Moderate giftedness has been made worthless by the printing press and radio and television and satellites and all that. A moderately gifted person who would have been a community treasure a thousand years ago has to give up, has to go into some other line of work, since modern communications put him or her into daily competition with nothing but world's champions. -Kurt Vonnegut, Jr., novelist (1922-2007)
Hi, Patrick.
Forecast is "60 percent chance of rain or drizzle." 30% chance of
showers tomorrow a.m.
Just a quick heads-up is needed (email or phone) if and when you do
decide to head this way so that I can jump into the shower if I haven't
already done so!
Look forward to seeing you,, maybe today, maybe tomorrow, or some other
time between now and April 15 (likely return-to-work date). Janet

caught having sex on an airplane in the 60′s and 70′s crew members
occasionally greeted couples returning from the bathroom with a glass of
champagne and a cigarette and officially welcomed them to the mile-high
Hi, Patrick.
Thanks for dropping by today - good to see you. It was fun to talk about India - thanks for being interested! I love it there, and am working on plans for my 3rd trip, in October/November. It is so huge and diverse that most of what I see on each trip is new and different. People are sometimes surprised that I keep going back, but it's sort of like going to Europe - it would take a long time to fully explore and experience it all.
This is a sampler of pictures (54) from my first trip in 2009: Images of India. It was an organized group tour, as I mentioned, and although the personalized itinerary with car-and-driver in 2012 was an outstanding experience, the group approach was a great introduction.
Well, we didn't really get caught up with other news during this visit - but another time. I look forward to our get-together with Eyob, perhaps towards the end of the month. Bye for now, Janet
Hi Janet!
Don't be silly, I was simply transfixed by your recounts of your travels. I could have stayed much, much longer and not even noticed the time, believe me! Haven't had but a moment to look at but a few of your pictures from India but am certainly looking forward to doing so. I'll have even more questions when next we meet!
Speaking of snaps and such, I was wondering if you had ever thought of creating a blog. I have my very own, very, very modest effort which I use, basically, as a diary/journal. (Not a big deal but we can chat about this sometime, if you want or are interested.) I have absolutely no pretensions about it but do enjoy keeping it. However, your album on Russia, per esempio, was simply remarkable on so many fronts, the quality of the photographs, the arrangement and the notes. What a marvelous, marvelous record indeed. Stunning, really. It occurred to me, once I was back home, that perhaps it might be easier to keep a digital record. You probably know a lot more than I do about blogging but if you don't, it's ridiculously easy and FREE! I suggest you try/look in to Google Blogger, at least as a first pass, (I introduced Rhoda Benson to the service when staying with them in Sint Maarten!), if you don't already know about it.
Anyway, will be in touch about Eyob and more. Thanks again for sofa travels! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi, Patrick.
Thanks for dropping by today - good to see you. It was fun to talk about India - thanks for being interested! I love it there, and am working on plans for my 3rd trip, in October/November. It is so huge and diverse that most of what I see on each trip is new and different. People are sometimes surprised that I keep going back, but it's sort of like going to Europe - it would take a long time to fully explore and experience it all.
This is a sampler of pictures (54) from my first trip in 2009: Images of India. It was an organized group tour, as I mentioned, and although the personalized itinerary with car-and-driver in 2012 was an outstanding experience, the group approach was a great introduction.
Well, we didn't really get caught up with other news during this visit - but another time. I look forward to our get-together with Eyob, perhaps towards the end of the month. Bye for now, Janet
Hi Janet!
Don't be silly, I was simply transfixed by your recounts of your travels. I could have stayed much, much longer and not even noticed the time, believe me! Haven't had but a moment to look at but a few of your pictures from India but am certainly looking forward to doing so. I'll have even more questions when next we meet!
Speaking of snaps and such, I was wondering if you had ever thought of creating a blog. I have my very own, very, very modest effort which I use, basically, as a diary/journal. (Not a big deal but we can chat about this sometime, if you want or are interested.) I have absolutely no pretensions about it but do enjoy keeping it. However, your album on Russia, per esempio, was simply remarkable on so many fronts, the quality of the photographs, the arrangement and the notes. What a marvelous, marvelous record indeed. Stunning, really. It occurred to me, once I was back home, that perhaps it might be easier to keep a digital record. You probably know a lot more than I do about blogging but if you don't, it's ridiculously easy and FREE! I suggest you try/look in to Google Blogger, at least as a first pass, (I introduced Rhoda Benson to the service when staying with them in Sint Maarten!), if you don't already know about it.
Anyway, will be in touch about Eyob and more. Thanks again for sofa travels! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello NRBCers!
Trust everyone is well. Have received a request from The Vancouver Island Chapter of the NRBC:
Howdy Hoe:
I found myself in a predicament and took the easy way out by choosing the Muddy Waters... I really wanted to discuss,
The Myth of Women's Masochism, by Paula J. Caplan. Phd. Any
chance that you can get your IT-savvy computer geek friends to down
load Mr. Muddy into the secret drop box? I am a total ignoramus in these matters.
-The testicles of Wrath
Can anybody help Señor Cajones? Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Can anybody help Señor Cajones? Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Good Morning, Weather Woman!
Thanks for update on likelihood of rain. The power is to be shut off in our building at 10:00am to enable some electrical work to be completed. I'm about to have a bit of breakfast and then I'm going to head out into the damp. I should be ringing your doorbell around 11:00am if that is still fine with you. You can send a message before 10:00am and I'll be able to read it. At any rate, that is the plan. Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: Are you in Suite 302 or 303? Sorry for confusion!
11:00 a.m. is great. I am in apartment 302. Buzzer code 545. See ya soon!
This message is for those attending the lunch tomorrow.
Date: Wednesday, April 3rd 2013, 12 noon-2:30 pm
Place: Dodson Room (Room 302), UBC Libary, Barber Learning Centre, 1961 East Mall
![]() |
Corey's bouquet! |
Those attending will be:
Nadine Baldwin, Manuela Boscendo, George Brandak, Lore Brongers,
Laurenda Daniells, Pat Dunn, Ture Erickson, Leslie Fields, Margaret
Friesen, Matthew Hartman, Linda Joe, Janice Kreider, Doug McInnes,
Jack McIntosh, Ingrid Parent, Ruth Patrick, Anne Piternick, Bev
Scott, Dorothy Shields, Tom Shorthouse, Allen Soroka, Elsie
Wollaston, Frances Woodward. Harry Young will be there, but not 'do'
lunch he tells me.
Our agenda:
12 noon ... arrive, chat; 12:30-1:30 pm ... lunch; 1:30 -2:00 pm or so ...
Introductory remarks by Tom Shorthouse;
Updates from Ingrid Parent:
General report about the Libraries;
Report on the Basil Stuart-Stubbs Book Prize;
Information about the University's capital campaign and the Library's role, including introduction of the staff in the Library Development Office (Manuela Boscenco & Leslie Fields);
Follow-up discussion from our 2010 lunch re what the emeritii could do working with the Library; etc. See you tomorrow.

Just a note to say Thanks again to you and Corrine for the grrrrreat Easter dinner! I have already inhaled the chocolate J you gave me as part of the dinner! The food was scrumptious !! (just trying to make Merna jealous here) Please pass on my best to the chefs de village!
I had a phone call from Merna on the weekend.. she only just received your email and can't seem to move her cursor down the screen to read the contents.. sooooo looks like face to face meeting will be best!!
Checked my ticket for Wpg and it is the same AC flight you're on..! What a riot! Are you already out riding around on your bike ? The weather is cooperating so far! Chat later gater! Jdubya
Thank you for your cheque. Your tickets will be waiting for you at the door.
Thanks Dale. Much appreciated. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Joan and Merna!
Sorry to hear that you are experiencing computer difficulties Merna. I know what a complete drag this can be as my desktop is, seemingly, on its last legs, and keeps "freezing", showing nothing but the dreaded Mac Wheel of Death, far too often. I suspect that a near catastrophic failure of the hard-drive is the problem but I'm trying to will this self-diagnosis away!
to have you for dinner, Joan. Your bouquet is still much admired by all who happen to see it. Thanks again for the flowers and the
wine. Glad you enjoyed the meal. I do hope we will have another
opportunity to get together again before Winnipeg. Perhaps with Penny.
Great that we will be on the same flight. I don't have a seat yet so we
probably won't be able to sit together but who knows.
In fact had a terrific ride on both Sunday and Monday so can't complain at all on that count. Much shorter ride today, just up to my barber on 41st and Arbutus. Took Spanish Banks, UBC, Marine Drive to 41st so managed to log 41.36 K, (over 2:15:37, 18.3 KPH), by the time I was back home. Stopped, en route, to visit a friend recovering from foot surgery. Janet lives only a few blocks form my barber so it was convenient. Had a most interesting chat about her latest trips to Russia and India. Her picture album on Russia is almost a work of art so it was almost like being there. Hope to see her digital pictures of India in April. Cora Lee is keen to travel there at some point so wanted to wait to look at them.
Hope to combine seeing at least some of these with an afternoon/evening, (sometime after April 15th when Janet's foot should be healed), together with a former student assistant who worked with us at the Education Library back in the '80's. Now, Eyob Naizghi is
Head of the Children's Library down at Central, Eyob now has a daughter as well as two sons. He and his wife adopted a niece from Ethiopia who had been orphaned when her parents died from illness. She's the youngest of their 3 children and is 16. They have a small house in New
Fondestos from Cora Lee, Chloë and Maggie the Devil Cat. Cheers to you and Wally and Picasso, Patrizzio!
Hi Joan and Merna!
Sorry to hear that you are experiencing computer difficulties Merna. I know what a complete drag this can be as my desktop is, seemingly, on its last legs, and keeps "freezing", showing nothing but the dreaded Mac Wheel of Death, far too often. I suspect that a near catastrophic failure of the hard-drive is the problem but I'm trying to will this self-diagnosis away!
![]() |
The fabulous crew... |
- Patrick James Dunn Great snap of great people with great smiles in what looks like a great place! Cheers to one and all!
In fact had a terrific ride on both Sunday and Monday so can't complain at all on that count. Much shorter ride today, just up to my barber on 41st and Arbutus. Took Spanish Banks, UBC, Marine Drive to 41st so managed to log 41.36 K, (over 2:15:37, 18.3 KPH), by the time I was back home. Stopped, en route, to visit a friend recovering from foot surgery. Janet lives only a few blocks form my barber so it was convenient. Had a most interesting chat about her latest trips to Russia and India. Her picture album on Russia is almost a work of art so it was almost like being there. Hope to see her digital pictures of India in April. Cora Lee is keen to travel there at some point so wanted to wait to look at them.
Hope to combine seeing at least some of these with an afternoon/evening, (sometime after April 15th when Janet's foot should be healed), together with a former student assistant who worked with us at the Education Library back in the '80's. Now, Eyob Naizghi is
Head of the Children's Library down at Central, Eyob now has a daughter as well as two sons. He and his wife adopted a niece from Ethiopia who had been orphaned when her parents died from illness. She's the youngest of their 3 children and is 16. They have a small house in New
Fondestos from Cora Lee, Chloë and Maggie the Devil Cat. Cheers to you and Wally and Picasso, Patrizzio!
Dale Capan, Secretary, Isaac Brock School, ph. 772-9527, fax 783-1806
Please find attached an evite for the Inaugural Basil Stuart-Stubbs Book Prize Reception on May 7, 2013. We hope to see you there. Regards, Harry Young
Words are like money; there is nothing so useless, unless when in actual use. -Samuel Butler, writer (1835-1902)
This is the art show we’ll attend upon your arrival on the 18th…besos
FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: George Zaralidis
March 15, 2013
A J Feuerman
Artwork from Melissa Ann Rourke’s Bodyscape series will premiere at the Hive Gallery and Studios in downtown, Los Angeles on Saturday, May 18th beginning at 7:00pm. Rourke was a sculptor, videographer and digital artist. Her work focuses on topics concerning the body, movement and visual, disturbance/ reinterpretation. In August 2012 Rourke passed away after a brief but courageous battle with cancer. This art event is a memorial showcasing her work and also a benefit for the nonprofit organization, Create Now. Rourke’s love of the arts and passion for helping others, especially raising awareness and interest in the arts among children and teens made a partnership with Create Now a perfect fit. Rourke’s art inspired a Create Now workshop; students from the organization will also have pieces at the event.
Flesh: An Art Exhibit Honoring Melissa
Ann Rourke will be held at 729 Spring St. Los Angeles, CA 90014 at The
Hive Gallery and Studios from 7:00pm-11:00pm. There is a suggested
donation of $10 to benefit Create Now. RSVP at
or 424-236-3547.
To learn more about Melissa Ann Rourke, please visit:
To make a donation in Melissa Ann Rourke’s memory to Create Now, please visit:
More on Create Now
Create Now is an independent
nonprofit organization that transforms the lives of youth in need
through arts mentoring and experiences. The organization serves
vulnerable children and youth ages 2 to 25 who have been abused,
neglected, abandoned, orphaned, are homeless, runaways, teen parents,
victims of domestic violence, children of prisoners, substance abusers,
gang members or incarcerated. By bringing arts education to these
“forgotten children” who have fallen through the
cracks, Create Now helps prevent violence. For more information visit
More on The Hive Gallery and Studios
The Hive Gallery and Studios is a truly
unique and vibrant gallery/studio experience. It is a virtual
think-tank, buzzing with 5 featured artists a month, two full galleries,
25 working artists, and an artist-made item store.
One of the longest standing galleries on the Downtown Art Walk, the
Hive is on the forefront of establishing the Los Angeles Metro area as a
world-wide art mecca. In addition, the gallery serves as an arts
community hub, holding various fundraising events,
and gallery programs such as yoga, figure drawing, private movie
screenings, and more. For more information visit
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