Tuesday, 16 April 2013

De-Nesting Diaries: Tuesday, April 16th

Art is the elimination of the unnecessary. -Pablo Picasso, painter, and sculptor (1881-1973) 

Hi Lads!

Looks like Tuesday may well be the last day for a ride over next little while. Any interest? Let me know in the morning. Cheers, Patrizzio! 
Sorry Wayne - getting pulled into a community mtng thurs nite - can Michelle bring my stuff home and I'll arrange to get it in a cple wks? Thx B
10-4. Pat do you want to curl Thursday. Wayne 

I'm in for a ride in the morning. Let me know what works for you. W
Late nighters and early risers,
    Definitely looks like the day. Just give me a time and place. Ray
Let me know when you want to ride and where to meet. G
Dabbawala in Mumbai
Translated literally, "dabbawala" means "box person" or perhaps "one who carries a box." A "dabba" is a box -- in this case, a bit of a misnomer because the "boxes" used are clearly cylinders -- while "wala" is a suffix for a doer, signifying that the person is one who does something with the item.
Highlight of the day: Being in the same room with Martin Short and Lorne Michaels. Lowlight of the day: being rear-ended in a four car accident on Beverly Glen and Poppa having a bike accident that resulted in a concussion and stitches. But we're all going to be ok xoxo. This day is officially over. Ayn out.

Hi Bike Chauffeur!

Thanks for the muleage! Much appreciated! I just talked with West Point and all seems under control. I gather the mechanics will give Trek a safety check but as you mentioned, doesn't appear to have sustained any significant damage. I've asked for the rear tire to be replaced and the front, if deemed necessary, as well. 

Have an appointment with my family dottore of Friday to have her take a look at my concussed coconut! I'm hoping to have her drill a straw-sized hole into my skull, (The Sisterhood claims it's empty anyway!), so that I can fill it up with piña coladas since you carelessly, wantonly emptied my toxic waste filled water bottle onto someone's lawn. I guess I'll have to deduct the cost of a NUUN tablet from the muleage charges! Better yet, sue you for replacement costs and pain and suffering damages!

Earlier this morning I talked to Julia Akinson, one of the people first on the scene of my accident. (27th & Crown) She didn't actually see me fall but gave me the number of another woman, Cecile, who was first to find me. I left a voice message as she didn't answer the phone. I'm rather curious to know if she witnessed me go down as it might shed some light on the assassination attempt. Funnily enough, just as I finished this last sentence she called. Lovely lady, from Saskatoon, visiting her daughter. Unfortunately, as it turns out, she didn't see me fall either, so cannot offer any other details on the hit! She did tell me, however, that a third woman, a doctor, examined me and proclaimed me stable enough to be moved off the roadway. I remember I felt pretty woozy at this point so I just leaned my back against a tree trunk and enjoyed the cherry blossoms until the ambulance arrived. Whether this as all just an understood Conspiracy of Silence on the part of the Sisterhood Network, I suppose we'll never know for sure but it seems likely to be just the case! 

Don't remember much about the ambulance ride but once I was in Emergency at VGH details started to come back. Furthermore I  couldn't remember the date or what I'd been doing before the accident but as I lay waiting to be examined and then for a CAT scan things gradually drifted back. I knew it was Tuesday and even had a rough idea of when the mishap occurred, around 1:00pm. I knew that I had almost 58. 5 K on the clock by the time I returned from the Imperial/16th loop and was heading back along the playing field in front of St George's, along Camosun, so that I'd have close to 60 K on the odometre by the time I was to head back down Camosun to MD. I turned down 27th and there is a slight dip towards Crown. I usually accelerate down this decline to give me a bit of a slingshot up the similar rise between 27th and 28th. I remember that when I turned the corner I was encroaching, somewhat, into the oncoming lane, (Basically the nature of the turning process and my speed at the time.), and as there was a car coming towards me, not dangerously so for either of us, I think I made a quick swerve to the right and in so doing, I believe that my right pedal caught the road surface and brought me down!

Celine said that when she found me my bike was still between my legs. I don't know if my shoes were still attached to my clips, at this point, but I surmise that when my bike finally stopped, I kept going and the "yank" which occurred caused a fairly significant strain/stretching of my groin muscles as I lurched forward to then be arrested/bungee corded back by my screaming muscles! In fact, this is the most uncomfortable injury I sustained. Walking is painful but if I do so slowly, I can shuffle along without too, too much discomfort. Lying down, betting up is another matter altogether as this puts a considerable stain on my groin and it is reasonably painful when this happens. Nice abrasions on my right side, ankle, knee and elbow. My ribs and shoulder are a bit sore but nothing really. Three stitches to close about a half-inch gash on my temple. That and adjacent area are tender to the touch but not really uncomfortable, especially since the swelling of the once mighty goose egg has subsided.

From squash days I know that groin injuries can take some time to heal so that is my main concern for the moment, other than watching out for signs of possible side effects of my concussion, slight or otherwise though it be. I didn't really ever have a headache and still don't but I have experienced a wave of dizziness when I got out of bed last night. I think I sat up too quickly the first few times and lately I effect the required motion quite slowly. Seems to work but makes me not want to lie down as I know what to expect, in terms of discomfort, when forced to use my groin muscles in this way, no matter how slowly or carefully. Anyway, feel very, very lucky to have sustained such relatively minor injuries and hope to be back cycling again, as soon as common sense, medical advice and sore/strained muscles allow.

Classified photographs: Head wound, knee, ankle, elbow/arm; IV nodes for malt drip; Coconut helmet; After shower to remove blood and gore, blow-dried hair so Polysporin can be applied to stitched wound. Quite like the new "do" and may well adopt it, particularly if the winds continue to be so fierce out to Iona. We who ride to Stink Island spit on hair dryers!
My right shoulder, unfortunately, once again, took the brunt of the fall and the top right rib-cage so I am anticipating more discomfort to develop in the next few days. I hhgather that nothing is broken but I suspect, form bitter past experience, that the bruised ribs will be painful enough, for a few weeks! Hope that my shoulder will not be worse when I am able to return to the pool, something I plan to do in a week or so, if all goes well on the recovery/rehabilitation trail. Didn't realize that my right ankle is as swollen as it is. As well, my right knee abrasion is more painful than I thought it would be. I hurts whenever I bend th ejoint, ever so slightly. Love how one's body reminds one to treat it with more respect or else!

Happy Bicycle Day, regardless of how or why you may celebrate it.

"Bicycle Day"

Bicycle Day Celebration Blotter

April 19, 1943, Albert Hofmann, born in Baden, Switzerlandperformed a self-experiment to determine the true effects of LSD, intentionally ingesting 0.25 milligrams (250 micrograms) of the substance, an amount he predicted to be a threshold dose (an actual threshold dose is 20 micrograms) Less than an hour later, Hofmann experienced sudden and intense changes in perception. He asked his laboratory assistant to escort him home and, as use of motor vehicles was prohibited because of wartime restrictions, they had to make the journey on a bicycle. 
On the way, Hofmann’s condition rapidly deteriorated as he struggled with feelings of anxiety, alternating in his beliefs that the next-door neighbor was a malevolent witch, that he was going insane, and that the LSD had poisoned him. When the house doctor arrived, however, he could detect no physical abnormalities, save for a pair of incredibly dilated pupils. Hofmann was reassured, and soon his terror began to give way to a sense of good fortune and enjoyment, as he later wrote...
"... little by little I could begin to enjoy the unprecedented colors and plays of shapes that persisted behind my closed eyes. Kaleidoscopic, fantastic images surged in on me, alternating, variegated, opening and then closing themselves in circles and spirals, exploding in colored fountains, rearranging and hybridizing themselves in constant flux ..."
The events of the first LSD trip, now known as “Bicycle Day”, after the bicycle ride home, proved to Hofmann that he had indeed made a significant discovery: a psychoactive substance with extraordinary potency, capable of causing significant shifts of consciousness in incredibly low doses. Hofmann foresaw the drug as a powerful psychiatric tool; because of its intense and introspective nature, he couldn’t imagine anyone using it recreationally. Bicycle day is increasingly observed in psychedelic communities as a day to celebrate the discovery of LSD.
The celebration of Bicycle Day originated in DeKalb, IL., in 1985, when Thomas B. Roberts, then a Professor at Northern Illinois University, invented the name "Bicycle Day" founded the first Bicycle Day celebration at his home. Several years later, he sent an announcement made by one of his students  to friends and Internet lists, thus propagating the idea and the celebration. His original intent was to commemorate Hofmann's original, accidental exposure on April 16, but that date fell midweek and was not a good time for the party, so he chose the 19th to honor Hofmann's first intentional exposure.

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