Hi Chloƫ!
Here are the snaps. Thanks and Love, Dad!
A giraffe short for animal lovers.
trust you survived all the fine food and the volunteer work at the card table. I would borrow the
Tana French's Broken Harbour if the copy is
available. As I finish Heartwood this character Navarro is beginning to
show up around the house, a sardonic grin on his face. I have the Muddy
Waters book here if you want to take that on now. Tomorrow, Tuesday, I
have a squash game at noon but would enjoy an early ride around the park
or something if that works for either of you. A longer
ride Wednesday would also be welcome. G
Hi Lads!
Talked to Whirlygig earlier this evening, Raymond. In order to accommodate his noon squash match, would you be able to meet at 25th and Maple at 8:45am? Quick jaunt out to Iona unless you have another route in mind. Let me know. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
P/G, Yes, sounds good. Ray
Hi again, Giggster!
Interesting character, is Navarro. Am reminded of The Inspector Rutledge series, set in post WWI England. "Ian Rutledge is a Scotland Yard Detective recently returned from the battlefields of France. He is a sharp shadow of the man he once was, a victim of shell shock who carries the voice of the corporal who served with him (Hamish) in the back of his head." In this instance Rutledge has had to give the order to execute Hamish, by firing squad, for disobeying the order to "go over the top"! Interesting moral parallels between these two characters and the protagonists they haunt.
I'd love the Muddy Waters book but I have my hands full with Broken Harbour, (500 pages!), and Robert Crais' Suspect, collected from Kale Male after bridge this aft. Would pass along BH but I think it'll be due by time I'm finished. 17th for Suspect so some late nights ahead!
See you at 8:45am at 25th and Maple unless we hear otherwise from RR. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi again, Giggster!
Interesting character, is Navarro. Am reminded of The Inspector Rutledge series, set in post WWI England. "Ian Rutledge is a Scotland Yard Detective recently returned from the battlefields of France. He is a sharp shadow of the man he once was, a victim of shell shock who carries the voice of the corporal who served with him (Hamish) in the back of his head." In this instance Rutledge has had to give the order to execute Hamish, by firing squad, for disobeying the order to "go over the top"! Interesting moral parallels between these two characters and the protagonists they haunt.
I'd love the Muddy Waters book but I have my hands full with Broken Harbour, (500 pages!), and Robert Crais' Suspect, collected from Kale Male after bridge this aft. Would pass along BH but I think it'll be due by time I'm finished. 17th for Suspect so some late nights ahead!
See you at 8:45am at 25th and Maple unless we hear otherwise from RR. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi Pat, It now looks like we're going to go to the Okanagan on Wednesday, and return on
Sunday. Finally. Cheers, Kjell
Hi Kjell! Okanagan should be lovely. Do you know what time on Sunday you expect to be back? If late in the afternoon, would you like to come for dinner that evening, on the 12th? When we suggested dates before we were to go to a birthday party that night. This event has now been rescheduled. Let me know and we'll plan accordingly. Cheers, Patrizzio! Hello to The Sisterhood and to The Unsung Brotherhood Support Staff, (Barefoot, Emasculated and in the Kitchen)!
Thanks very, very much for the wonderful morning of bridge and conversation and lovely lunch, Mary. Please pass along snaps to my fabulous partner, Helen, and to Wilhelmina for her fierce, unwavering opposition. Furthermore, don't feel too, too badly that I didn't win any fabulous door prizes! Who needs wine or chocolates anyway? Cheers, Patrizzio!
Sunday. Finally. Cheers, Kjell

Thanks very, very much for the wonderful morning of bridge and conversation and lovely lunch, Mary. Please pass along snaps to my fabulous partner, Helen, and to Wilhelmina for her fierce, unwavering opposition. Furthermore, don't feel too, too badly that I didn't win any fabulous door prizes! Who needs wine or chocolates anyway? Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks for hosting the party, also to David. Was great to see your new place. A lovely spot. Hugs Corinne
Hi Maya and David and Declan and The Birthday Boy!
Thanks to one and all for the lovely gathering, as Cora Lee has already mentioned. Congratulations, once again, Colin! Glorious weather, fabulous food and hootch, scintillating company, what more could one desire? Pleasure to meet David and hope we'll see you two at The Islay Inn soon. Must say I was most impressed with the carnivorous Venus Fly Trap and the Yoda Snow Globe. I would like the global franchise for both! Take care of each other. Fondestiniii and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Thanks to one and all for the lovely gathering, as Cora Lee has already mentioned. Congratulations, once again, Colin! Glorious weather, fabulous food and hootch, scintillating company, what more could one desire? Pleasure to meet David and hope we'll see you two at The Islay Inn soon. Must say I was most impressed with the carnivorous Venus Fly Trap and the Yoda Snow Globe. I would like the global franchise for both! Take care of each other. Fondestiniii and Cheers, Patrizzio!
You and Corinne are more than welcome to stay in October too . Max got
me up at 630 this morning so I am back in bed trying to have a skip
before going out later with my new man x
It was a simply gorgeous day here yesterday. Cora Lee, Chloƫ and I attended a 59th birthday party for a close friend, Colin, in the afternoon. Wonderful food, (irresistible appetizers, dips, and two birthday cakes!), and fun visiting with people we'd not seen in some time.
Back home where Pamela, Cora Lee's sister from Winnipeg, and Laureen, colleague from Thunder Bay, both in town on business, were back, (They came to dinner on Friday night.), and prepared a lovely dinner: turkey sausages on the bbq, fresh corn on the cob, (sweet, tender and delicious), and a tasty green salad with avocado. Dessert was fresh blackberries/strawberries on top of Angel Food cake!
After all that food really needed a long ride today but played bridge at 9:00am as part of a fund raiser for Grandmothers for Africa. My partner and I seemed to have all of the cards so our opponenets were none too, too happy. We ended up winning three quick rubbers before they bid and made a game! Still,a very good cause and everyone enjoyed themselves. Cora Lee was playing as well but at a different table. Fondestos and Cheers, Patrizzio!
Pics: Cora Lee with Colin, (Birthday Boy), and his daughter, Maya; Pamela and Laureen; Cora Lee between Helen, left, my partner, and Mary, one half of our opposition.
Hi Olivetti! Terrific to hear from you! Thanks so much for the wonderful "archival" photos! What memories indeed! Glad that the Italians are still giving you a hard time. From the picture Bob passed along, you have a very beautiful wife and wonderful children. Congratulations!
When will you arrive in Vancouver? We fly to London on July 10th so I trust you will arrive before then otherwise I'm afraid our paths won't cross this time. We return on October 19th. Let me know and we can plan accordingly if you are here in early July.
Hey Pat, Does tomorrow afternoon (Tuesday afternoon) work for you for me to visit? Thursday also works if Tuesday is not good. Dennis
Hi Dennisovitch!
Thursday is best as I'm actually at two events at UBC tomorrow afternoon! Let me know what time on Thursday and we'll plan accordingly. If it makes no difference to you, say around 3:00ish. Anyway, tell me what works for you. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hey Patrizzio, Thursday at 3:00PM it is. I'll be there. What is your address and phone number? Dennis
Hi, Patrick . . .
Thanks for this most recent message . . . and I am glad to be able to tell you that Eyob has confirmed for Friday, June 14th, 6:00 p.m. I am scheduled to work until 5:30 p.m. that day, so should be able to manage 6:00 p.m. as well. Will check in closer to the date to see what I can bring and confirm details. I look forward to it!
Your emails and pictures are interesting. What a place - The Meatery. Sounds quite distinctive . . . and so much meat! I have vegetarian leanings and when I do eat "animal protein" it's usually fish or chicken. But I'm quite able to make exceptions from time to time - and I do find the smell of roasting meat enticing. Not long ago, I was a guest at a repast that included barbequed pork chops that were really delicious.
I'm glad to hear that you are out on your bike again and generally on the mend. That's good! For my part, I returned to work last week. It went reasonably well, though my foot situation is really ebb-and-flow. This weekend, I went on two undemanding walks, neither more than a mile or so, and on the flat. But my toe-joint was throbbing very painfully by the end of the second one. Perhaps the warm weather was a factor.
Good that your plans for France are coming along. I would like to spend more time in Europe at some point, although the cost is daunting. In the meantime, though, I'm focused on my next trips (not one but two!) to India. I booked my ticket last week - outbound from Vancouver on October 8th. I'll go to London on Air Canada, then connect to an Air India flight to Delhi, where I'll catch a flight to my final destination, Kolkata. There is a 10-hour wait in London. However, in my view, it will be worth it to arrive in Kolkata at around 3:30 p.m. in the afternoon. All other flights seem to arrive about midnight or later, which in my view mitigates against adapting to local time etc., as the first night is totally disrupted - not to mention that you have to pay for a full night's hotel bill, despite only being there a few hours. Well, have to get ready for work soon. I envy your retired status! Bye for now, Janet
Hi Janet!
Wonderful that the 14th is on with Eyob and family. we can discuss menu closer to time but perhaps you might ask him f there are foods they don't eat. Sorry to hear about your toe-joint. You and Corinne belong to the same club, unfortunately! Hope all is back to normal by the time your trip to India rolls around.
After all that food really needed a long ride today but played bridge at 9:00am as part of a fund raiser for Grandmothers for Africa. My partner and I seemed to have all of the cards so our opponents were none too, too happy. Still, a very good cause and everyone enjoyed themselves. Cora Lee was playing as well but at a different table. Best wishes from Cora Lee. Cheers, Patrizzio!
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