Good Morning Mr. Dunn,
Do you know the whereabouts of Walter Daniel's Distinguished Flying Cross medal which he received for his brave service with the Dam Buster's squadron?
I'll leave you with a funny joke I received from my older sister Glenna who travels about as much as you and Corinne
I thought Nana would appreciate the titles we bought for “classics” on the Hallmark Movie Channel (HMC) and that Poppa would love the movie posters I used for graphics to announce the acquisition to the various teams to inspire them!! Love to all!!
Hi Tinsel Town!
Great graphics indeed! Already blogged!!! Lovely talking to you! Fondestos and Love, Dad!
Hi Snow-in-April People!
Trust everyone is well. Unfortunately, I don't know the whereabouts of Uncle Walter's DFC. I assume it might be with Marg's family or perhaps with the Melville Legion. I'd follow those leads. Buona Fortuna!
Big news here is that we have finally de-nested Chloë! She moved back to our loft on Wall Street at the beginning of April. Loft work is essentially finished. We had it rented out while Chloë was living with us so we "upgraded" a few things: new wood flooring in upstairs bedroom area, in actual loft, new cork flooring in bathroom, painting, cleaning, etc.
On a more positive note, I'll be arriving in Winnipeg on May 23rd to attend Issac Brock's 100th Anniversary celebrations. Finish on Saturday, May 25th so hope I'll have a chance to visit with you before I return to Vancouver on Tuesday, May 28th. Originally we were planning to drive but Alejandro is graduating from U Cal Northridge on May 21st so we are flying down to LA, from Bellingham, (reasonably cheap flights), on May 18th, returning May 22nd! Call me a Jet-Setter, why don't you? Had planned to drive to California but in order to attend both events, surface travel is obviously impossible. At any rate, may need a gyproc bed, at some point, if one might be available. No big deal but let me know your availability and rates and my secretarial staff will plan accordingly!
Anyway, I'm alive and so, so fine. Fondestos to one and all from Cora Lee and Chloë. Cheers, Patrizzio!
applied on Sally's behalf, to receive a commemorative bar from Veterans
Affairs available to next-of-kin/ family of those who served in Bomber
Command during WW2.
Do you know the whereabouts of Walter Daniel's Distinguished Flying Cross medal which he received for his brave service with the Dam Buster's squadron?
I thought Nana would appreciate the titles we bought for “classics” on the Hallmark Movie Channel (HMC) and that Poppa would love the movie posters I used for graphics to announce the acquisition to the various teams to inspire them!! Love to all!!
Hi Tinsel Town!
Great graphics indeed! Already blogged!!! Lovely talking to you! Fondestos and Love, Dad!
Hi Snow-in-April People!
Trust everyone is well. Unfortunately, I don't know the whereabouts of Uncle Walter's DFC. I assume it might be with Marg's family or perhaps with the Melville Legion. I'd follow those leads. Buona Fortuna!
Big news here is that we have finally de-nested Chloë! She moved back to our loft on Wall Street at the beginning of April. Loft work is essentially finished. We had it rented out while Chloë was living with us so we "upgraded" a few things: new wood flooring in upstairs bedroom area, in actual loft, new cork flooring in bathroom, painting, cleaning, etc.
On a more positive note, I'll be arriving in Winnipeg on May 23rd to attend Issac Brock's 100th Anniversary celebrations. Finish on Saturday, May 25th so hope I'll have a chance to visit with you before I return to Vancouver on Tuesday, May 28th. Originally we were planning to drive but Alejandro is graduating from U Cal Northridge on May 21st so we are flying down to LA, from Bellingham, (reasonably cheap flights), on May 18th, returning May 22nd! Call me a Jet-Setter, why don't you? Had planned to drive to California but in order to attend both events, surface travel is obviously impossible. At any rate, may need a gyproc bed, at some point, if one might be available. No big deal but let me know your availability and rates and my secretarial staff will plan accordingly!
Anyway, I'm alive and so, so fine. Fondestos to one and all from Cora Lee and Chloë. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick,
As requested, enclosed is a receipt for the
2012 Wall Street policy. If you require anything further, please let me know. Megan
Hi Megan!
Thanks very much for your quick message. Printed out receipt without any difficulty. Much appreciate your efficient and friendly help. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick
Good to hear you are back in circulation if not back on the bike. It must have been quite a fall with the number of abrasions and injuries. Sounds like the helmet was important. I reflect on that as someone who rides without one unless in authoritative states such as Australia and Canada, where there are police zealots as I learned to my cost.
I haven't had chance to see a Montague yet and we are going down to London tomorrow to see Rich run in the marathon and to stay with a friend who has just had an operation. Hopefully I will get to the York shop soon.
In general I ride as much as possible on bridle ways, converted railway tracks and minor roads. Which means I am on wide slick tyres unless I use my road bike. When I have done the coast to coast ride there is a similar mix as above and I use the mountain bike. As the GYBR is nearly all on roads I used the road bike but would be happy using the mountain bike.
We have just heard that Ed our son-in-law has been assigned to Harrogate hospital for his first year training which means we shall be more accessible to help Laura with William particularly if and when she returns to work. Less travel for us not having the 180 mile round trip to Newcastle.
Laura has a flat in Harrogate which she rents out but is not suitable for the three of them so they will be looking for a house to rent.
We've had strong winds over last three days which has put me off cycling but at least the temperatures have risen to about 16 degrees C. I tried some gentle jogging yesterday combined with some walking as I try and combat my tendonitis.
I hope to hear that the groin is easing so you can resume cycling. Will Let you know when I see the bike/shop. Best wishes, Jim
Hi Jim!
I simply cannot imagine the extent of my head injuries had I not been wearing a helmet, so please wear one, even, or especially, in the bathtub!!! Grand news that Ed has been assigned to Harrogate Hospital. However I'm sure you'll miss the 180 mile round trip bike ride! I'm worried that I won't be fit enough to keep up with you. Now that I think upon it, I'm wondering if you didn't put Raymond up to some skullduggery or other to keep me in line for coming trip. Wouldn't put it past you Hartlepool Lads! Winning is everything I understand!!!
Had a bit of banking to do with Mom's estate this morning. Cora Lee dropped me off at 12th and Granville and I was finished about 15 minutes later. I walked a few blocks to a Chapters Bookstore and managed to find Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese, our Book Club's next choice, but one. A novel about a northern Ojibway lad and the horrors of residential school. Looking forward to it as Whirlygig recommended it most highly. As well picked up a sympathy card for Julia, Imre's sister in Hungary, while there. I received a note from her a week or so ago and have been meaning to write her a reasonably long reply about my friendship with Jim. Depending on how things pan out next September I'm even toying with the idea of making a trip to Hungary while Cora Lee is in Italy. Have never been and it would be an opportunity to express condolences to her and other family members in person, since we were away when he died. Lots to try and arrange before then but it is a thought worth taking into consideration, at least from my perspective.
Just finished Jon Krakauer's Into the Wild, (His Into Thin Air is simply fascinating as well.), the story of Chris McCandless, in his early twenties, a young man from a well-to-do East Coast US family, who hitchhiked to Alaska in April 1992 and walked into the wilderness north of Mt. McKinley. Four months later his decomposed body was found by a party of moose hunters. Krakauer does a remarkable and fascinating job of uncovering the details which led to Chris's untimely demise.
Enough of disability, death and gloom! Thanks for offering to take a look at the Montagues. Perhaps I should buy the Paratrooper model since I seem to be go flying through the air with the greatest of ease, of late anyway! Just the hard landing that is rather uncomfortable and injury producing! Cheers, Il Parachutore!
Pics: Chloë before dinner, last Saturday, at our place; Julia, Ann, Ross and Jo-Anne. Dinner on Sunday night in North Van with Nicole, Sarge's youngest, and Marvin, (their place, far right), and Josh, Sarge's cousin's son.
Glad you are in good spirits in spite of such a serious accident. Looking at the condition of the helmet, it might have saved you even further damage. Just wrote to Rob to tell him to start wearing one. No apology required and if there was an inconvenience, which there wasn't, it wouldn't matter at all. I'm wondering if you didn't catch your pedal in a rut in the tarmac as you couldn't have been travelling that fast on a corner?
Just had a forwarded article from Jim Brownlee about the link between Margaret Thatcher's demise and my birthplace, Easington Colliery, 8 miles from West Hartlepool where I grew up. The colliery was holding a 20 year anniversary party which happened by coincidence on the day of Margaret Thatcher's funeral. Of course there is no love for the former prime minister in that area as she was instumental in mine closures and the area has never recovered and jobs that were promised at the time have never materialised.
Thanks very much for your quick message. Printed out receipt without any difficulty. Much appreciate your efficient and friendly help. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Patrick
Good to hear you are back in circulation if not back on the bike. It must have been quite a fall with the number of abrasions and injuries. Sounds like the helmet was important. I reflect on that as someone who rides without one unless in authoritative states such as Australia and Canada, where there are police zealots as I learned to my cost.
I haven't had chance to see a Montague yet and we are going down to London tomorrow to see Rich run in the marathon and to stay with a friend who has just had an operation. Hopefully I will get to the York shop soon.
In general I ride as much as possible on bridle ways, converted railway tracks and minor roads. Which means I am on wide slick tyres unless I use my road bike. When I have done the coast to coast ride there is a similar mix as above and I use the mountain bike. As the GYBR is nearly all on roads I used the road bike but would be happy using the mountain bike.
We have just heard that Ed our son-in-law has been assigned to Harrogate hospital for his first year training which means we shall be more accessible to help Laura with William particularly if and when she returns to work. Less travel for us not having the 180 mile round trip to Newcastle.
Laura has a flat in Harrogate which she rents out but is not suitable for the three of them so they will be looking for a house to rent.
We've had strong winds over last three days which has put me off cycling but at least the temperatures have risen to about 16 degrees C. I tried some gentle jogging yesterday combined with some walking as I try and combat my tendonitis.
I hope to hear that the groin is easing so you can resume cycling. Will Let you know when I see the bike/shop. Best wishes, Jim
Hi Jim!
I simply cannot imagine the extent of my head injuries had I not been wearing a helmet, so please wear one, even, or especially, in the bathtub!!! Grand news that Ed has been assigned to Harrogate Hospital. However I'm sure you'll miss the 180 mile round trip bike ride! I'm worried that I won't be fit enough to keep up with you. Now that I think upon it, I'm wondering if you didn't put Raymond up to some skullduggery or other to keep me in line for coming trip. Wouldn't put it past you Hartlepool Lads! Winning is everything I understand!!!
Had a bit of banking to do with Mom's estate this morning. Cora Lee dropped me off at 12th and Granville and I was finished about 15 minutes later. I walked a few blocks to a Chapters Bookstore and managed to find Indian Horse by Richard Wagamese, our Book Club's next choice, but one. A novel about a northern Ojibway lad and the horrors of residential school. Looking forward to it as Whirlygig recommended it most highly. As well picked up a sympathy card for Julia, Imre's sister in Hungary, while there. I received a note from her a week or so ago and have been meaning to write her a reasonably long reply about my friendship with Jim. Depending on how things pan out next September I'm even toying with the idea of making a trip to Hungary while Cora Lee is in Italy. Have never been and it would be an opportunity to express condolences to her and other family members in person, since we were away when he died. Lots to try and arrange before then but it is a thought worth taking into consideration, at least from my perspective.
Just finished Jon Krakauer's Into the Wild, (His Into Thin Air is simply fascinating as well.), the story of Chris McCandless, in his early twenties, a young man from a well-to-do East Coast US family, who hitchhiked to Alaska in April 1992 and walked into the wilderness north of Mt. McKinley. Four months later his decomposed body was found by a party of moose hunters. Krakauer does a remarkable and fascinating job of uncovering the details which led to Chris's untimely demise.
Enough of disability, death and gloom! Thanks for offering to take a look at the Montagues. Perhaps I should buy the Paratrooper model since I seem to be go flying through the air with the greatest of ease, of late anyway! Just the hard landing that is rather uncomfortable and injury producing! Cheers, Il Parachutore!
Pics: Chloë before dinner, last Saturday, at our place; Julia, Ann, Ross and Jo-Anne. Dinner on Sunday night in North Van with Nicole, Sarge's youngest, and Marvin, (their place, far right), and Josh, Sarge's cousin's son.
Glad you are in good spirits in spite of such a serious accident. Looking at the condition of the helmet, it might have saved you even further damage. Just wrote to Rob to tell him to start wearing one. No apology required and if there was an inconvenience, which there wasn't, it wouldn't matter at all. I'm wondering if you didn't catch your pedal in a rut in the tarmac as you couldn't have been travelling that fast on a corner?
Just had a forwarded article from Jim Brownlee about the link between Margaret Thatcher's demise and my birthplace, Easington Colliery, 8 miles from West Hartlepool where I grew up. The colliery was holding a 20 year anniversary party which happened by coincidence on the day of Margaret Thatcher's funeral. Of course there is no love for the former prime minister in that area as she was instumental in mine closures and the area has never recovered and jobs that were promised at the time have never materialised.
Hope you are not too sore today and
head wounds and groin area are on the road to recovery. Good to hear
that the bike is not damaged. Take as long as you need to achieve
complete recovery. It will give us all a rest too. Ray
Hi Raymond and Sylvia!
Heard from Jim that that Ed has been assigned to Harrogate Hospital and that this will save them a fair bit of driving. However I mentioned that I thought he would miss the 180 mile round trip bike ride! Told him I was the one who is worried that I won't be fit enough to keep up with him. Now that I think upon it, I'm wondering if he didn't put you up to some skullduggery or other to keep me in line for coming trip. Wouldn't put it past you Hartlepool Lads! Winning is everything I understand!!! A chip off the Hungerford block!
I take what you mentioned about a rut but from my recollection of many earlier rides, that road surface is pretty smooth. However, I will make a point a revisiting the scene of the crime which I trust will not be too, too far off, in spite of the rest you and Whirlygig seem to want!
Had a bit of banking to do with Mom's estate this morning at 9:30am. Cora Lee dropped me off at 12th and Granville and
I was finished about 15 minutes later. At any rate thought I could manage walking the rest of the way
home even though Cora Lee was prepared to pick me up. Thought of giving
Sylvia a call but then thought better of it!
Over lunch just finished Jon Krakauer's Into the Wild, (His Into Thin Air is simply fascinating as well, I think you know.), the story of Chris McCandless, in his early twenties, a young man from a well-to-do East Coast US family, who hitchhiked to Alaska in April 1992 and walked into the wilderness north of Mt. McKinley. Four months later his decomposed body was found by a party of moose hunters. Krakauer does a remarkable and fascinating job of uncovering the details which led to Chris's untimely demise. Cheers, Il Parachutore!
Hi Claire and Gregg!
Trust everyone is well. Belated Birthday Greetings, to you, Gregg! For He's A Jolly Good Fellow...Hip Hip Hooray! Fondestos to one and all from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Raymond and Sylvia!
Heard from Jim that that Ed has been assigned to Harrogate Hospital and that this will save them a fair bit of driving. However I mentioned that I thought he would miss the 180 mile round trip bike ride! Told him I was the one who is worried that I won't be fit enough to keep up with him. Now that I think upon it, I'm wondering if he didn't put you up to some skullduggery or other to keep me in line for coming trip. Wouldn't put it past you Hartlepool Lads! Winning is everything I understand!!! A chip off the Hungerford block!
I take what you mentioned about a rut but from my recollection of many earlier rides, that road surface is pretty smooth. However, I will make a point a revisiting the scene of the crime which I trust will not be too, too far off, in spite of the rest you and Whirlygig seem to want!
![]() |
Aprilpeg! |
Over lunch just finished Jon Krakauer's Into the Wild, (His Into Thin Air is simply fascinating as well, I think you know.), the story of Chris McCandless, in his early twenties, a young man from a well-to-do East Coast US family, who hitchhiked to Alaska in April 1992 and walked into the wilderness north of Mt. McKinley. Four months later his decomposed body was found by a party of moose hunters. Krakauer does a remarkable and fascinating job of uncovering the details which led to Chris's untimely demise. Cheers, Il Parachutore!
Hi Claire and Gregg!
Trust everyone is well. Belated Birthday Greetings, to you, Gregg! For He's A Jolly Good Fellow...Hip Hip Hooray! Fondestos to one and all from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
P, now we know why you took a tumble that day. W
Hi Jane and Kjell!
Trust you are both well. Just received another newsletter from VIFF and it turns out that Lore:
This gripping off-road movie is Australian director/co-writer Cate Shortland’s first feature since her debut success, Somersault (2004)… In a deadly, real-life variation of The Hunger Games, teenaged Lore (pronounced Lor-a and short for Hannelore) attempts to shepherd her four siblings, one of them only a few months old, across lawless, war-ravaged Germany during the bitter end days of Nazism… Their terrified father (Hans-Jochen Wagner), an SS Officer, burns a huge pile of papers and photographs at their stately Bavarian home before shooting the family dog and disappearing; their traumatized mother (Ursina Lardi, brilliant) decides to give herself up.
She abandons her children, urging them to somehow make their way to Omi, their grandmother, who lives in Hamburg, 900 kilometers to the north… Demure Lore (Saskia Rosendahl) and the children—Fuehrer-loving, Jew-hating, indulged, innocent of the war—are creatures of a strict upbringing and years of lying propaganda. But innocence offers no protection against ragged fellow countrymen reduced to primal needs… Begging for meagre food and cold shelter, they meet… the thin, wild-eyed refugee Thomas (Kai Malina) who takes an immediate interest in the budding Lore… Their relationship, at once wary, hostile and needy, is beautifully handled by Shortland and her two young actors. The deep-feeling Rosendahl makes a major impression as an intelligent girl learning the power of her sexuality and resolve under maximum stress. We see the Nazi disaster filtered through her teenage decency and incomprehension…— Frank Hatherley, Screen
and Barbara are on, back to back, at Vancity Theatre, Wednesday, April 24th. Barbara at 4:15pm followed by Lore at 6:30pm. I keen as mustard to take in both films, particularly having missed Barbara, so was wondering if you might want to go as well. Let me know and we'll plan accordingly.
In any regard, from squash days I know that groin injuries can take some
time to heal so that is my main concern for the moment, other than
watching out for signs of possible side effects of my concussion, slight
or otherwise though it be. I didn't really ever
have a headache and still don't but I have continued to experienced
whenever I get out of bed. Initially I think I sat up too quickly the
few times and lately I effect the required motion quite slowly. Seems
to work but I still feel slightly dizzy when I raise my head to sit up
and makes me not want to lie down as
I know what to expect.
In terms of the discomfort, when forced to use my groin muscles in this way, no matter how slowly or carefully, I still experience a reasonable amount of discomfort but the dizziness is perhaps more worrisome unless my groin pain is related to my hip replacement. Anyway, I'm alive and so, so fine. let me know about films when you've a moment.
Fondestos to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Texas Tornadoes!
Trust you are both well. How goes the commute? When I went to our Lobby to collect mail this afternoon I found a dog-eared James Lee Burke, Heart-Wood, set in Deaf Smith Texas, (an actual county, I believe), so I'm almost back in Dallas! Can hardly put it down! Let us know about The Lives of The Rich and Famous.
Terribly sadly, of course, Texas is in the news with that explosion at the fertilizer plant near Waco. More by chance than anything, watched an Elementary last night and it had a bomb, not made with nitrate based explosive, the key to solving the murders. In 1995, you might recall, The Oklahoma City Bombers bought forty 50-pound bags of ammonium nitrate fertilizer for their device.
Fondestos to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Just received another newsletter from VIFF and it turns out that Lore and Barbara are on, next week. Anyway, I'm alive and so, so fine so let me know about party/bridge this weekend and perhaps films next week. Fondestos to you three from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Trust you are both well. Just received another newsletter from VIFF and it turns out that Lore:
This gripping off-road movie is Australian director/co-writer Cate Shortland’s first feature since her debut success, Somersault (2004)… In a deadly, real-life variation of The Hunger Games, teenaged Lore (pronounced Lor-a and short for Hannelore) attempts to shepherd her four siblings, one of them only a few months old, across lawless, war-ravaged Germany during the bitter end days of Nazism… Their terrified father (Hans-Jochen Wagner), an SS Officer, burns a huge pile of papers and photographs at their stately Bavarian home before shooting the family dog and disappearing; their traumatized mother (Ursina Lardi, brilliant) decides to give herself up.
She abandons her children, urging them to somehow make their way to Omi, their grandmother, who lives in Hamburg, 900 kilometers to the north… Demure Lore (Saskia Rosendahl) and the children—Fuehrer-loving, Jew-hating, indulged, innocent of the war—are creatures of a strict upbringing and years of lying propaganda. But innocence offers no protection against ragged fellow countrymen reduced to primal needs… Begging for meagre food and cold shelter, they meet… the thin, wild-eyed refugee Thomas (Kai Malina) who takes an immediate interest in the budding Lore… Their relationship, at once wary, hostile and needy, is beautifully handled by Shortland and her two young actors. The deep-feeling Rosendahl makes a major impression as an intelligent girl learning the power of her sexuality and resolve under maximum stress. We see the Nazi disaster filtered through her teenage decency and incomprehension…— Frank Hatherley, Screen
and Barbara are on, back to back, at Vancity Theatre, Wednesday, April 24th. Barbara at 4:15pm followed by Lore at 6:30pm. I keen as mustard to take in both films, particularly having missed Barbara, so was wondering if you might want to go as well. Let me know and we'll plan accordingly.
In terms of the discomfort, when forced to use my groin muscles in this way, no matter how slowly or carefully, I still experience a reasonable amount of discomfort but the dizziness is perhaps more worrisome unless my groin pain is related to my hip replacement. Anyway, I'm alive and so, so fine. let me know about films when you've a moment.
Fondestos to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Texas Tornadoes!
Trust you are both well. How goes the commute? When I went to our Lobby to collect mail this afternoon I found a dog-eared James Lee Burke, Heart-Wood, set in Deaf Smith Texas, (an actual county, I believe), so I'm almost back in Dallas! Can hardly put it down! Let us know about The Lives of The Rich and Famous.
Terribly sadly, of course, Texas is in the news with that explosion at the fertilizer plant near Waco. More by chance than anything, watched an Elementary last night and it had a bomb, not made with nitrate based explosive, the key to solving the murders. In 1995, you might recall, The Oklahoma City Bombers bought forty 50-pound bags of ammonium nitrate fertilizer for their device.
Fondestos to you both from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
P, How you doing. Give us an update on the bumps and bruises. Maybe it is time to up the NUN dosage. W
Hi Mule Man!
Just received another newsletter from VIFF and it turns out that Lore and Barbara are on, next week. Anyway, I'm alive and so, so fine so let me know about party/bridge this weekend and perhaps films next week. Fondestos to you three from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Bicycle Day and NUUN or One Flew Over the Cuckoo's Nest! Hi Ken Timothygig!
I always wondered why you slipped me those first few tabs of NUUN! Now I know what they really contain. Thanks for finally coming clean. The high was far out but coming down was a real bummer, Man! Heavy bad vibes after I hit the asphalt. Forget about the Crack in the Cosmic Egg, (see attached evidence), Man, I'm up tight about the crack in my coconut.
I always wondered why you slipped me those first few tabs of NUUN! Now I know what they really contain. Thanks for finally coming clean. The high was far out but coming down was a real bummer, Man! Heavy bad vibes after I hit the asphalt. Forget about the Crack in the Cosmic Egg, (see attached evidence), Man, I'm up tight about the crack in my coconut.
Think I'll let my hair and beard grow and take my VW camper van down to Big Sur to an ashram for a few months and get my head together, get some Free Love while listening to Jefferson Airplane's White Rabbit, see if I can pass the Electric Acid Kool Aid Test. Peace, Man, have a piece of my helmet, you Merry Prankster!!! See you on the other side of the Looking Glass, Alice and the Mad Hatter!
PS: The Red Queen makes The Sisterhood look warm and fuzzy!
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