May my silences become more accurate. -Theodore Roethke, poet (1908-1963)
Hi Raymond!
Your mention of the hummingbird reminded me of our feeder at the house we rented in Guayabitos a few years ago. I think I counted 12-14 buzzing around once. Usually two or three with one dominant male trying to chase rest away. Others outsmarted him as while he was driving one off others would feed in his absence. "Your turn to be decoy, mate!"
Had a lovely dinner last night. As things turned out there were only the four of us, Ayn, Corinne, myself and Beatricce, friend who lives in Pasadena. (We met her on our trip last through Healdsburg, in Sonoma, at a restaurant. She and her friend, Patricia, were sitting next to us. We started chatting and one thing led to another and they ended up coming to our New Year's Day Open House in Simi Valley!) Pierre, Alejandro and Samantha, (Alex's girlfriend), were all supposed to come as well but Pierre misremembered that he had a dinner engagement himself, (To do with wedding next weekend. He is Best Man.), so he was unable to collect his brother. Sam had not answered any of Alex's calls, (His cell phone is on the fritz so this might have had something to do with it.), so he was annoyed at both her and Pierre. Ayn was quite fussed with both of them. Cora Lee and I were sorry not to have their company but felt it really wasn't as big a deal as Ayn made it out to be.
![]() |
Cheviot Hills
Richard Johns
The Sisterhood just left for their morning walk. Once back we'll have brunch. I've already diced some onions to go with the chicken sausages we plan to have. Then Ayn has an appointment with DMV regarding some car insurance issues. En route they will drop me at a pool in nearbye Burbank, (Pool I used yesterday is closed every Monday.), and reconnoiter local malls while I slice through the water.
Once back home I'll walk a block or so to neighbourhood barber shop. The Goils want me to get either of the advertised "Razor Fade" or "Flat Top" cuts but I don't think they'd suit either my hair or the peleton look!
Glad Sylvia is enjoying her trip. Paratrooper/Chef seems like an interesting combination! Take note of the route up to Cypress, (Especially since you won't be huffing and puffing!), as that should be our next goal! Cheers, Patrizzio!

Nadienka Wyss |
Are u free to skype right now? Just to say hi?
- Nadienka Wyss Actaully I was studying what's your name/number? Since I didn't hear you call I'm gonna try again some other day.. Have to go to bed now (it's 10pm! - I really grew up as you can see;)
- Patrick James Dunn "Actually", Dear Host Daughter! I'm', "conductore", but I probably won't be able to call until after I'm back from Winnipeg on May 28th. I'll figure out time difference and you can have a "live" grammar/spelling lesson! Fondestos, The Cruellest Host Vati in the World!
Hi Jean!
Happy Victoria Day! First long weekend of the summer in Canada. Is it called the same name in Britain? A bank holiday? I suppose you don't celebrate it in Nice! Neither here in the US either. You should toast your time in Canada with a couple of shots of Canadian Club and Ginger Ale!
I'm probably going to be in Neffiès by September 1st. Will stay throughout month until September 28th when we leave to meet friends in Agen, (again, about three hours northwest of Neffiès), to start our two week, small barge cruise of the Canal du Midi. Four couples in all.
I suspect train and/or bus is probably best way to travel without a car. We probably won't have one either. My friend Jamie, from London, might come at beginning of September and if he does we would drive. Depending on whether Penny plans to come, she might drive as well. She hasn't said yet.
Hope I'm not being too, too personal but I'm wondering if you are no longer with your husband. You haven't mentioned him. I apologize if I've intruded but hope things are going well for you, no matter what. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Guys Are we still on for tomorrow evening? Mick
Hi Lads! Love to play so can you hook up Skype?
Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi Colin!
Thanks for passing along link to Shelter Point. Funnily enough, together with a number of other people, (via whiskey tasting group in Penticton/Naramta), I have purchased a cask of their first to be released malt! Take delivery four years from now so plan to have a release party. Should work out to about $50/btl but will depend on strength we decide upon. I'm in favour of cask strength but not sure about rest of my fellow investors. I only know one, (Peter Lighthall. His wife, Lynne, was at Library School with Cora Lee. They spent a week with us in New Orleans this past January and two weeks in Mexico a few years ago so are good friends. They have a simply stunning home in Naramata.), but I think Peter is like minded regarding alcohol content. Fondestos from Ayn and Coriandre. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Lads! You think I'm lying low in a cheap motel off Sunset Strip until the heat cools down from Great LCBO caper/heist but that is just an incidental "back story", (latest buzz word here in Movieland), not the reality of this gritty, film noir situation. In the first instance, I spit on Glenfiddich, (Too, too anaemic a chain cleaner/porch climber, no matter the age, and at 50 it is definitely over the hill, like many in the Peleton, anyway!), preferring $10 Trader Joe's rot gut rum which has a kick like a 20 Team Borax mule. This being the case I sold malt to The Millionaires for twice the listed price and will use the money to pay for both your airfares to Toulouse, (closest airport to Neffiès), as well as Paratrooper Montagues so you can sky dive into street in front of Beau Soleil. Start perfecting your moderately sober roll landings! Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi Pat, I meant to respond to this email too. It sounds like a very promising development. In Seattle, i asked Ellie about how she felt, about spending time in an
apartment, in San Miguel de Allende. She was thrilled with the idea.
Why, it sounded like greyhairs in paradise! A modest apartment, time in
an art studio, enjoying the cultural scene, all seemed to good to be
true. Now, January is what we would have in mind and that may not work out with your friends – but i hope it does – that is high season there for the snowbirds. Anyhow, keep me posted and thanks for being the middleman, el negociador, bob
Hi Pat, See i "blended" two emails into one. Sorry about that. I am referring to the one with the photos you got an hour ago. bob
Hi Frank! (Oh, sorry that was an earlier email to another friend!) And here I thought I was so special! Now I know that you cut and paste with the best of us! I literally have no time for people who fuss about such matters. I'm always pleased to receive news/snapolas from friends, misedited or not. Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: I haven't heard back from Al yet regarding SMdA but I suspect he and family are away at their new cabin property just past Hope, in Sunshine Valley, I believe, this long weekend. I don't think there will be any difficulty about getting you together, virtually or otherwise. PPS: Great shots of bear, by the way!
Hi Pat,
Thanks for indulging me with the Señor moment. I can't multitask sometimes. But you are special! Especially if you sit for one of my acrylics. You will get hopefully a handsome sketch out of the deal too! bob
Hi Again,Greeting to Ayn and your grandsons too. Saw the pics – nice! bob
Hi again Bob!
I'd be delighted to sit for an acrylic portrait. Can I read while so doing? Ayn and Coriandre just returned from shopping for tomorrow's graduation party so have to go shortly. Off to pool in Northridge as mall shopping plans have been revised. They send along fond wishes. Will relate your greetings to The Lost Burritos this evening. We are off to Bollywood, in Studio City, a northern Indian restaurant. We ate there last February and it is special. Cheers, Papa Bear!
David Kessler
Hi Colin!
Thanks for passing along link to Shelter Point. Funnily enough, together with a number of other people, (via whiskey tasting group in Penticton/Naramta), I have purchased a cask of their first to be released malt! Take delivery four years from now so plan to have a release party. Should work out to about $50/btl but will depend on strength we decide upon. I'm in favour of cask strength but not sure about rest of my fellow investors. I only know one, (Peter Lighthall. His wife, Lynne, was at Library School with Cora Lee. They spent a week with us in New Orleans this past January and two weeks in Mexico a few years ago so are good friends. They have a simply stunning home in Naramata.), but I think Peter is like minded regarding alcohol content. Fondestos from Ayn and Coriandre. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Lads! You think I'm lying low in a cheap motel off Sunset Strip until the heat cools down from Great LCBO caper/heist but that is just an incidental "back story", (latest buzz word here in Movieland), not the reality of this gritty, film noir situation. In the first instance, I spit on Glenfiddich, (Too, too anaemic a chain cleaner/porch climber, no matter the age, and at 50 it is definitely over the hill, like many in the Peleton, anyway!), preferring $10 Trader Joe's rot gut rum which has a kick like a 20 Team Borax mule. This being the case I sold malt to The Millionaires for twice the listed price and will use the money to pay for both your airfares to Toulouse, (closest airport to Neffiès), as well as Paratrooper Montagues so you can sky dive into street in front of Beau Soleil. Start perfecting your moderately sober roll landings! Cheers, Il Conduttore!

Hi Pat, See i "blended" two emails into one. Sorry about that. I am referring to the one with the photos you got an hour ago. bob
Hi Pat, Just read your email, the whole thing in fact, so the art show was a touching read.
Took some South African's out for a ride yesterday, all the way to
Lilloett Lake, which made it 320 km of driving. We also hiked for some
hours at beautiful Alice Lake. Having been diagnosed with Osteoarthritis
(am i repeating myself?) the long hike (with
hiking poles) went very well. Also saw a mama bear and her cubs by the
road. One is not supposed to stop, but my excuse were the passengers,
who had never seen anything like this. They are more accustomed to
Elephants and Rhinos by the roadside. Well, we got
to the Mt Currie Rodeo, on the Reserve, too late for the action. Stil
mingled with participants to get some horse and people shots. Drive home
was lovely. Enjoy your time with Corinne and the rellies in California. bob
Hi Frank! (Oh, sorry that was an earlier email to another friend!) And here I thought I was so special! Now I know that you cut and paste with the best of us! I literally have no time for people who fuss about such matters. I'm always pleased to receive news/snapolas from friends, misedited or not. Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: I haven't heard back from Al yet regarding SMdA but I suspect he and family are away at their new cabin property just past Hope, in Sunshine Valley, I believe, this long weekend. I don't think there will be any difficulty about getting you together, virtually or otherwise. PPS: Great shots of bear, by the way!
Hi Pat,
Thanks for indulging me with the Señor moment. I can't multitask sometimes. But you are special! Especially if you sit for one of my acrylics. You will get hopefully a handsome sketch out of the deal too! bob
Hi Again,Greeting to Ayn and your grandsons too. Saw the pics – nice! bob
Hi again Bob!
I'd be delighted to sit for an acrylic portrait. Can I read while so doing? Ayn and Coriandre just returned from shopping for tomorrow's graduation party so have to go shortly. Off to pool in Northridge as mall shopping plans have been revised. They send along fond wishes. Will relate your greetings to The Lost Burritos this evening. We are off to Bollywood, in Studio City, a northern Indian restaurant. We ate there last February and it is special. Cheers, Papa Bear!
David Kessler
Patrick James Dunn Sherpa
Davey, you never pay attention according to Donna Florida! We left for
Tinsel Town on Saturday, from Bellingham, (Thought of you two when at
the airport!), to attend Alejandro's graduation in Hons Biology from U
Cal, Northridge this coming Tuesday. Fly back on Wednesday and next day
I'm off to Winnipeg, without Cora Lee, to attend the 100th Anniversary
of my Junior High School, Isaac Brock! Would certainly have stopped for
weeks at Villa Vicente had we been driving! Cheers, Rizzzzzzzzzzzzo!
Toronto police are looking for an alleged thief with a taste for the finer, and more expensive, things in life.
Toronto police are looking for an alleged thief with a taste for the finer, and more expensive, things in life.
According to police, a man went into a downtown Toronto LCBO store
earlier this month and pulled a rare 50-year-old Glenfiddich Single Malt
scotch out of a glass case in the vintage section. The 700-millilitre bottle worth $26,000 is extremely rare, with only
15 bottles available in Ontario, and 50 worldwide, every year. Just wondering...Kurt
Hi Feld of Wrath! Look forward to your malt selezzione in June! Cheers, Patrizzio!
hey pat, if need be, i can pick you up @ the airport & bring you back here to hubble's hovel. wait'll you see your bedroom of adventure. "extreme sleeping" i will need to know your expected time of arrival & airline flight number. you'll be able to recognize me since i'll be waring a pink panama hat if i can find sally's dad's version & apply a coating of fluorescent pink spray paint. see you soon, filmer
Hello Host/Chauffeur of Hubble Hovel! Thank you for your soilicitous inquiry regarding meeting me at the Winnipeg International Airport. I will be arriving on AC flight #294, Thursday, May 23, 2013, at 13:34, all going well, Life and the Known Universe unfolding as they should! I will be wearing Green Crocs to compliment your fluorescent pink ensemble. I have taken out extra life/travel insurance which should allow me to take part in the "extreme sleeping" eco-tourism adventure/activity you have so kindly planned for me. Cora Lee is extremely jealous but rather looking forward to collecting on million dollar policy! Fondestos from Ayn, Los Horridos and Coriandre. Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Do I require special polarized lenses to view your outfit without damaging my vision? Please advise!
This didn't send so having another go! x
Hello Duhlink!
Funny, your messaging is almost like me trying to get next to you back in the '70's! "This doesn't seem to be working so think I'll have another go!" Received message three times! You had better luck than me, obviously!!!
I mentioned to Cora Lee, exactly what you said about hearing from Jean when she wants something. By the way, I just asked her if she is still with her husband. (jean, not Corinne!) Reading between the lines, I have the feeling that she isn't, that the place in Nice might be her income generating operation. Wonder if I'll get an answer.
Guess I'll have to sign off now or else risk usual, constant criticism about non-succinct messages! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: Any further thoughts on France? Dates? How would you get to Neffiès if you do come? PPS: If I send this three times does that count as being non-succinct?
Hi Gran Duggaccio! Did you enjoyed Jalisco Don't Backslide? Quite a hoot, I thought. The Sisterhood went for their morning walk about 8:00am today. While they were out diced some onions to go with the chicken sausages we had together with some overlefts from last night for breakfast. Then Ayn had an appointment with DMV regarding some car insurance issues. When they were back from dealing with the bureaucracy they dropped me off at CSUN, (This is where Alejandro attended school and where ceremony will take place at 3:00pm tomorrow as the pool I used yesterday is closed every Monday. The Sisterhood left to reconnoitre local malls while I was going to torpedoe-slice through the water!
Almost didn't happen as the public pool closed at 1:30pm, a few minutes before I arrived at desk where one buys a ticket. A wonderful new sports complex was completed about a year ago and included another pool. Unfortunately, for me, access is limited to those who have memberships and six months seems to be shortest time period. Helpful chap at desk asked if I knew anyone who could provide a membership number as that would allow me a day privilege. He let me use phone and I called Ayn as she was almost across the street collecting Alejandro. She put him on the phone and he talked to cashier and all went swimmingly, so to speak. Only drawback was that pass cost $10 so after being spoiled yesterday I had to pay the piper!
[ Alto Cachapoal is a stunning Chilean micro-terroir within the Rapel Valley.]
Nevertheless, it is a very impressive facility. Two or three huge climbing walls, (impressively located right near the entrance, two huge gyms, seemingly filled with miles and miles and miles of treadmills and ellipticals and stationary bicycles, large screen TVs everywhere. Noticed all this as one must walk past these facilities on the way to the changing rooms. Locker rooms and showers are very well appointed. Pool itself is only 25 yards but latest pool technology with 10 or more lanes, plus shallower parts fro frolicking. Almost resort-like furniture on large surrounding patio areas, tastefully distributed and arranged, some chairs graced with sveltoid co-eds in skimpy two piece suits, some floating indolently on air mattresses, sunning the exposed white of their curvaceous posteriors!
Water was crystal clear and so I really enjoyed my 1.25 miles. Was pleased that my right shoulder and ribs didn't bother me at all as they were both very tender for some time, (two weeks or more), after my bike accidento. After I finished my laps and showered/changed I strolled back to spot where I was to meet my chauffeur and read for about 15 minutes before the tardy driver appeared. After exhausting themselves shopping, gang had stopped to buy cones and a blueberry/pomegranate smoothie for me. Tasted pretty damn good as apparently temperature was 101°in Northridge today. It didn't feel that warm in pool, (I had plenty of sun screen on.), but lifeguard was complaining it was too hot for him, particularly since there was not breeze. I told him to move to Vancouver!
Was dropped off at Chaccaro, neighbourhood barber shop, on way home. Got a haircut and trim for $15 so was pleased as punch. Gave him a $5 tip as it was almost like having a massage, so gentle was his touch. Older man who used a straight razor to finish off back of neck and around my ears. I'll have to make sure Cora Lee doesn't get to him if I come back another time! Walked the block or so back to the apartmento enjoying the now muted warmth of the sun now lower in the sky. The Goils had wanted me to get either of the advertised "Razor Fade" or "Flat Top" cuts but I didn't think they'd suit either my hair or the elite peleton look! Nonetheless, they were quite taken with cut I received.
Off to Bollywood, in Studio City, a northern Indian restaurant for dinner shortly. Not far away, but 10 minutes by car. We ate there last February and it is special. Fondestos from Coriandre. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Big Al! Happy Victoria Day! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Just doing housework to the sounds of the the Volga Boat song, well not quite, but i don't enjoy this pasttime on such a beautiful afternoon. I received word an hour ago that
Princess Anna would like to pleasure of her father's company, later this afternoon. I felt very honoured. Being that she is 14, sometimes very hard to meet, all diplomatic channels
must be kept open. Thanks to the excellent services of the representative here in Vancouver, of the Republic of Nauru that is, this conference will be at 4 pm, followed by supper.
I would prefer if you did a talking book if i am not being a portrait painting fascist. If that doesn't work then a book will have to do. There are also amazing Eleanor Wachtel interviews too that i could play off the iMac. They are so darn bookish you just might find yourself in CBC's version of heaven. You could also wear with an ear bud if you like too, and listen to iPods, or talking books. I might even included hearing devices in the portrait. Just like with Arye, the package deal includesa hearty breakfast, a healthy lunch and a steady supply of fine coffees or teas. Currently mocca offerings include Medium Roast Sumatra from the Galiano Roasting Company, just purchased yesterday, in Britannia Beach. A word of warning, i will strive to do this in a two to two and half hour sitting, but i might require another visit. bob
Hi Bob!
Happy Victoria Day or what is left of it! Just back from Bollywood and meal really was delicioso: To start, simple but tasty tomatoe/cucumber salad with cilantro and two stuffed naans: one with garlic/basil, the other with minced lamb. Afterwards we all shared Shrimp Biryani, (shrimp fried rice cooked with raisins and cashew nuts), Lamb Korma, (lamb curry cooked with ground almond and cream), Chicken Coconut Curry, and Sag Paneer, (creamy spinach cooked with home made cheese). Complimentary desserts, in honour of Alejandro's graduation, homemade ice-cream: mango and pistachio. Well satisfied we drove home to have more dessert! Samplers of tomorrow's fare: Pacific Cheesecake Company's, (Sherman Oaks), cheesecake cupcakes, some gluten-free for Coriandre, and Yummy Cupcakes, (Burbank), cupcakes.
Earlier this afternoon I was dropped off at CSUN, (This is where Alejandro attended school and where ceremony will take place at 3:00pm tomorrow.), as the pool I used yesterday is closed every Monday. The Sisterhood left to reconnoitre local malls while I was going to torpedoe-slice through the water!
Almost didn't happen as the public pool closed at 1:30pm, a few minutes before I arrived at desk where one buys a ticket. A wonderful new sports complex was completed about a year ago and included another pool. Unfortunately, for me, access is limited to those who have memberships and six months seems to be shortest time period. Helpful chap at desk asked if I knew anyone who could provide a membership number as that would allow me a day privilege. He let me use phone and I called Ayn as she was almost across the street collecting Alejandro. She put him on the phone and he talked to cashier and all went swimmingly, so to speak. Only drawback was that pass cost $10 so after being spoiled yesterday I had to pay the piper!
Nevertheless, it is a very impressive facility. Two or three huge climbing walls, (impressively located right near the entrance, two huge gyms, seemingly filled with miles and miles and miles of treadmills and ellipticals and stationary bicycles, large screen TVs everywhere. Noticed all this as one must walk past these facilities on the way to the changing rooms. Locker rooms and showers are very well appointed. Pool itself is only 25 yards but latest pool technology with 10 or more lanes, plus shallower parts fro frolicking. Almost resort-like furniture on large surrounding patio areas, tastefully distributed and arranged, some chairs graced with sveltoid co-eds in skimpy two piece suits, some floating indolently on air mattresses, sunning the exposed white of their curvaceous posteriors!
Water was crystal clear and so I really enjoyed my 1.25 miles. Was pleased that my right shoulder and ribs didn't bother me at all as they were both very tender for some time, (two weeks or more), after my bike accidento. After I finished my laps and showered/changed I strolled back to spot where I was to meet my chauffeur and read for about 15 minutes before the tardy driver appeared. After exhausting themselves shopping, gang had stopped to buy cones and a blueberry/pomegranate smoothie for me. Tasted pretty damn good as apparently temperature was 101° in Northridge today. It didn't feel that warm in pool, (I had plenty of sun screen on.), but lifeguard was complaining it was too hot for him, particularly since there was not breeze. I told him to move to Vancouver!
Was next dropped off at Chaccaro, neighbourhood barber shop, on way home. Got a haircut and trim for $15 so was pleased as punch. Gave him a $5 tip as it was almost like having a massage, so gentle was his touch. Older man who used a straight razor to finish off back of neck and around my ears. I'll have to make sure Cora Lee doesn't get to him if I come back another time! Walked the block or so back to the apartmento enjoying the now muted warmth of the sun now lower in the sky. The Goils had wanted me to get either of the advertised "Razor Fade" or "Flat Top" cuts but I didn't think they'd suit either my hair or the elite peleton look! Nonetheless, they were quite taken with cut I received.
With respect to the legalistic modelling contract I can even bring the boom box I just bought in order to play cassette audio tapes. We can listen to music and/or a selection of the talking books I just inherited from a friend. Told Los Horridos I was posing in the nude and they believed me, at first! Didn't realize when I signed up for the gig, however, that I was to be working with a mad eccentric! Have already notified the Models & Pigment Grinding, Granulating and Grating Union, (MP3G), about unsafe work practices and harassment so I might be able to read an actual book yet! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Patricio Lisa's birthday tomorrow and I am working so will try to sort out France on Wednesday - sorry about message in triplicate it kept saying not sent x
Hi Darling! Just posted an electronic birthday card, to your email address, for Lisa. Please forward it to her as I don't have her address in my laptop's address book.
Will really need to swim tomorrow after tonight's feast and have to swim relatively early in the morning as scads to do in order to get ready for graduation party after ceremony which starts at 3:00pm. You sound pretty busy yourself Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Dinner last night at Ayn's with Beatricce, friend from Pasadena; Los Horridos at Bollywood this evening.
Dear Pat: Thanks for the update on your whereabouts. As always, I greatly appreciate the articulated details of your exploits and feel that I was right at your side (left, or right, I'm not sure) as the events (actual, or fabricated), unfolded. I'm looking forward to your big trip to Vancouver Island in June--the BC hotbed of the NDP. No, NDP does not stand for No Down Payment. More specifically, we look forward to having you as a guest in our home. Best, --Kurt
Hi Mr NDP, (No Drinking Permitted!) If some of the events have been fabricated it is only to protect the innocente! "The facts. Just the facts, Ma'am!" Looking forward to visiting as well. Just hope your address hasn't been fabricated! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Colin! Happy Victoria Day or what is left of it! Glad you enjoyed the travelogue. Passed along your congratulations to Alejandro and greetings to rest of motley crew! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Everyone 6:30 at my place Ted
Hi Famiglia Keating! We'll be thinking of you tomorrow as we are watching Alexander graduate! Cheers, Patrizzio!
See me in the link for the pig on the street episode!!!
Hi Feld of Wrath! Look forward to your malt selezzione in June! Cheers, Patrizzio!
hey pat, if need be, i can pick you up @ the airport & bring you back here to hubble's hovel. wait'll you see your bedroom of adventure. "extreme sleeping" i will need to know your expected time of arrival & airline flight number. you'll be able to recognize me since i'll be waring a pink panama hat if i can find sally's dad's version & apply a coating of fluorescent pink spray paint. see you soon, filmer
Hello Host/Chauffeur of Hubble Hovel! Thank you for your soilicitous inquiry regarding meeting me at the Winnipeg International Airport. I will be arriving on AC flight #294, Thursday, May 23, 2013, at 13:34, all going well, Life and the Known Universe unfolding as they should! I will be wearing Green Crocs to compliment your fluorescent pink ensemble. I have taken out extra life/travel insurance which should allow me to take part in the "extreme sleeping" eco-tourism adventure/activity you have so kindly planned for me. Cora Lee is extremely jealous but rather looking forward to collecting on million dollar policy! Fondestos from Ayn, Los Horridos and Coriandre. Cheers, Patrizzio! PS: Do I require special polarized lenses to view your outfit without damaging my vision? Please advise!

How interesting! Of course I may be cynical but funny u hear when she wants something!
Lauren is moving to LA mid June, we will all miss her but hope it's a great New start for her. Btw yr reply to Jean was excellent and unusually succinct! Xx Btw
Lauren is moving to LA mid June, we will all miss her but hope it's a great New start for her. Btw yr reply to Jean was excellent and unusually succinct! Xx Btw
Hello Duhlink!
Funny, your messaging is almost like me trying to get next to you back in the '70's! "This doesn't seem to be working so think I'll have another go!" Received message three times! You had better luck than me, obviously!!!
I mentioned to Cora Lee, exactly what you said about hearing from Jean when she wants something. By the way, I just asked her if she is still with her husband. (jean, not Corinne!) Reading between the lines, I have the feeling that she isn't, that the place in Nice might be her income generating operation. Wonder if I'll get an answer.
Guess I'll have to sign off now or else risk usual, constant criticism about non-succinct messages! Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
PS: Any further thoughts on France? Dates? How would you get to Neffiès if you do come? PPS: If I send this three times does that count as being non-succinct?
Hi Gran Duggaccio! Did you enjoyed Jalisco Don't Backslide? Quite a hoot, I thought. The Sisterhood went for their morning walk about 8:00am today. While they were out diced some onions to go with the chicken sausages we had together with some overlefts from last night for breakfast. Then Ayn had an appointment with DMV regarding some car insurance issues. When they were back from dealing with the bureaucracy they dropped me off at CSUN, (This is where Alejandro attended school and where ceremony will take place at 3:00pm tomorrow as the pool I used yesterday is closed every Monday. The Sisterhood left to reconnoitre local malls while I was going to torpedoe-slice through the water!
Almost didn't happen as the public pool closed at 1:30pm, a few minutes before I arrived at desk where one buys a ticket. A wonderful new sports complex was completed about a year ago and included another pool. Unfortunately, for me, access is limited to those who have memberships and six months seems to be shortest time period. Helpful chap at desk asked if I knew anyone who could provide a membership number as that would allow me a day privilege. He let me use phone and I called Ayn as she was almost across the street collecting Alejandro. She put him on the phone and he talked to cashier and all went swimmingly, so to speak. Only drawback was that pass cost $10 so after being spoiled yesterday I had to pay the piper!
[ Alto Cachapoal is a stunning Chilean micro-terroir within the Rapel Valley.]
Nevertheless, it is a very impressive facility. Two or three huge climbing walls, (impressively located right near the entrance, two huge gyms, seemingly filled with miles and miles and miles of treadmills and ellipticals and stationary bicycles, large screen TVs everywhere. Noticed all this as one must walk past these facilities on the way to the changing rooms. Locker rooms and showers are very well appointed. Pool itself is only 25 yards but latest pool technology with 10 or more lanes, plus shallower parts fro frolicking. Almost resort-like furniture on large surrounding patio areas, tastefully distributed and arranged, some chairs graced with sveltoid co-eds in skimpy two piece suits, some floating indolently on air mattresses, sunning the exposed white of their curvaceous posteriors!
Water was crystal clear and so I really enjoyed my 1.25 miles. Was pleased that my right shoulder and ribs didn't bother me at all as they were both very tender for some time, (two weeks or more), after my bike accidento. After I finished my laps and showered/changed I strolled back to spot where I was to meet my chauffeur and read for about 15 minutes before the tardy driver appeared. After exhausting themselves shopping, gang had stopped to buy cones and a blueberry/pomegranate smoothie for me. Tasted pretty damn good as apparently temperature was 101°in Northridge today. It didn't feel that warm in pool, (I had plenty of sun screen on.), but lifeguard was complaining it was too hot for him, particularly since there was not breeze. I told him to move to Vancouver!
Was dropped off at Chaccaro, neighbourhood barber shop, on way home. Got a haircut and trim for $15 so was pleased as punch. Gave him a $5 tip as it was almost like having a massage, so gentle was his touch. Older man who used a straight razor to finish off back of neck and around my ears. I'll have to make sure Cora Lee doesn't get to him if I come back another time! Walked the block or so back to the apartmento enjoying the now muted warmth of the sun now lower in the sky. The Goils had wanted me to get either of the advertised "Razor Fade" or "Flat Top" cuts but I didn't think they'd suit either my hair or the elite peleton look! Nonetheless, they were quite taken with cut I received.
Off to Bollywood, in Studio City, a northern Indian restaurant for dinner shortly. Not far away, but 10 minutes by car. We ate there last February and it is special. Fondestos from Coriandre. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Big Al! Happy Victoria Day! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Just doing housework to the sounds of the the Volga Boat song, well not quite, but i don't enjoy this pasttime on such a beautiful afternoon. I received word an hour ago that
Princess Anna would like to pleasure of her father's company, later this afternoon. I felt very honoured. Being that she is 14, sometimes very hard to meet, all diplomatic channels
must be kept open. Thanks to the excellent services of the representative here in Vancouver, of the Republic of Nauru that is, this conference will be at 4 pm, followed by supper.
I would prefer if you did a talking book if i am not being a portrait painting fascist. If that doesn't work then a book will have to do. There are also amazing Eleanor Wachtel interviews too that i could play off the iMac. They are so darn bookish you just might find yourself in CBC's version of heaven. You could also wear with an ear bud if you like too, and listen to iPods, or talking books. I might even included hearing devices in the portrait. Just like with Arye, the package deal includesa hearty breakfast, a healthy lunch and a steady supply of fine coffees or teas. Currently mocca offerings include Medium Roast Sumatra from the Galiano Roasting Company, just purchased yesterday, in Britannia Beach. A word of warning, i will strive to do this in a two to two and half hour sitting, but i might require another visit. bob
Hi Bob!
Happy Victoria Day or what is left of it! Just back from Bollywood and meal really was delicioso: To start, simple but tasty tomatoe/cucumber salad with cilantro and two stuffed naans: one with garlic/basil, the other with minced lamb. Afterwards we all shared Shrimp Biryani, (shrimp fried rice cooked with raisins and cashew nuts), Lamb Korma, (lamb curry cooked with ground almond and cream), Chicken Coconut Curry, and Sag Paneer, (creamy spinach cooked with home made cheese). Complimentary desserts, in honour of Alejandro's graduation, homemade ice-cream: mango and pistachio. Well satisfied we drove home to have more dessert! Samplers of tomorrow's fare: Pacific Cheesecake Company's, (Sherman Oaks), cheesecake cupcakes, some gluten-free for Coriandre, and Yummy Cupcakes, (Burbank), cupcakes.
Earlier this afternoon I was dropped off at CSUN, (This is where Alejandro attended school and where ceremony will take place at 3:00pm tomorrow.), as the pool I used yesterday is closed every Monday. The Sisterhood left to reconnoitre local malls while I was going to torpedoe-slice through the water!
Almost didn't happen as the public pool closed at 1:30pm, a few minutes before I arrived at desk where one buys a ticket. A wonderful new sports complex was completed about a year ago and included another pool. Unfortunately, for me, access is limited to those who have memberships and six months seems to be shortest time period. Helpful chap at desk asked if I knew anyone who could provide a membership number as that would allow me a day privilege. He let me use phone and I called Ayn as she was almost across the street collecting Alejandro. She put him on the phone and he talked to cashier and all went swimmingly, so to speak. Only drawback was that pass cost $10 so after being spoiled yesterday I had to pay the piper!
Nevertheless, it is a very impressive facility. Two or three huge climbing walls, (impressively located right near the entrance, two huge gyms, seemingly filled with miles and miles and miles of treadmills and ellipticals and stationary bicycles, large screen TVs everywhere. Noticed all this as one must walk past these facilities on the way to the changing rooms. Locker rooms and showers are very well appointed. Pool itself is only 25 yards but latest pool technology with 10 or more lanes, plus shallower parts fro frolicking. Almost resort-like furniture on large surrounding patio areas, tastefully distributed and arranged, some chairs graced with sveltoid co-eds in skimpy two piece suits, some floating indolently on air mattresses, sunning the exposed white of their curvaceous posteriors!
Water was crystal clear and so I really enjoyed my 1.25 miles. Was pleased that my right shoulder and ribs didn't bother me at all as they were both very tender for some time, (two weeks or more), after my bike accidento. After I finished my laps and showered/changed I strolled back to spot where I was to meet my chauffeur and read for about 15 minutes before the tardy driver appeared. After exhausting themselves shopping, gang had stopped to buy cones and a blueberry/pomegranate smoothie for me. Tasted pretty damn good as apparently temperature was 101° in Northridge today. It didn't feel that warm in pool, (I had plenty of sun screen on.), but lifeguard was complaining it was too hot for him, particularly since there was not breeze. I told him to move to Vancouver!
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Theater of Delphi on the southwestern spur of Mount Parnassus
Photo: Leonid Tsvetkov
With respect to the legalistic modelling contract I can even bring the boom box I just bought in order to play cassette audio tapes. We can listen to music and/or a selection of the talking books I just inherited from a friend. Told Los Horridos I was posing in the nude and they believed me, at first! Didn't realize when I signed up for the gig, however, that I was to be working with a mad eccentric! Have already notified the Models & Pigment Grinding, Granulating and Grating Union, (MP3G), about unsafe work practices and harassment so I might be able to read an actual book yet! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Patricio Lisa's birthday tomorrow and I am working so will try to sort out France on Wednesday - sorry about message in triplicate it kept saying not sent x
Hi Darling! Just posted an electronic birthday card, to your email address, for Lisa. Please forward it to her as I don't have her address in my laptop's address book.
Will really need to swim tomorrow after tonight's feast and have to swim relatively early in the morning as scads to do in order to get ready for graduation party after ceremony which starts at 3:00pm. You sound pretty busy yourself Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Dinner last night at Ayn's with Beatricce, friend from Pasadena; Los Horridos at Bollywood this evening.
Dear Pat: Thanks for the update on your whereabouts. As always, I greatly appreciate the articulated details of your exploits and feel that I was right at your side (left, or right, I'm not sure) as the events (actual, or fabricated), unfolded. I'm looking forward to your big trip to Vancouver Island in June--the BC hotbed of the NDP. No, NDP does not stand for No Down Payment. More specifically, we look forward to having you as a guest in our home. Best, --Kurt
Hi Mr NDP, (No Drinking Permitted!) If some of the events have been fabricated it is only to protect the innocente! "The facts. Just the facts, Ma'am!" Looking forward to visiting as well. Just hope your address hasn't been fabricated! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Colin! Happy Victoria Day or what is left of it! Glad you enjoyed the travelogue. Passed along your congratulations to Alejandro and greetings to rest of motley crew! Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hi Everyone 6:30 at my place Ted
Hi Famiglia Keating! We'll be thinking of you tomorrow as we are watching Alexander graduate! Cheers, Patrizzio!
See me in the link for the pig on the street episode!!!
Hey guys just a reminder that the show airs next Monday 27th may on
the food network. We're having a party at the Meatery in Edgemont
village and would love you to come..
Check out the clip below :)
Hi Chloë et al!
Happy Victoria Day or what is left of it! How is Maggster? Quite enjoyed your second of fame! Alex blinked and missed it!!! Ayn just finished vacuuming and is now finally in bed! Love and Cheers, Dad!
Thanks for the brilliant travelogue description Patrick! The driving down experience sounds not much to my liking, however, you did have your novel etc! Love to Ayn and the boys, and congratulations re: to the graduation lad!! Very poignant description regarding Ayn's friend Mellisa's memorial. Safe journey home, and warm regards to you and Corrine, cheers colin
Jean Homsy
Jean Homsy
for message. no problem on the personal note, think we have k own each
other long enough !! he is coming n Thursday and we are going to Italy
for a few days. he will retire from the bank end-July but hopes to
find something to do between NICE-Japan. he loves Japan (who doesn't )
but I prefer (not sooo sure) to live in NICE. So, are things going
well, well time will tell after his retirement. Not a very clear answer
but not a very clear situation.
Would like to catchup if we can in September, we missed each other in Japan, try not to do that in France.
Hello Patrick,
Hello Patrick,
Please forgive me my late response to your e-mail but I had a week
when you really don’t know what is happening but I didn't have a quite
moment to look at your letters in detail.
I gather you already sent the Hungarian version to Julia. Do not
worry the essence of your letter is OK, the grammar is a bit stilted but
she will be very touched and honored to read your warm, heartfelt
letter to her and to the family.
If I can be of any help or assistance before your trip please don’t hesitate to contact me at any time. I will help you with “Hungarian Curiosities” other than “paprika”
If I can be of any help or assistance before your trip please don’t hesitate to contact me at any time. I will help you with “Hungarian Curiosities” other than “paprika”
Also if you like to write again to Julia or just contact her I am here, you know my e-mail address or call at home.
We miss Imre a lot. Even in the late stage of his illness he never
lost his curiosity about the news in the world and always had an opinion
of the situation in his old country and the state of “new Hungary.'’ Bye for now, please keep in touch, Mari
Hi Patrick,
Sorry for the delay in
getting back to you, we had a 2 day event this weekend, so I’m just
getting caught up! I can happily ship your wine to your daughter’s
place. The shipping for a case to go to Studio City
is $30.40. The easiest option would be to charge the card we have on
file. The shipment should arrive by the beginning of next week.
Please let me know if you would like to me to ahead and charge the card on file to ship the wines. Alternatively you can call me here at the winery and provide a different form of payment.
Please let me know if you would like to me to ahead and charge the card on file to ship the wines. Alternatively you can call me here at the winery and provide a different form of payment.
Kindly, Victoria Wilson,Tasting Room Manager, Wine Club Coordinator
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