Thinking of taking Judith and Dave
around the sea wall but they aren't yet up and not sure as to their
plans. It will be a tourist ride, I'm sure, with numerous stops along
the way. Probably start about 10 if the weather
holds and they are interested. Ray
Lads, cannot get out today. Possibly Wednesday if the weather cooperates? G P, I gather the bridge plan for Wednesday has fallen by the wayside. W
Glad to hear you didn’t have to go to the big house because of the
ticket! although I would have enjoyed some stories of your experience
there afterwards given the hilarious account of your last incarceration
Very glad to hear of the relatively minor mechanical issue on the
bike and I can understand your fearful feeling at the anticipation of
being thrown out of the saddle again especailly seeing as I’m sure
you’re nowhere near healed from the last adventure
. That bike shop seems incredibly reasonable as far as the cost and
expedition of their service goes ,nice to see there are still some
businesses that care about customer service and satisfaction.
I was not aware that you also knew Tom Shorthouse , I have known him forever through my Mom’s theater circle. I was expecting to see him quite recently as a very well loved friend and long time actor from that group Clyde Rowatt just passed away and I was at his memorial and was surprised at the absence of Tom. I’m sure he had something very important to do as I didn’t think he would have missed it otherwise.
I took my Leave of the show I was working on last week to enable me
to catch up on a bunch of other pressing matters as well as be
available for another job that I’m scheduled to start any day now. I
will be quite flexible however and will hopefully be
able to get out with you guys one day soon. I spoke to Heraldo last
night and he would like to come as well so if it ‘s not inconvenient to
get another ticket it would be appreciated. Take care, Al
Came across this and thought you might find it interesting, (snap attached):
This is a 3D printed, bionic ear!
Over the last few months 3D printers being used to "print" biological cells and tissues has hit the headlines in a major way. THIS ear is one step further though - it actually contains the electronic components that would make it work as a bionic sensory organ. It's the very first step towards printing or manufacturing organs that behave and operate in the same way as the real thing.
I'd appreciate it if you'd work on printing parts for my body although I'm happy to report I'm think I'm over most of the post-accidento lingering aches and pains. Off to the Loft again, shortly, to try to sort out garburetor/drain problems in kitchen sink. Sarge very kindly offered to help out yesterday as plumbing isn't something I know much about. (Not that I know much about anything!) We were able to disconnect piping under the sink but problem seems to be further along. Snake we used stopped about 3.5" and we couldn't manage more. Unable to resolve issue, given our tools and lack of expertise, we left, never to return, much to Chloë's dismay!
Stompin' Tom is a grand chap, terrific colleague and friend, and over the years we collaborated, putting together musical skits for various Library celebrations/parties. He, of course, did most, if not all of the music/lyrics, but I acted as MC for Stompin' Tom and the Stackettes. Some of the male chorus came as "babes" with balloon enhanced cleavage so it was always a riot.
As you mentioned, I'm very pleased with WPC and their service. I'm hoping to take in one of their free clinics, over next month or so, on changing a flat as I know I need to be more knowledgable and practical, in this and other bike maintenance matters, especially when travelling this coming holiday. Keep in touch about a ride and if weather cooperates let's hope we can manage something. Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: Ear and archival snaps!
Rumour has it you are moving out to New West, to escape the socialist hordes, that have infiltrated home and hearth. Is that true? If so, i had better get Anna's room ready for the refugee from "the Island Inn." If you are fleeing strident revolutionary red, in one living space, the apple green hues of the princess suite might might mesh with any eco-yearnings that arise.
Otherwise, since you said between 11 and 12 noon tomorrow, how does an Italian pasta lunch sound? I am on my way to the Drive now, from my SFU course (goodbye to the Papal Court - hello Santa Barbara). I am thinking of spicy fennel sausage, capers, fennel bulb, sun-dried tomatoes and non white pasta. Does that work for you too? Should be back at my place by end of afternoon. regards, bob
Hi Bob!
An Italian pasta lunch sounds fantabulous! Can hardly wait. As I believe I mentioned, Cora Lee will not be able to join the spicy sausage/sun-dried tomatoe brigade as her shift as a scrutineer starts at 9:00am and goes til' god know when!
An Italian pasta lunch sounds fantabulous! Can hardly wait. As I believe I mentioned, Cora Lee will not be able to join the spicy sausage/sun-dried tomatoe brigade as her shift as a scrutineer starts at 9:00am and goes til' god know when!
Phoned property management company this morning to see which plumber they might suggest before proceeding with a bomb expert! Number I eventually received was a cell and chap I called was in Kamloops! He was most helpful and suggested I buy a container of Master Plumber, (a sulfuric acid based drain opener, I gather!), pour it down the sink, wait and hour and then flush. So that is what I planned to do, vowing that if that didn't work I'd just drink the damn stuff as training for A Dram Come True, a malt whiskey fund raiser for VWF at the end of the month.
Anyway, I headed off to Home Depot to buy a proper pipe wrench as expandable wrench we used day before kept slipping. Ended up buying two, an expensive one, ($37), and one on sale for $12. Also picked up another brand of drain opener, Liquid Plummer as I thought I'd use it on bathroom sink which seemed to drain quite slowly when we looked at it yesterday as well.

As soon as I was at Chloë's place I reconnected the fittings we'd undone the day before. Had to use the El Cheapo wrench as the head on Il Espensivo wasn't large enough! That didn't take long and then I suited up with gloves and goggles, (Felt like a Hazmat Emergency Response Technician!), to pour the LL down the sink. Had blocked off the garburetor opening with paper towels as I was warned that fumes were toxic as well. Once bottle was empty I put the plug in the sink and set about waiting for fifteen minutes, time instructions recommended that this product be allowed for solvent to do its dissolving best!
While waiting I poured some Liquid Plummer into bathroom sink and then took out Chloë's garbage and recycling while waiting for both agents to do their dirty work, so to speak. By the time I was back from taking out the trash and saving the planet waiting time was up so I proceeded to flush the kitchen drain with cold water, (for 5 minutes), and the bathroom sink, (hot water), for but a minute or so. Very, very pleased to say that everything went smoothly so I'm literally crossing my fingers that both problems have been solved, relatively quickly and inexpensively.

All in all a very, very successful day so was quite pleased. Just hope that plumbing problem with kitchen sink has, in fact, been solved. Guess will know for sure over next few days. If it hasn't been then I will certainly be moving to the calming apple green hues of the Princes Suite to escape the angry, non-rent paying tenant! I trust you have an unlisted phone number and are not registered in building directory!!! See you domani between 11am and noon. In an earlier message I believe you mentioned a possible parking space. Does that still hold? If so, what must I do? If not, I'm sure I'll find something. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Unfortunately I will miss this opportunity. Cheers, Moe
Hi Camilla! Thanks for reminder but as I mentioned in a previous
email to Ann, Cora Lee and I will be in Tinsel Town attending our
youngest grandson's graduation from U Cal Northridge, in Honours
Biology. Alexander is hoping to go to Med School. Enjoy the reception. Cheers, Patrizzio!
It is loads of fun, malt aside. Will be going with four or five other friends so you are more than welcome to join us if you decide you'd like to attend. [We often meet at our place, near Granville Island, for a bite to eat beforehand, to fortify our stomachs for malt to come, so if your schedule allows, you are most welcome to start evening this way.] As these events go, one usually ends up following one's nose from tasting station to tasting station, (10 stations this year on two floors at Hycroft, I just learned earlier this week!), bumping into people one might know from other circles, other malt like-minded friends, etc., so much like any other reception or cocktail party that you probably attend every week!
Anyway, let me know what you think. If you do want to attend, I am happy to pick up your ticket at the VWF office but two minutes from our place. I have to buy another for a friend who sent me a message this morning, in fact. I am entitled to the group rate so it is a small saving and I can have the tax receipt issued in your name as well. Cheers, Patrizzio!

Trust you are both well. A few days ago I had an email from the owner of Beau Soleil, the property in Languedoc I was interested in renting. I now have it booked for the month of September. Let me know if you and your daughters might be interested for a week or more/less. Place sleeps six very comfortably but can accommodate ten according to the owner. Depending on the number of people who might wish to stay over the course of the month, I estimate cost per person/per week, excluding C/L fee might be as low as €80. If you think you might be interested please let me know what dates and I'll book you in to Beau Soleil. I will send along a brochure to Jaap's gmail account to give you a better idea of place and environs. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Famiglia Harkema!
Here are the details on place in Languedoc. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pic: Friends Jane and Kjell over for dinner last night. We stayed with Kjell in Stockholm in 2010 on the same trip we had dinner with Jaap in Amsterdam. He flies back to Sweden on the 20th of this month. Depending on a number of things back home, he is thinking of coming to Beau Soleil as a possibility as well. Jane also.
Here are the details on place in Languedoc. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pic: Friends Jane and Kjell over for dinner last night. We stayed with Kjell in Stockholm in 2010 on the same trip we had dinner with Jaap in Amsterdam. He flies back to Sweden on the 20th of this month. Depending on a number of things back home, he is thinking of coming to Beau Soleil as a possibility as well. Jane also.
Hi GiggenTippler!
Reading between the lines of your last message I think you should definitely stay away from the porch climber/chain cleaner. You don't need any more accommodation, let alone further quantities of this and that. If you are not careful you will be on the road to making Liquid Lightening, (see below), not White Lightening, bye the bye, your house beverage of choice!
Would have ridden by your place to check out the methylated spirits you are working on but I was afraid I'd be drenched to the skin if I risked an outing. Couldn't believe the thunderstorm on way to the loft earlier. Was I ever glad that I hadn't even ventured to the Aquatic Centre so heavy and prolonged was downpour. Might try to squeeze in something tomorrow afternoon as I'm of the New West for lunch with a friend who lives there. I guess I'm almost part of latte/lunch crowd now. At least Captain Barnacle would approve, especially since I'm driving there! We'll talk, at some point, if your tongue and brain ever unravel! Cheers, Patrizzio Drain Openheimer ÜberMensch!
Hi Kjell!
Lovely evening last night. Great visit. Are we still on for Vancity Theatre?
‘¡Ay Jalisco, No Te Rajes!’ ("Hey Jalisco, Don’t Back Down!")
Wed. May 15, 7:00pm, Mexico, 1941, 100 min.
In rural Mexico, when a young boy’s parents are killed, he is raised by a farm worker and the town’s barman, who instills a desire of vengeance in him, and as an adult he romances a young woman who is going to marry a rich man to save her father from financial ruin. This 1941 Mexican film classic became an enormous hit and features Jorge Negrete as the first cinematic singing Mariachi. This performance made Negrete an international Latin film star and launched the appearance of singing mariachis in films.
Let me know. Not sure if Cora Lee is free or not or even interested. I'm off to New West for
lunch domani with Snobby Bobby. I guess I'm almost part of
latte/lunch crowd now! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Colin and David!
Trust his message finds you both well. Sorry that it has taken me so long to send along an email following the SLAIS gathering. I was hoping to arrange a visit to Media Archives shortly afterwards but looks like that will have to wait until sometime in June now, if that might be possible.
If either of you are visiting Granville Island for shopping or a play, or anything else, for that matter, think about giving us a shout beforehand and plan to pop by for a java or something stronger, depending on time of day, your preference, etc. We live but three minutes from food Market entrance, almost right across from the water park. Easy bike ride for you, Colin.Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: From our family archives! Our 37th wedding anniversary is tomorrow. Ayn, Alexander's mother, behind, on left, and Chloë.
Hi Stompin' Tom! Great to see both you and Al last week. Thanks again for the picking up the tab! Almost sounds like a Stompin' Tom classic: "I'm always pickin' up your tab, Honey/Sweepin' sawdust off the floor of my poor, poor heart!
On another matter, I had a message from Al Waldron today. I mentioned that we had seen each other in one of my messages to him and he said he was expecting to see you quite recently as Clyde Rowatt just passed away. Al was at his memorial and was surprised at your absence. He went on to say, "I’m sure he had something very important to do as I didn’t think he would have missed it otherwise." Anyway, I thought I'd pass this along just in case you were unaware of Clyde's death.
Corinne and I will be in Tinsel Town attending our youngest grandson's graduation from U Cal Northridge, in Honours Biology. Alexander is hoping to go to Med School. We fly down this coming Saturday and are back the following Tuesday. Wednesday I fly to Winnipeg, alone, to attend the 100th anniversary of my Junior High School, Isaac Brock. Back to Vancouver on the 28th. Perhaps we can arrange another get together in June. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Big Al! Great to see both you and Tom last week. Perhaps we can arrange another get together in June or early July if you are no away risking your life fly fishing or trying to net 200lb halibut!. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Fellow Collaborationists!
I mentioned I'd pass along my palette's thoughts regarding the 2011 Touraine Sauvignon Blanc.
I found it to be much more modulated than Jon described. Certainly not as crisp and herbaceous as many NZ SBs or ones from BC for that matter. That is not to say that I didn't like it, however. It went very well with the goat cheese we enjoyed as an appetizer. A velvet hint of green leafiness.
For dinner we served pork ribs so an Errazuriz Max Reserva 2010 Carmenère, 14%, went very nicely indeed. A medium bodied wine, fruit forward, perhaps sweet cheery and a delightful touch of pepper on the finish. Another Marquis WOW so rang in at $16.90. Found a Wine Spectator rating, 88/100, so if I'm using the formula correctly [88/16.90], VCR is 5.2. Collaboratively yours, Patrizzio!
Hi Goils! Have been meaning to send these along for some time. Love Dad/Patrizzio!
Yes, Lovely. And I'm still on for Wednesday. Kjell PS The problem with our toilet seems to have been dissolved, so I
won't have to rent a snake at Home Depot! Zep Crystal Heat Drain
Opener!! What a happy day for both of us! Hi Snakeless Man! See you at about 6:45pm then. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Colin and David!
Trust his message finds you both well. Sorry that it has taken me so long to send along an email following the SLAIS gathering. I was hoping to arrange a visit to Media Archives shortly afterwards but looks like that will have to wait until sometime in June now, if that might be possible.
If either of you are visiting Granville Island for shopping or a play, or anything else, for that matter, think about giving us a shout beforehand and plan to pop by for a java or something stronger, depending on time of day, your preference, etc. We live but three minutes from food Market entrance, almost right across from the water park. Easy bike ride for you, Colin.Cheers, Patrizzio! Pic: From our family archives! Our 37th wedding anniversary is tomorrow. Ayn, Alexander's mother, behind, on left, and Chloë.
Hi Stompin' Tom! Great to see both you and Al last week. Thanks again for the picking up the tab! Almost sounds like a Stompin' Tom classic: "I'm always pickin' up your tab, Honey/Sweepin' sawdust off the floor of my poor, poor heart!
On another matter, I had a message from Al Waldron today. I mentioned that we had seen each other in one of my messages to him and he said he was expecting to see you quite recently as Clyde Rowatt just passed away. Al was at his memorial and was surprised at your absence. He went on to say, "I’m sure he had something very important to do as I didn’t think he would have missed it otherwise." Anyway, I thought I'd pass this along just in case you were unaware of Clyde's death.
Corinne and I will be in Tinsel Town attending our youngest grandson's graduation from U Cal Northridge, in Honours Biology. Alexander is hoping to go to Med School. We fly down this coming Saturday and are back the following Tuesday. Wednesday I fly to Winnipeg, alone, to attend the 100th anniversary of my Junior High School, Isaac Brock. Back to Vancouver on the 28th. Perhaps we can arrange another get together in June. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Big Al! Great to see both you and Tom last week. Perhaps we can arrange another get together in June or early July if you are no away risking your life fly fishing or trying to net 200lb halibut!. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Fellow Collaborationists!
I mentioned I'd pass along my palette's thoughts regarding the 2011 Touraine Sauvignon Blanc.
I found it to be much more modulated than Jon described. Certainly not as crisp and herbaceous as many NZ SBs or ones from BC for that matter. That is not to say that I didn't like it, however. It went very well with the goat cheese we enjoyed as an appetizer. A velvet hint of green leafiness.
For dinner we served pork ribs so an Errazuriz Max Reserva 2010 Carmenère, 14%, went very nicely indeed. A medium bodied wine, fruit forward, perhaps sweet cheery and a delightful touch of pepper on the finish. Another Marquis WOW so rang in at $16.90. Found a Wine Spectator rating, 88/100, so if I'm using the formula correctly [88/16.90], VCR is 5.2. Collaboratively yours, Patrizzio!
Hi Goils! Have been meaning to send these along for some time. Love Dad/Patrizzio!
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