we both underwent hip replacement surgery in 2010), apparently knows Claire and Dennis, and possibly you, via some Eric Hamber connection. I'm always fascinated what a big small town Vancouver is!
The location of Beau Soleil is seemingly ideal, from the point of view of our own itinerary, as well as being so well situated in terms of the relative proximity to so many other noteworthy places/regions so I am definitely keen to hear about availability/cost at your earliest convenience. Thanks, in advance, for your consideration. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick,
I emailed Simon Collins about the possibility of renting Beau Soleil in the fall and he said sure by all means you can contact him. Introduce yourself as my friend. He will be expecting to hear from you. I mentioned that you and your wife were retired librarians from UBC.
The bicycle rental shop in Béziers is:
Timo and Isabella who own Relax Rentals are some of the finest people you will every meet. Their bikes are excellent. But you have to reserve well ahead of time. Dennis
Hello Dennis!
Thanks very much for the contact details. Much appreciated. I just sent off a message to Simon so will await his response. Looking forward to hearing back from Simon about availability/cost at his earliest convenience. Thanks, again, Dennis, for all your help in this matter. Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: Thanks also for your advice regarding bike rentals and will certainly inform anyone who might be staying about need for advance booking as soon as situation/dates are confirmed.
Hey Pat. Are you saying that you had a hip replacement surgery in 2010? Dennis
Hi Dennis!
Yes, both Ray and I underwent total hip replacement surgery in April 2010, shortly after Olympics. I had mine done two days before him by same surgeon, Clive Duncan, (He also did squash mates Captain Haddock and Sir Andrew, highly successfully, 10 or 15 years earlier!), and this was one of main reasons we reconnected, post surgery, through a mutual squash friend, Mike Carter. (Polly, his wife, taught at U Hill Elementary for quite some time, and elsewhere, I think, so wonder if Claire knows her as well, being in same system and all.) At any rate, Ray and I played squash together for many years at VRC but ended up losing regular contact after we stopped playing the sport. We share reading interests as well so it has been great to rekindle our friendship.
Unfortunately he is not as keen on travelling as is Sylvia who is off to England in May. Their daughter, Jenny, lives and works there. For part of the trip Sylvia will be staying with their friends, Chris and Jim Brownlee, in Yorkshire. (We met them when they did a house exchange in 2011. Jim and Ray grew up together in Hartlepool, south of Newcastle. We'll stay with them after we leave London and before we go to Cornwall.) I'd love Jim to join me in Neffiès as he is keen on France and cycling. Ray as well but he is almost fanatically wedded to his back yard vegetable garden and tutoring. Who knows? He is very attracted by biking possibilities and warm weather
so once I have details on time/cost I'll start applying pressure. I know he'd love to spend time with Jim as well as they are really close friends.
I'm also going to see what Ragin' Bull thinks. Funnily enough, I am in semi-regular contact with his cousin's daughter, Morana, (We met in 2007 when we stayed with the family in Zagreb.), a lovely young woman. She has said that she and her boyfriend would be quite interested in coming to stay if timing works out. Due to her work, however, she might not be able to schedule holidays at this time. Anyway, lots of balls to juggle.
Cheers, Patrizzio The Hip Hippster!
Hi Pat,
Thanks. The reason I ask is because I think I am going to have to have a hip replacement some time soon. I injured my hip skiing February 2012 and it has been downhill since then. I've had to cut back on the majority of my activities like doing the Grouse Grind. I still play hockey once a week but it takes me 2 days to recover. I don't think I am at the bone on bone phase yet, but the discomfort level is increasing week by week.
I would like to talk to you about this. What stage were you at when you decided to have your hip done? What was your recovery like?
I want to get back to being active. I still work out in the gym every day, but its not the same as doing the Grouse Grind, hiking, skiing, etc. Dennis
Sorry to learn that you probably need a hip replacement BUT if you do my first bit of advice is to have it immediately! Believe me, there is simply no reason to undergo pain/discomfort and limitations to activities, within reason, you enjoy. I "denied" I needed it and endured about six years of restless/sleepless nights, caused I believed, in the main, by a sore right knee. Turned out it was transferred pain from my hip. Once I had surgery, pain disappeared, literally after freezing in my lower body, from spinal, dissipated. Have never had any discomfort in that joint since
Another key indicator is groin pain. It became increasingly difficult for me to get up from sitting or get in and out of a car, for example. This is worrisome to me, after my recent accident, as this is still bothering me, on my right side. I'm hoping, of course that discomfort is muscular rather than something more serious to do with my artificial hip. Perhaps it is wishful thinking but pain is diminishing and results of x-rays/scans showed no pelvic damage. Time will tell, of course.
Since you are in such excellent condition, I think you would be a strong candidate for the same program at UBC that looked at me. I urge you to see your family doctor and get a referral. If all goes well and you undergo surgery you should be back on a stationary bike in two to three weeks and swimming, even earlier, as soon as your incision heals. You need to be disciplined about doing rehab exercises but I suspect you would want to do just that anyway. I never really had any pain or discomfort, post surgery, except for obvious initial lack of motion/ flexibility. For a stipulated period you need to be extremely careful about certain movements as the hip can actually be dislocated. Not comething I ever wanted to entertain so I was pretty religious about observing rules. nevertheless, I was riding outside, three months to the day, from surgery, initial waiting period to ensure your hip has had time to become a "permanent" fixture, As well, latest surgical techniques are far less invasive so incision scar is almost laughable with little, if any, actual muscle tissue cut. In short, best thing that happened, as far as my hip discomfort/limitation was concerned.
I know that if I need to have my left hip done, (According to surgeon that may well be the case, at some point.), I certainly won't wait once any tell-tale symptoms appear. I don't envy Mike Carter who has just undergone his second knee replacement, (different knees), yesterday. Recuperation, generally speaking, is far, far more painful and prolonged than hip rehab. I only took one or two heavy painkillers, day or two after getting home. I prefer not to take drugs, (other than malt, of course), if I don't really need to do so. I think I have a fairly high pain threshold but I certainly am no masochist either. Mike was on them for at least six months or longer, if only to endure physio exercises, so painful and difficult is it to get that joint to work as intended! Hips, from my experience, are quite simply a piece of cake, although not necessarily guaranteed. I met a number of people, (arguably older and in poorer physical shape), in rehab who were having complications. Individual cases vary of course, but I would think you should breeze through. If you go under in May you can join us in Neffiès and be our guide! Perfect timing indeed!!!
I'm happy to talk more if you'd like. Probably best to come by, when convenient, and chat over malt! Let me know what you think and we'll plan accordingly. Onward1 Fight! Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: I've only done the Grouse Grind once, (more a matter of timing than anything else), since my surgery but didn't have any trouble. Your hockey recovery reminds me of my post squash match recovery, in terms of days of pain and suffering! Not sure but you might have to modify your expectations regarding hockey/skiing after receiving a new hip. Again, individual cases.
P, have to renege on
plans to see movie today. I have to meet a prospective tenant for the
suite below -- at 4PM. Alas poor Yorick. Please confirm receipt. Enjoy, G

All puffery and no action! Anyway, truly sorry you cannot make outing as I think both the films will be rather interesting. Latest on Paradise...So there you have it! Buona Fortuna with your slum landlord plans. I'll be in touch to let you know what you missed. I might even pop by with Heartland as I'm hoping to pick up my Trek at some point before heading to Vancity. Cheers, Il Cachinnatore!
Yes, only partially cacchinnated but fully fanfarted. Thanks for keeping me in the South of France loopage.
Enjoy the films, but not too much, W
Hi Not One But The Other!
Looks like I may delay picking up my bike until domani as I have another appointment to sign a few papers at the TD branch on 12th and Granville at 3:30pm. This way I'll be able to do all of my other car errands a the same time. This being the case Heartland will have to wait but then I'll be able to tell you how much I really enjoyed the films! Cheers, Loopatore!
Hi Pat,
Thanks for this. I have been told by my family doctor and UBC sports med that I need a hip replacement. Only question is when. I am walking with a limp most of the time, but it gets way worse after I play hockey or go for a hike. Even gardening or cutting the grass aggravates it. I have lots of restless/sleepless nights. I won't sleep well tonight because I am playing hockey today. The biggest issue is putting on shoes and tying shoe laces or picking something up off the floor. Getting in and out of cars is not good.
I have avoided seeing the hip doctor to this point. Fear of surgery more than anything. I am pretty sure I am not bone on bone yet. Did you wait until you had bone on bone pain before getting yours done? I remember you limping around the shower room at UBC complaining about your knee. That's why I was surprised you had a hip replacement. Maltage and a talk sounds good. Dennis
Hi again Dennis!
From what you describe you SHOULD NOT/MUST NOT WAIT! Bone on bone has nothing to do with anything other than causing other complications and more discomfort. You are not "alright" just because you think you have not reached this point. Rather you are being just as silly and stubborn as Ragin' Bull can be, (albeit over different issues), and, I admit, as I was about my own hip. Simply not worth it and nothing to gain, only more to lose in terms of deteriorating joint and increasing pain/discomfort. Surgery is nothing. Get a spinal. You don't feel a thing and recovery from anaesthetic is hardly more than waking up. A general is far worse to awake from. I know as I opted for latter with my anterior cruxiate surgery in 1993. You will rush out to buy me an expensive bottle of malt after you undergo your hip replacement, such will be your elation!
Anyway, before then, I'm pretty much free all evenings, except tonight, this coming week/weekend. If it suits, why not pop by, with or without Claire, depending on her wishes/schedule, and we can chat at greater length. Or during the day. But let me know as I am in and out, depending on a whole mess of other errands/chores.
Funny you should mention my complaints about my knee. I always thought Ray Banks stopped playing squash because of his knees too. Of course, like me, it was his hip. Off to FCCC to ride stationary bike now. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Looks like I may delay picking up my bike until domani as I have another appointment to sign a few papers at the TD branch on 12th and Granville at 3:30pm. This way I'll be able to do all of my other car errands a the same time. This being the case Heartland will have to wait but then I'll be able to tell you how much I really enjoyed the films! Cheers, Loopatore!
Hi Pat,
Thanks for this. I have been told by my family doctor and UBC sports med that I need a hip replacement. Only question is when. I am walking with a limp most of the time, but it gets way worse after I play hockey or go for a hike. Even gardening or cutting the grass aggravates it. I have lots of restless/sleepless nights. I won't sleep well tonight because I am playing hockey today. The biggest issue is putting on shoes and tying shoe laces or picking something up off the floor. Getting in and out of cars is not good.
I have avoided seeing the hip doctor to this point. Fear of surgery more than anything. I am pretty sure I am not bone on bone yet. Did you wait until you had bone on bone pain before getting yours done? I remember you limping around the shower room at UBC complaining about your knee. That's why I was surprised you had a hip replacement. Maltage and a talk sounds good. Dennis
Hi again Dennis!
From what you describe you SHOULD NOT/MUST NOT WAIT! Bone on bone has nothing to do with anything other than causing other complications and more discomfort. You are not "alright" just because you think you have not reached this point. Rather you are being just as silly and stubborn as Ragin' Bull can be, (albeit over different issues), and, I admit, as I was about my own hip. Simply not worth it and nothing to gain, only more to lose in terms of deteriorating joint and increasing pain/discomfort. Surgery is nothing. Get a spinal. You don't feel a thing and recovery from anaesthetic is hardly more than waking up. A general is far worse to awake from. I know as I opted for latter with my anterior cruxiate surgery in 1993. You will rush out to buy me an expensive bottle of malt after you undergo your hip replacement, such will be your elation!
Anyway, before then, I'm pretty much free all evenings, except tonight, this coming week/weekend. If it suits, why not pop by, with or without Claire, depending on her wishes/schedule, and we can chat at greater length. Or during the day. But let me know as I am in and out, depending on a whole mess of other errands/chores.
Funny you should mention my complaints about my knee. I always thought Ray Banks stopped playing squash because of his knees too. Of course, like me, it was his hip. Off to FCCC to ride stationary bike now. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Working On It, Girl!
An obviously highly intelligent babe like you shouldn't have any trouble outstripping those Maritimers so I'll expect to see you here four times a week, if not more! Got to git now. Off to FCCC to ride again. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Off to the airport in an hour or so. I hope the preliminary diagnosis for Kjell is correct and that the disc issue can be resolved. I think he is flying home on May 20th, the day we get back from NZ - purely coincidental he assures me. One wonders given that the day he flew in for this visit was the day we headed off for Europe for 3+ weeks :-) We'll see you at the scotch tasting if not sooner. Cheers.....Paul
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