Hi Whirlygig!
Once again, I fear that you have been imbibing too, too much Howe Sound Bitter and this has made you more than bitter yourself, about the election results. Imagine how bitter you'll really be when you find out how much the cheapest porch climber costs in Sweden. You'll be wringing out the cloth you've used for cleaning your chain and drinking the last few drops and dregs!
Funnily enough, it appears your sotted mind has become more Machiavellian with the prodigious amounts of meths you've been swilling of late so that you evasiveness knows no bounds:
verb intr.: To be vague or ambiguous, especially in order to mislead.
From Latin aequi-/equi- (equal) + vocare (to call), from vox (voice). Earliest documented use: 1590.
"The bishop, (cyclist), equivocates and wrings/honks his fat hands,
(large horn), and procrastinates: "I'll ride domani and domani and
domani but domani never comes!" Correct me if I'm wrong but did you not
state: "I would like to ride Wednesday if the weather cooperates. "
I suppose you are now blind as well! Once more, correct me if I'm wrong, but according to you today's weather was not suitable for cycling. I've heard of being blind drunk before but never took it literally until now., "I will defer my ride until Thursday, hopefully the weather will be improved." What, pray tell, are suitable conditions for you, my liege Lord? Gentle zephyrs, fluffy white clouds, blue, blue skies and tropical sunshine?
Shaking my head at your sunk in depression missive, I headed out for SP on the Seawall about 9:45am. Was a tad overcast and a touch coolish at the start but since I was determined to keep my AVG above 20 KPH I soon armed up as I zipped along. Benefit of it being "iffy" in terms of rain meant that there was hardly a soul on the Seawallf so I enjoyed having the thoroughfare almost to myself. Had decided I'd shoot for 100 K, weather permitting, so this meant at least 7 PPH Loops. Was prepared to cut ride short earlier if a downpour threatened or I became soaked before I was able to seek shelter somewhere and had become too, too sodden to continue for more than it would take to return home.

Domani?????????????????? Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Pat, The Robert Crais book is due back by Friday. Hope you enjoyed it. Ray
Hi Raymond! How goes the visit? Really enjoyed Suspect. Cora Lee is almost finished it as well so we'll have it back before or on Friday. Thanks. Furthermore, we both found the Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry to be quite remarkable. Corinne thinks that she will suggest if for her Book Club but I said you'd have to approve the request first!
We plan to ride tomorrow but I can't go until after I drop Corinne off at the Mount Pleasant CC Library at shortly before 10:00am. I imagine I'll be home and ready to go by 10:30am or so. Give a call or send a message if interested. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
P, Hope your anniversary was 37 times better. Thanks for connecting
us to the Squamish tribe. We did not call last night -- got caught up
in the upset election and now plan to move to Sweden. I will defer my ride until Thursday, hopefully the weather will be improved. See you at 6:30 at Mike's. Let me know if you are riding there. W
Hi Giggster!
I just missed the gang at Mike's! Cora Lee picked me outside Vancity Theatre and we drove to 14th. I asked her to wait to make sure you were still playing but Polly said everyone had left about 9:30pm, I gather. Mike said he was overall winner so I told him host is never supposed to do so!
Kjell and I enjoyed the film although it was pretty silly for all sorts of reasons.
‘¡Ay Jalisco, No Te Rajes!’ ("Hey Jalisco, Don’t Back Down!")
In rural Mexico, when a young boy’s parents are killed, he is raised by a farm worker and the town’s barman, who instills a desire of vengeance in him, and as an adult he romances a young woman who is going to marry a rich man to save her father from financial ruin. This 1941 Mexican film classic became an enormous hit and features Jorge Negrete as the first cinematic singing Mariachi. This performance made Negrete an international Latin film star and launched the appearance of singing mariachis in films.
Unsophisticated, from our perspective now, is best way to describe it in terms of plot and fairly slap-stick action, broad acting. Still, very interesting from a historical point of view. Even more fascinating was the live mariachi band, Los Dorados, from Vancouver, performing in the lobby after the screening. I only saw two numbers before CL came to collect me, one with a chap doing some amazing tricks with a lasso and the second, a dance duet with a very, very attractive woman in a simply gorgeous, flowing green dress and a handsome man in black, sombrero and all. Band was wonderful, voices, brass and all, so it was quite show.
In case you are interested, Los Dorados are part of the The 5th MARIACHI FESTIVAL CANADA, scheduled from May 15th to May 20th, in various cities and locations in Canada, including a Mariachi Gala in Vancouver on Saturday May 18th, at the Vogue.
On the reading front, we both found the Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry to be quite remarkable. Corinne thinks that she will suggest if for her Book Club but I said The Brotherhood would have to approve the request first since the book came from Raymondo, initially!
If we plan to ride tomorrow I can't go until after I drop Corinne off at the Mount Pleasant CC Library at shortly before 10:00am. I imagine I'll be home and ready to go by 10:30am or so. Give a call or send a message if this works. I know Robo Man is out, guests and tutoring filling his day. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Hi Giggster!
I just missed the gang at Mike's! Cora Lee picked me outside Vancity Theatre and we drove to 14th. I asked her to wait to make sure you were still playing but Polly said everyone had left about 9:30pm, I gather. Mike said he was overall winner so I told him host is never supposed to do so!
Kjell and I enjoyed the film although it was pretty silly for all sorts of reasons.
‘¡Ay Jalisco, No Te Rajes!’ ("Hey Jalisco, Don’t Back Down!")
In rural Mexico, when a young boy’s parents are killed, he is raised by a farm worker and the town’s barman, who instills a desire of vengeance in him, and as an adult he romances a young woman who is going to marry a rich man to save her father from financial ruin. This 1941 Mexican film classic became an enormous hit and features Jorge Negrete as the first cinematic singing Mariachi. This performance made Negrete an international Latin film star and launched the appearance of singing mariachis in films.
Unsophisticated, from our perspective now, is best way to describe it in terms of plot and fairly slap-stick action, broad acting. Still, very interesting from a historical point of view. Even more fascinating was the live mariachi band, Los Dorados, from Vancouver, performing in the lobby after the screening. I only saw two numbers before CL came to collect me, one with a chap doing some amazing tricks with a lasso and the second, a dance duet with a very, very attractive woman in a simply gorgeous, flowing green dress and a handsome man in black, sombrero and all. Band was wonderful, voices, brass and all, so it was quite show.
In case you are interested, Los Dorados are part of the The 5th MARIACHI FESTIVAL CANADA, scheduled from May 15th to May 20th, in various cities and locations in Canada, including a Mariachi Gala in Vancouver on Saturday May 18th, at the Vogue.
On the reading front, we both found the Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry to be quite remarkable. Corinne thinks that she will suggest if for her Book Club but I said The Brotherhood would have to approve the request first since the book came from Raymondo, initially!
If we plan to ride tomorrow I can't go until after I drop Corinne off at the Mount Pleasant CC Library at shortly before 10:00am. I imagine I'll be home and ready to go by 10:30am or so. Give a call or send a message if this works. I know Robo Man is out, guests and tutoring filling his day. Cheers, Il Conduttore!
Glad you both enjoyed the books.
The Harold Fry book sounds as though it would provoke an excellent
stimulus for discussion for Corinne's book club.
Cycled with Dave and Judith
yesterday to the train station so they could change their tickets to
Seattle from the bus to the train. It only cost $8 for the two of them
to make the adjustment, so it was well worth the trip.
They continued around Stanley Park and really enjoyed the afternoon.
Planning on taking them to QE Park
tomorrow morning and leaving them at VanDusen while I return home for
tutoring at 12. We'll probably have to wait until you get back from LA
before we ride again. Hope your journey goes
Sylvia contacted me this morning
before 8 and she didn't leave Vancouver until 8:50pm Tuesday. She was
already in Jenny's flat having taken the Heathrow Express which makes
much better time than the other train which makes
numerous stops en route. Ray
Hello Everybody,
These two posts, are the last from Cambodia, and from the middle of February. There will be a few more posts from Bangkok after this, which will
bring the tour to Southeast Asia to an end.
A golden travel opportunity was this invite to a wedding banquet:
Last days in Phnom Penh including time with local friends:
Best Wishes from New Westminster. bob
I'll be available for our next rendezvous sometime in July. My latest psychosis:
Hi Victoria!
When we met you and joined the Cellar Club, last February, we thought that we would be driving down to LA this May to attend our youngest grandson's graduation from U Cal Northridge. As things have turned out, we will be flying so I'd like to have our wine delivered to our daughter's business address. Please let me know how to pay the shipping charges. Thanks very much. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Hello Everybody,
These two posts, are the last from Cambodia, and from the middle of February. There will be a few more posts from Bangkok after this, which will
bring the tour to Southeast Asia to an end.
A golden travel opportunity was this invite to a wedding banquet:
Last days in Phnom Penh including time with local friends:
Best Wishes from New Westminster. bob
I'll be available for our next rendezvous sometime in July. My latest psychosis:
Here's the background:
The well educated
and quite attractive woman of nearly 40 held fast to her delusional
belief that she, and I and everyone she encounters in her life,
including the people present at today's review panel are
characters in a reality show scripted by a man she believes to be her
boyfriend, or rather
wants to have as her boyfriend. He is real,
but he ain't her boyfriend and does not want to be. She hired his band
some years ago to play a Halloween party and somewhow reached the
conclusion that he was destined to be her lover.
But that never came to pass because he found her to be stalking him and
complained to her family who restrained her to a certain extent. She
told us that she believes he is directing us through earpiece microphone
implants in our heads. She insists that
this guy Jamey, because he is computer literate, has the power to
program everyone associated with her or in her life, to direct them to
do things, to be certain places and so on and so forth. I asked her:
"Like the Truman Show, right?" She said: "Exactly".
She is the ultimate in impulsivity. Any idea that comes to her troubled mind, she acts on it immediately, without a moment's thought about the consequences. Among the events Jamey has orchestrated, she insisted today::
She is the ultimate in impulsivity. Any idea that comes to her troubled mind, she acts on it immediately, without a moment's thought about the consequences. Among the events Jamey has orchestrated, she insisted today::
Somehow insinuated
to her that he was in France, in Paris, the City of Love, and so she
tried to board a flight to Paris without a ticket. The gate attendants
had to tackle her to keep her from getting to
the plane.
Somehow conveyed to
her that he was waiting for her in a boat off Point Grey. She went to
Wreck Beach, swam about 200 meters out toward the Pt. Grey Bell buoy
where she, cold and exhausted (it was May 2012)
clambered aboard a dinghy tied up to some kind of boat. The guy there
refused to take her back to shore unless she submitted to sex with him
and so, having no choice, she submitted and was raped. Police have no
idea if the event ever happened, no clue as
to the boat's identity or the perpetrator, or whether there was even a sexual act. [Try to imagine what a defence counsel would do to this complaining
victim if ever they did charge someone].
In late April
somehow Jamey communicated to her that he was coming to Vancouver on a
scheduled helijet flight landing at the Canada Place heliport. She
burst through the gate as passengers disembarked and
was taken down by security who feared her decapitation by whirling
copter blades and held til the cops came and took her to the psych ward.
For a good part of the hearing she feigned good results from a new antipsychotic and went along with the doctor's appraisal that she seemed to be responding well even though it was somewhat early to draw ultimate conclusions. He said the delusions remained but they were less intense. She argued that she should be a "voluntary" patient, free from any restraint or compulsion to be treated. Then, at the end, she told us that she wanted to live with her delusions, that no medicine could ever disabuse her of her beliefs that Jamey loved her, that if released she would never take any anti-psychotics and on and on. She insisted that it was unfair and inhumane to lock her up, and she should be left to live out her delusions and this reality show. At that point I sort of lost my temper and rebuked her, telling her that being "locked up" actually has saved her life and put her on the path to sound mental health and reality. I said "Yesterday I met a man who intended to make a parachute out of garbage bags and test it in a plunge from a high building but his psychiatrist intervened and had him brought to hospital. Should they have let him "live out his delusions? It would be a pretty short lifespan." Again, as I have so many times, I made the mistake of trying to elicit a rational response from a wholly irrational person.
For a good part of the hearing she feigned good results from a new antipsychotic and went along with the doctor's appraisal that she seemed to be responding well even though it was somewhat early to draw ultimate conclusions. He said the delusions remained but they were less intense. She argued that she should be a "voluntary" patient, free from any restraint or compulsion to be treated. Then, at the end, she told us that she wanted to live with her delusions, that no medicine could ever disabuse her of her beliefs that Jamey loved her, that if released she would never take any anti-psychotics and on and on. She insisted that it was unfair and inhumane to lock her up, and she should be left to live out her delusions and this reality show. At that point I sort of lost my temper and rebuked her, telling her that being "locked up" actually has saved her life and put her on the path to sound mental health and reality. I said "Yesterday I met a man who intended to make a parachute out of garbage bags and test it in a plunge from a high building but his psychiatrist intervened and had him brought to hospital. Should they have let him "live out his delusions? It would be a pretty short lifespan." Again, as I have so many times, I made the mistake of trying to elicit a rational response from a wholly irrational person.
When we met you and joined the Cellar Club, last February, we thought that we would be driving down to LA this May to attend our youngest grandson's graduation from U Cal Northridge. As things have turned out, we will be flying so I'd like to have our wine delivered to our daughter's business address. Please let me know how to pay the shipping charges. Thanks very much. Cheers, Patrizzio!
Good Evening Soda Rock Cellar Club Member,
Your March shipment is awaiting pickup here at the
winery. Come retrieve your delicious wines and of course plop yourself
down at the bar for a tasting!
As a reminder, any shipments not retrieved by
Sunday June 9th, 2013, will be shipped at the member’s expense, unless
arrangements are made for pickup on a later date.
Thanks, and hope to see you here soon! Victoria Wilson, Tasting Room Manager, Wine Club Coordinator
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