Words -- so innocent and powerless as they are, as standing in a dictionary, how potent for good and evil they become in the hands of one who knows how to combine them. -Nathaniel Hawthorne, writer (1804-1864)
Hi Dottore!
Have you had any thoughts about visiting us in Cornwall or Languedoc? On another matter, we had a brief visit with Megan Stuart-Stubbs this past week and she asked us to say hello. You can reach her at the following address.
Mothers day dinner prep. Baked salmon marinated in mustard garlic lemon and thyme. Roast chicken with butter savory and garlic. Potatoes and yams roasted red peppers and fig almond and feta salad
- Patrick James Dunn Looks fantabulous! Happy Mother's Day to Bella Bellissima!!!
Chloe Alexis Dunn Happy Mother's Day to my mom!!!! Love you Nana;) xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx And all the ladies out there who are moms or almost moms, you Rock!!!!
Ayn P The guys don't mind waiting for me to gey ready! The game's on Lol!!
- Patrick James Dunn Are they taking you out?
- Ayn P Yes...sushi and the movies!!
- Patrick James Dunn Kabuki! Texas Chain Saw Massacre XIII?
- Ayn P No Poppa...pasta...cheesecake...and The Great Gatsby
- Patrick James Dunn 'Ain't we fancy!This past Tuesday we attended the reception for the awarding of the Basil Stuart-Stubbs Prize for Outstanding Scholarly Book on British Columbia. Basil, former UBC Librarian, was a friend from the '70's when we met while I was at Library School. Winner of this inaugural prize, (Basil died a year ago.), was Derek Hayes. Bought a copy of his simply wonderful British Columbia: A New Historical Atlas. Quite a lovely occasion/event and had a chance to visit with many former colleagues and faculty friends.
Anyway, let me know what you think about a visit sometime this coming August or September. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio! Hello Everybody,
For a week, the video attachments didn't show up when i viewed my blog on several computers. Presumably, all was not well with the monster server down in Fort Google. A few days ago thevideo were restored. In the meantime, other things came up so a break from the blog was good perhaps for the blogger and the viewers. :-)
As one gets older most of us fall more and more for comfort – i can attest to that. Occasionally on this trip, the sleeps have even been in near luxury circumstances. Having said that, staying in home stays are very dear to me. Last year in Northwest Cambodia, i even had the opportunity to stay in a village, with no electricity and where my bed was a thin matt, layed out on a wooden floor. Now, this didn't make for the best sleeps, but the experience of living here was like a crash course in rural Cambodian life. The days might have been more meaningful then the restless nights, but i came away happy to have been with a family. This year, the home stay provided me with a very spartan room (as they were fully booked) but with a real bed, no lock on the door and the sounds of chickens outside. In both cases one came away with so much more to remember – no regular hotel experience could offer travellers anything like that. I hope these impressions, from near the end of the trip, will be of interest.
At the Meas Family Home Stay, outside Ang Ta Som, Cambodia.
Using the Meas Family Home Stay as a base camp before going further afield:
Best wishes on the rainy Sunday, from New Westminster. bob
Dessert. Go ahead and say it out loud with me, Dessert.
The word alone just sounds tasty, and for most of us brings to mind the
delicious finale of a good meal. Here in the Uco Valley, among the
vines, under the shade at
The Vines of Mendoza as we finish up a busy season of amazing meals and unforgettable memories at Francis Mallmann’s
Siete Fuegos Asado, it seems fitting to conclude the Siete Fuegos Recipe series with dessert.
The final cooking technique we’ve yet to highlight from Francis Mallmann’s inspired cookbook “Seven Fires: Grilling the Argentine Way,” is the Chapa, which literally translates as “a piece of sheet metal” however in the context of this cooking method refers to any flat cast-iron surface or griddle use for cooking over an open flame. This is the method of cooking that Mallmann utilizes most often for the recipes in his book. The recommended ideal size for a chapa is “30 inches square on legs 12 to 15 inches high".
The final cooking technique we’ve yet to highlight from Francis Mallmann’s inspired cookbook “Seven Fires: Grilling the Argentine Way,” is the Chapa, which literally translates as “a piece of sheet metal” however in the context of this cooking method refers to any flat cast-iron surface or griddle use for cooking over an open flame. This is the method of cooking that Mallmann utilizes most often for the recipes in his book. The recommended ideal size for a chapa is “30 inches square on legs 12 to 15 inches high".
And so… on with dessert! The following recipe has been
abbreviated and can be found in Mallmann’s Seven Fires
A transplant from the Pacific Northwest, Ryan Nice is absorbing Mendocino culture like a thick dulce de leche pancake and is looking forward to the coming winter months. He and his wife Tiffany are ‘this close’ to adopting one of the good dogs in need here in Mendoza as well.
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- 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
- ½ teaspoon salt
- 4 large eggs
- 1 cup cold water
- 1 cup cold whole milk
- 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
- 6 tablespoons clarified butter
- 6 heaping tablespoons dulce de leche
- 1 ½ cups all-purpose flour
- ½ teaspoon salt
- 4 large eggs
- 1 cup cold water
- 1 cup cold whole milk
- 4 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted
- 6 tablespoons clarified butter
- 6 heaping tablespoons dulce de leche
To make the batter, whisk the flour and salt in a medium
bowl to combine. Break eggs into a large bowl and whisk in the water and
milk, then the melted butter. Sift in the flour and salt, whisking to
blend. Refrigerate for up to one day.
[Hi Colin! Now that's a spigot! Did you find it at a hardware store in Pézenas? Cheers, Patrizzio!]
[Hi Colin! Now that's a spigot! Did you find it at a hardware store in Pézenas? Cheers, Patrizzio!]
Melt 1 tablespoon of the clarified butter in a crepe pan or cast-iron griddle. When foam begins to subside, ladle in a generous ¼ cup of batter, tilting the pan to swirl the batter into a thin circle or using a spatula to spread evenly over the surface. Cook until lightly golden on the bottom, roughly 1 – 2 minutes, then turn and cook the other side for 1 minute. Spread each pancake with a heaping tablespoon of dulce de leche, roll up as you would a jelly roll and enjoy.
Hello Mari!
I am taking the liberty of contacting you as I gather Judy, by her own admission, is not particularly comfortable with computers.
At any rate, I have included two attachments, the letters which I have sent to Julia. One is a Google translation of my original text. Since the only Hungarian I know is "paprika" I cannot say whether the Hungarian computer equivalent of my English will be helpful for Julia or not. However, I hope so! As dear and close friends of Imre, I thought you and Judy might like to know what I conveyed to Julia. Thanks and best wishes, Patrick.
Dear Julia:
I trust that this letter finds you well. I do apologize for the inordinate length of time that it has taken me to write. Once again, let me express my deepest sympathy to you, Julia, and to the rest of the your family and the close friends who knew Imre.
As you know it was with more than deep sadness that I read Maria’s message informing me of Imre's death. Again, as you know Imre had become such a dear, dear friend over the years I had known him. I cannot remember exactly when we struck up our friendship but it was probably in the late 1990’s as by this time we were chatting regularly in the locker room at the UBC Aquatic Centre. In those years I was just finishing my morning swim and Jim was getting ready to begin his workout.
Once we started to get to know one another we shared our interests in travel and in Australia in particular. When he learned that I was a Librarian at UBC he asked me to track down a number of books that he was interested in as well as some information to do with his planned trip to Sydney for the 2000 Olympics. Of course I was more than happy to help out and our friendship thrived.
I took early retirement in 2004 and since I no longer had to dash off to my office at 9:00am I started to swim further and further. This being the case I was still in the pool when Imre arrived and we started to swim together. I soon called him “Coach” as I would draft behind him. At the time I was swimming relatively well, (For me at least!), but as I’m sure I need not tell you, as a swimmer yourself, I believe, my stroke could always use improvement. More often than not I would try to lift my elbows as high as possible, breath correctly etc., and I know these sessions helped me greatly.
Of course these times together were very often much fun as we would laugh about many of the other “competitive” swimmers in the same lane who would pass us with angry looks for slowing them down. If this happened I’d usually take off after such an individual and draft along behind them. More often than not the person in question would move to another lane after a few laps and I’d then take up my spot behind Imre until he was finished his session. It was all silly fun but we enjoyed “teasing” some of the swimmers who took things far too, too seriously. I can still see the smile on Imre’s face, the twinkle in his eye, when we’d reminisce about these episodes afterwards or later, as the case might be.
And then, of course, all to soon, his illness prevented him swimming at all. I certainly missed his companionship in the pool and the unofficial “training sessions”. Still, we maintained our friendship and it developed along other lines, perhaps more socially. I always took great delight in hearing about his life whenever I visited or even on the phone: his family in Hungary, his move to England and then Canada, his travels everywhere! I could listen for hours as he made one connection and then another and then another.
Again, as I believe you know, I had a lovely, if heart-wrenching visit with Imre a few days before we left for California on December 16th. I will never forget this last visit I was able to have with him. I cherish this memory but also all of the others I have of this wonderful, wonderfully intelligent and perceptive man. It was a pleasure and a delight to know him and to be counted as a friend. I am the richer for having known him as were the many, many others who came to know him, perhaps even better than I did.
In closing, let me thank you for your thoughtful Easter card and the generous gifts which you left with Judy. I visited with her last Friday, over coffee and some lovely muffins, at her home. She returned the chair which Imre used and it will always remind us of his resilience and strength and self-deprecating humour.
I mentioned to Judy, over the course of our visit when she recounted the last month or so of Imre’s life, that at one point I had thought that I might be traveling to Hungary this coming September. We will do a house exchange in Cornwall during August and then Corinne will travel in Italy with friends for three weeks in September. For a number of reasons I decided to rent a place in Languedoc with a number of other friends so I won’t be traveling elsewhere on this trip. However, Corinne would like to explore Eastern Europe in the next few years so if things work out, perhaps we’ll have a chance to see you in Baja! It would be marvelous to see you again as well as Imre’s home town! I’ll keep in touch. Once again, heartfelt sympathy from Corinne and Patrick.
Kedves Julia:
Bízom benne, hogy ezt a levelet találja meg jól. Elnézést kérek a túlságosan hosszú idő, hogy tudomásul vette, hogy írjak. Ismét szeretném kifejezni legmélyebb együttérzésemet neked, Julia, és a többi a család és a közeli barátok, akik ismerték Imre.
Mint tudod, hogy több, mint mély szomorúság, hogy olvastam Maria üzenete értesített Imre halála. Ismét, mint tudod, Imre lett, mint egy kedves, kedves barátom az évek tudtam volna neki. Nem emlékszem pontosan, mikor ütött fel a barátságot, de valószínűleg ez volt a késő 1990-as ez idő beszélgettünk rendszeresen az öltözőben a UBC Aquatic Centre. Azokban az években Épp befejezte a reggeli úszás, és Jim már-már készen áll az edzés.
Amint elkezdtük megismerni egymást mi közös érdekeinket az utazási és Ausztráliában, különösen. Amikor megtudta, hogy én egy könyvtáros UBC megkért, hogy nyomára a könyvek száma hogy ő érdekli, valamint néhány információt, hogy köze van a tervezett utazás Sydney a 2000 olimpia. Persze volt, több mint boldog, hogy segítsen, és a barátság virágzott.
Vettem korengedményes nyugdíj 2004-ben, és mivel már nem volt, hogy kötőjel le az irodámba 09:00 kezdtem úszni tovább és tovább. Ez a helyzet én még mindig a medencében, amikor Imre megérkezett, és elkezdtünk úszni együtt. Hamarosan nevezte "Coach", ahogy azt megfogalmazni mögötte. Abban az időben úsztam viszonylag jól, (számomra legalábbis!), De biztos vagyok benne, nem kell mondanom, mint egy úszó magát, azt hiszem, az én agyvérzés is mindig javulást. Sokszor nem azt próbálja, hogy szüntesse meg könyökét a lehető legmagasabb legyen, légzés helyes stb, és tudom, hogy ezek a megbeszélések segített jelentősen.
Természetesen ezekben az időkben, valamint nagyon gyakran vicces, mint mi is nevetni sok más "versenyképes" úszók ugyanabban a sávban, aki át bennünket dühös keresi lassul le. Ha ez történt, azt rendszerint le, miután az egyéni és a tervezet mellett mögöttük. Sokszor nem a szóban forgó személy is mozog egy másik sáv néhány kör után, és én majd vegye fel a helyszínen mögé Imre amíg ő befejezte a munkamenet.
Ez volt minden ostoba móka, de élveztük "ugratás" néhány úszók, akik a dolgokat túlságosan is komolyan.
Még mindig látni a mosolyt az arcán Imre, a csillogás a szemében, amikor
azt emlékeiről ilyen
epizód később, vagy később,
a helyzet lehet. És aztán, persze,
hogy mindenki hamarosan betegsége megakadályozta, hogy úszni egyáltalán. Én
biztosan hiányzott a társaság a medencében, és a nem hivatalos "edzés". Mégis, mi fenn a
barátságunk és fejlettek más
irányban, talán társadalmilag. Mindig volt nagy
örömére hallott életében,
amikor meglátogattam, vagy akár a
telefon: a családja Magyarországon
költözött Angliába, majd Kanadában, ő utazik mindenhol!
Tudtam hallgatni órákon
át, miközben tett egy kapcsolatot,
majd egy másik, majd egy másik.
Ismét, mint azt hiszem, tudom, volt egy szép, ha a szívszorító látogatás Imre néhány nappal korábban elindultunk California december 16-án. Soha nem fogom elfelejteni ezt az utolsó látogatás tudtam, hogy vele. Úgy vigyázok ez a memória, hanem az összes többi már ezt a csodálatos, csodálatosan intelligens és figyelmes ember. Öröm volt, és öröm, hogy ismerem őt, és kell számítani, mint egy barát. Én vagyok a gazdagabb, amiért ismerem, mint volt a sok-sok más, aki megismerte őt, talán még jobban, mint én.
Végezetül hadd köszönjem meg a kártyát, és átgondolt húsvét a nagylelkű ajándékot, amely elhagyta a Judy. Meglátogattam vele múlt pénteken, egy kávé és néhány szép muffin, otthonában. Tért vissza a szék, ami Imre használt, és mindig emlékeztet a rugalmasság és az erő és a saját deprecating humor.
Ismét, mint azt hiszem, tudom, volt egy szép, ha a szívszorító látogatás Imre néhány nappal korábban elindultunk California december 16-án. Soha nem fogom elfelejteni ezt az utolsó látogatás tudtam, hogy vele. Úgy vigyázok ez a memória, hanem az összes többi már ezt a csodálatos, csodálatosan intelligens és figyelmes ember. Öröm volt, és öröm, hogy ismerem őt, és kell számítani, mint egy barát. Én vagyok a gazdagabb, amiért ismerem, mint volt a sok-sok más, aki megismerte őt, talán még jobban, mint én.
Végezetül hadd köszönjem meg a kártyát, és átgondolt húsvét a nagylelkű ajándékot, amely elhagyta a Judy. Meglátogattam vele múlt pénteken, egy kávé és néhány szép muffin, otthonában. Tért vissza a szék, ami Imre használt, és mindig emlékeztet a rugalmasság és az erő és a saját deprecating humor.
Már említettem, hogy Judy, során a látogatás, amikor felidézte az elmúlt hónapban, vagy úgy Imre életét, hogy egy ponton azt hittem, hogy talán utazik Magyarországra a jövő szeptember. Mi nem egy ház csere Cornwallban augusztusban majd Corinne utazik Olaszországban barátaival három hétig szeptemberben. A több okból úgy döntöttem, hogy bérelni egy helyet Languedoc számos más barátok, így nem fogok utazik máshol ezen az úton. Azonban Corinne szeretnék felfedezni Kelet-Európa a következő néhány év során, így ha alakulnak a dolgok, talán akkor van esélye, hogy találkozunk a Baja! Lenne csodálatos, hogy újra látlak, valamint Imre szülővárosában! Fogom tartani a kapcsolatot. Még egyszer, őszinte együttérzést Corinne és Patrick.
Hello Swedish Twin!
There might be some discussion IF you participate aggressively. Otherwise, all talk and no action, quite true to type with you and your legal beagle types! The NRBC, those who read at least, spit on everything! Cheers, Patrizzio, Il Conduttore!
I'm leaning toward Sunday, either driving down from my sister's
place in Courtenay or making the crossing that morning. To plan the
trip, an estimate on when the bridge players might have recovered
sufficiently to face the rigours of the NRBC gathering
would be helpful. Guy
Timid Guy!
Just show up and we'll, (The Bridge Contingent!), be ready to talk, pontificate and extemporize about everything under the sun. A pox on schedules! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Patrick....Thanks for your emails, but do we know ech other? Bob Wilson
Hi Robert! I simply assumed you were a friend of John Andserson's! I replied to the group. Cheers, Patrizzio!
I am currently on-call for one of my jobs on Saturday,
otherwise I will be there for Saturday only. hopefully there will be
SOME discussion of the book on that day. VL
Hi Lads!
Picked up my bike on Saturday morning and set off from home at around 1:30pm. Off to the Loft this morning to try to sort out garburetor problems in kitchen sink. Sarge very kindly offered to help out as plumbing isn't something I know much about. Not that I know much about anything! We were able to disconnect piping under the sink but problem seems to be further along so will have to phone property management company to see what they suggest before proceeding with a plumber or bomb expert!
Any interest in a ride tomorrow? Looks hit and miss. Let me know. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Unfortunately I will miss this opportunity. Cheers, Moe
Hi Lads!
Picked up my bike on Saturday morning and set off from home at around 1:30pm. Off to the Loft this morning to try to sort out garburetor problems in kitchen sink. Sarge very kindly offered to help out as plumbing isn't something I know much about. Not that I know much about anything! We were able to disconnect piping under the sink but problem seems to be further along so will have to phone property management company to see what they suggest before proceeding with a plumber or bomb expert!
Any interest in a ride tomorrow? Looks hit and miss. Let me know. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Unfortunately I will miss this opportunity. Cheers, Moe
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